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CHIPS Articles: U.S. Navy History and Week in Review

U.S. Navy History and Week in Review
10 events you may have missed this past week in the Navy
By Navy News Service - February 20, 2015

On this Day in History — Today in 1962, U.S. Marine Lt. Col. John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth. His flight in Friendship 7 (Mercury 6) consisted of three orbits in 88 minutes at a velocity of 17,544 mph with the highest altitude of 162.2 statute miles. Recovery was conducted by USS Noa (DD-841).

Customize Your Email to Make Signing/Encrypting Messages Easier — The most commonly reported PII breach in the Department of the Navy is also one of the easiest breaches to prevent: failure to encrypt an email message containing personally identifiable information (PII). In August 2014, failure to encrypt email resulted in almost half of all PII breaches reported, impacting a significant number of DON personnel. DON policy requires that all email containing sensitive information, including PII, must be digitally signed and encrypted.

DON CIO Congratulates Award Winners — The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 DON IT Awards. The DON IM/IT Excellence Awards recognize IM/IT projects, teams and individuals that have transformed the Navy and Marine Corps through information technology. Winners were selected for their superior leadership skills and innovative use of IM/IT to significantly improve the effectiveness of the organization in delivering its mission.

Ghosts of Iwo Jima — All Hands Magazine profiles a World War II Marine Corps veteran who survived the deadly Battle of Iwo Jima against all odds.

Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center Kicks off Year of the Military Diver — Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) will recognize 35 years of training this year and the 100th anniversary of the Mark V Dive helmet to commemorate the Year of the Military Diver. Commissioned in 1980, NDSTC is the largest diving facility in the world and trains more than 1,200 divers from all services in the Department of Defense, allied partners, and other government agencies.

Ground vehicles join unmanned arsenal at NAWCWD — Ground unmanned vehicles have been a staple in the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division arsenal, joining other successful unmanned aircraft and systems. On the dry, flat lands of the Mojave Desert at NAWCWD’s China Lake campus, scientists, engineers and machinists designed a computer system that transforms a pickup truck into a semi-autonomous unmanned vehicle. NAWCWD has been supporting the warfighter with this form of unmanned system since the mid-2000s. It is known as the Shoot-able Remote Threat Ground Target (SRTGT) system — a remote-controlled truck.

Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command Discusses Fleet Readiness at AFCEA West Commander — U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Adm. Phil Davidson, speaking to a group of military leaders, government officials and members of private industry discussed the need to increase the fleet's readiness during a key note address at the United States Navy Institute 25th Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) West Conference Feb. 11.

GW Wins Consecutive Battle 'E' — The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) and its crew became the first forward-deployed carrier to earn the Battle Efficiency Award (Battle 'E') two consecutive years, after announcement of the second award, Feb 13. The Battle 'E' is awarded annually to ships who display the highest conditions of preparedness and capabilities for wartime readiness. The award is given after evaluations and inspections have determined the winning ship's performance and recognizes sustained superior performance in an operational environment within a command.

Ready Now. Anytime, Anywhere — In 2015 the U.S. Navy Reserve will be 100 years old. Designed to "deliver strategic depth and operational capability to the Navy, Marine Corps, and Joint Forces in times of peace or war", the Navy Reserve has provided support in areas from healthcare to special warfare and everything in between. First created in response to the outbreak of World War I, and through the efforts of then Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and his assistant, Franklin D. Roosevelt, legislation for the creation of the Naval Reserve Force was passed on March 3, 1915. Since that time, reservists have served in every major war in which the United States has fought.

African Americans’ Service in the Navy by the Numbers — In honor of African American History Month, the Navy presents a numerical breakdown of the history of African Americans’ service.

These stories originally published by Navy News Service during Feb. 17-20, 2015. For more Navy news, go to:

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