
Posts Tagged ‘Federal Emergency Management Agency’

Are You Ready or Are You READY?

September 11th, 2009
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Here at USACE, we fulfill a vital mission in our response to a variety of emergencies. We spend a lot of time, money and effort preparing, so that we are ready to act when people find themselves in harm’s way.

What is true for our organization in planning for disasters, applies personally to everyone. Now is the time to plan for the unimaginable. Planning protects what you hold dear and reduces the potential for devastating losses.

September is National Preparedness Month, a nationwide effort sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s READY Campaign in partnership with Citizen Corps. We are taking part in this nationwide effort to encourage individuals, families and communities to prepare for emergencies… so I wanted to use this forum to encourage you to do the same.

This year, National Preparedness Month is focusing on changing perceptions about emergency preparedness, and will help Americans understand what it truly means to be READY. Preparedness goes beyond fire alarms, smoke detectors, dead-bolt locks and extra food in the pantry. Being READY includes: getting an emergency supply kit; making a family emergency plan; being informed about emergencies and their appropriate responses; and getting involved in community efforts such as Citizen Corps.

There are simple steps you can take to better prepare yourself and your family. I encourage you to take a look at the family emergency plan template and emergency supply kit checklist available at and for more information. I also encourage you to visit to explore ways that you can get involved in your community.

By taking a few simple steps now, each of us can make sure we are better prepared for the next emergency or disaster.

Emergency Response , , , , ,

Flooding in America’s Heartland

June 12th, 2008
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Throughout the Midwest today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working with state and local levee districts, emergency responders, elected officials and other federal agencies to coordinate flood fighting activities. Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa are among the hardest hit right now, and Missouri and Nebraska are on alert.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people who live in the affected areas, and with our teammates, who are once again on the scene when the Nation needs us.

Extreme flooding in Indiana

Extreme flooding in Indiana

As of today (June 12, 2008), a total of 1,676,700 sandbags and 79 pumps have been issued to support state requests for assistance. There are currently 152 of our dedicated employees engaged in the response effort, and I expect more are on their way.

We are also supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s efforts, by providing technical assistance for dam inspections and debris. In addition, we’re providing engineering and environmental expertise to FEMA’s housing planning team – which is an interagency group that works with the state to identify what housing options are available to meet the needs of that specific area.

In Iowa, we’ve really taken on a new and unique role when it comes to commodities, like tarps, drinking water or ready to eat meals. We’re helping state and local officials build their capabilities when it comes to ordering, delivering and distributing those goods. We’re coordinating with the state and local governments to provide temporary power to critical public facilities in Iowa, as well.

We’ve got a deep bench of seasoned pros who are already on this, and people coming out of the woodwork volunteering to help. I’m so proud to be a part of this team.

Emergency Response, Levees , , , , , ,