Updated Plan to Remove Social Security Numbers from DoD Identification Cards

Under Secretary of Defense Memo - Publish Date: 11/05/10

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This memo cancels the Jan. 28, 2009, memo, "Business Practice Changes to Allow the Removal of Social Security Numbers from DoD Identification (ID) Cards," which established a timeline for truncation and removal of the visible Social Security numbers (SSN) on all ID cards.

The memo addresses concerns raised by DoD stakeholders about potential adverse impacts that may occur if the SSN is truncated or removed as previously planned. These impacts primarily concern existing business practices associated with the identification of DoD personnel overseas, especially in theater, as well as the administration of TRICARE benefits for DoD beneficiaries. Both of these mission critical business practices continue to rely heavily on the presence of a visual, numeric-identifier on ID cards.

In order to limit any potential adverse impact to DoD missions or to personnel and their beneficiaries, the updated plan includes two alternative identifiers, the DoD Identification Number and DoD Benefits Number, which will help support the broadest array of business practices while still reducing the Department's reliance on the SSN.

TAGS: IA, IDManagement, Privacy

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