Lessons Learned Office


Collect, analyze, and disseminate Lessons Learned from USAREUR operations and training events; Prepare After Actions Reports as required; Serve as the central Request for Research Center, providing timely, accurate, and specially packaged research analysis, to leaders.

Search Database

The Lessons Learned database is fully searchable, and available on U.S. Army Europe's Intranet portal, https://intranet.eur.army.mil/hq/g3/LessonsLearned. Please note you must be on a government computer system or connected via a VPN to access.

Request For Research

Using all available resources (world wide web, online databases and other means) we will find answers to your Request For Research (RFR).

RFRs may be submitted by contacting the Lessons Learned office.

Please be prepared to provide the following information points for your RFR:

    1. Your Name
    2. Office/Unit
    3. DSN Phone
    4. Email Address
    5. Detailed description for the request
    6. Suspense (if desired)

Contact Us

The Lessons Learned Office is located in the Mission Command Center, Room 2S01, on Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany.


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