Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

The DoD SBIR/STTR Help Desk is available Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ET at
1-800-348-0787, or by email to the Help Desk at:

Items of Interest

  • SBIR 2016.3 BAA and STTR 2016.C BAA are now closed to proposal submission.
  • DoD BAA/Solicitation Changes: The Small Business Administration, through its SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, purposely departs from normal Government solicitation formats and requirements and authorizes agencies to simplify the SBIR/STTR award process and minimize the regulatory burden on small business. Therefore, consistent with the SBA Policy Directive, the Department of Defense is soliciting SBIR 16.3 and STTR 16.C as Broad Agency Announcements (BAA).
  • SBA Reauthorization Implementation Policy – Congress has reauthorized the SBIR/STTR Programs through September 30, 2017. While this Reauthorization contains many changes, all DoD SBIR/STTR Programs will continue to follow the current SBIR and STTR Policy Directives (unless otherwise noted in the SBA Implementation Policy) until new policy directives are released by the SBA and the DoD develops policy to implement any changes.

This graphic shows SBIR/STTR program results. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the graphic to view total Awards, Commercialization or Socioeconomic results by State or by Component. Commercialization results are the combined value of sales and additional non-SBIR investments, from either a federal or private entity, which result from, extend, or logically conclude any Phase II project. Click here to download the data for these graphics for FY 2009–2011.

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