DON Enterprise Data At Rest Solution For All Non-NMCI Assets Is Awarded

Published, February 2, 2009

The Department of the Navy enterprise solution for protection of sensitive Data at Rest (DAR) on non-NMCI assets is now available. Implementation of this solution enables compliance with DoD and DON requirements associated with protection of personally identifiable information (PII) and other types of sensitive DAR on mobile computing devices and portable storage media.

Navy and Marine Corps organizations that need this software should coordinate their requirements through the chain of command to the OPNAV N6 and HQMC C4 points of contact identified in Naval Message 312021Z of 31 Jan 2009.

Jan. 23, 2009, the DON awarded MTM Technologies a Blanket Purchase Agreement for purchase of the DON Mobile Armor software bundle. Implementation of this solution enables compliance with DoD and DON DAR protection requirements outlined in Joint Task Force Global Networks Operations Communication Tasking Order 08-009 and Naval Message 091256Z OCT 07.

Procurement of other DAR protection solutions is prohibited. Organizations that previously acquired or implemented other DAR encryption solutions shall migrate to the DON enterprise solution prior to license renewal.

NMCI successfully piloted its GuardianEdge DAR protection solution in the fall of 2008 and will be deploying it to all NMCI workstations between March and September 2009. For further information, training and deployment schedules, NMCI users may visit

TAGS: Cybersecurity, DAR, Privacy

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