Naval Sea Systems Command

Design and Integration Technology
This area focuses on the capability to integrate multi-disciplinary technologies and systems into total ship designs and support analyses for surface ships, submarines, combatant craft and Marine Corps vehicles.

Included are the engineering processes that cut across the ship and craft designs including cost/warfighting effectiveness, total ship design concepts, shipbuilding and manufacturing technologies, logistic support systems, physics-based modeling and simulation and information systems.

It is a combination of specialized expertise, unique and complex computer codes, computer workstations, large screen computer visualization, integrated product team spaces, facilities and secure working environments.

These building blocks provide a total system capability, technical depth and breadth, operational understanding and a vision for producing effective and affordable naval and maritime ships and vehicles.

Major functions:
  • Provide acquisition milestone support, especially pre-milestone 1.
  • Perform analysis of alternative evaluations.
  • Evaluate the total ownership cost (TOC) of naval forces, ships, ship systems and ship components.
  • Perform cost as an independent variable (CAIV) studies.
  • Provide technical authority expertise for boats and craft.
  • Provide life cycle management, configuration management, integrated logistics support for boats and craft.
  • Provide program management services and act as technical development agent for USMC maneuver and survivability technical thrusts.
  • Conduct early stage design studies, especially for advanced ship and system concepts.
  • Support Navy ship acquisition programs through all phases of design, construction and in-service engineering.
  • Mature and transition emerging open systems architecture concepts.
  • Provide integrated process and product development (IPPD) and design tool environment development and deployment.
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