FOIA Reading Room

Frequently Requested Records

The only official versions of these documents are printed or hard copy materials. If there are any discrepancies between the electronic version and the hard copy original, the hard copy prevails. (In compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 552 (a)(2)(D))

All reports contained in the FOIA reading room are marked as redacted.

Investigation of a Hotline Allegation of a Questionable Intelligence Activity Concerning the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Counter-IED Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (COIC) (Redacted), April 4, 2014 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Report of Investigation: Mr. Michael W. Zehner, Senior Executive Services (Redacted), May 20, 2014 Investigations of Senior Officials
Report of Investigation: Mr. Charles A. Blanchard, Senior Executive Services (Redacted), May 12, 2014 Investigations of Senior Officials
Report of Investigation: Major General Susan K. Mashiko, U.S. Air Force (Redacted), November 7, 2013 Investigations of Senior Officials
Report of Investigation: Mr. Philip A. Burdette, Acting Special Assistant and Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (Redacted), October 11, 2013 Investigations of Senior Officials
Procedures to Ensure Sufficient Rare Earth Elements for the Defense Industrial Base Need Improvement (Redacted), July 3, 2014 Audit
Evaluation of DoD Polygraph Support to U.S. Special Operations Command (U), May 4, 2009 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Review of the Actions Taken to Deter, Detect and Investigate the Espionage Activities of Ana Belen Montes(U), June 16, 2005 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Report of Investigation: Dr. Regina E. Dugan, Former Senior Executive Service, Former Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, April 9, 2013 Investigations of Senior Officials
Report of Investigation: Dr. Alan S. Rudolph, Former SES, Former Director, Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, November 1, 2013 Investigations of Senior Officials
Oversight Review: United States Forces – Afghanistan Investigation into the Loss of a Medal of Honor Recommendation for Captain William Swenson, U.S. Army, October 24, 2013 Investigations of Senior Officials
Report of the National Security Agency Texas Cryptologic Center Construction Project, December 3, 2010 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Assessment of DoD-Managed Programs in Support of the Government of Pakistan, May 20, 2009 Special Plans and Operations
Adequate Contract Support and Oversight Needed for the Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Maintenance Mission in Kuwait, June 1, 2012 Audit
Alleged Misconduct: Mr. Keith E. Seaman, August 24, 2012 Investigations of Senior Officials
FOIA Case Log Fiscal Year 2013, April 25, 2014 Miscellaneous
Improvements Needed in Transparency and Accountability of U.S. Army Reserve Component Equipment Transfers, September 28, 2012 Audit
Memorandum for the Secretary of the Air Force: Investigation Involving Major General Stephen M. Goldfein, U.S. Air Force, Vice Director, Joint Staff, January 30, 2008 Administrative Investigations
DoD Involvement with the Rendon Group (U), March 6, 2007 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Review of Joint Forces Intelligence Command Response to 9/11 Commission, September 23, 2008 Intelligence and Special Program Assessments

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For the full listing of DoD IG reports, please visit the Reports and Publications Page.

Final Opinions

Final opinions and orders made in the adjudication of cases that may be cited, used, or relied upon as precedents in future adjudications. (In compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2)(A))

Policy Statements and Interpretations  

Statements of policy and interpretations that have been adopted by the agency and are not all published in the Federal Register. (In compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 552 (a)(2)(B))

Staff Manuals and Instructions

Administrative staff manuals and instructions, or portions thereof that establish DoD IG policy or interpretations of policy that affect the public.(In compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 552 (a)(2)(C))

DoD Contracts

There is no central repository for all DoD contracts; therefore, requesters should identify the contracting office to locate the records custodian of the contract before submitting a request.

  • Click Here to learn more about obtaining information on DoD contracts.

Other Resources for Records

Other resources to assist you in obtaining records and information.