Program Areas
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The Sustainability Program Area includes the latest guidance, examples, and information resources to aid Federal facilities in developing and maintaining sustainable facilities and helping to develop and promote sustainable practices within their environmental programs or activities.

Executive Order (EO) 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, was signed by President Obama on 19 March 2015. Section 16 of this EO revokes the following:

  • Executive Order 13423 of January 24, 2007;
  • Executive Order 13514 of October 5, 2009;
  • Presidential Memorandum of December 2, 2011 (Implementation of Energy Savings Projects and Performance-Based Contracting for Energy Savings);
  • Section 1 of Presidential Memorandum of February 21, 2012 (Driving Innovation and Creating Jobs in Rural America through Biobased and Sustainable Product Procurement); and
  • Presidential Memorandum of December 5, 2013 (Federal Leadership on Energy Management); and
  • Presidential Memorandum of May 24, 2011 (Federal Fleet Performance).

The overarching goal of EO 13693 is to maintain Federal leadership in sustainability and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

In Section 6 of EO 13693 the Federal Environmental Executive is reestablished as the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is reestablished as the Office of the Chief Sustainability Officer, for which the Environmental Protection Agency shall provide funding and administrative support and that shall be maintained at CEQ.

This EO uses the terminology "Principal Agencies" and Contributing Agencies" which are defined as follows:

  • Contributing Agency - executive agencies that are not subject to the Chief Financial Officers Act and include Federal Boards, Commissions, and Committees (EO 13693, Section 19, para h).

  • Principal Agency - agencies subject to the Chief Financial Officers Act and agencies subject to the OMB Scorecard process under section 5(b) of EO 13693 (EO 13693, Section 19, para t).

Under Section 7 of EO 13693, each Principal Agency will have a designated agency Chief Sustainability Officer, and report the name of the Chief Sustainability Officer to the Director of OMB and the Chair of CEQ. The designated agency Chief Sustainability Officer will represent the agency on the Steering Committee.

Under Section 8 of EO 13693, each Contributing Agency will also designate an agency Chief Sustainability Officer and report the name of the Chief Sustainability Officer to the Director of OMB and the Chair of CEQ.

According to Section 14 of EO 13693, beginning in June 2015, and continuing through fiscal year 2025, Principal Agencies will develop, implement, and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (Plan) based on guidance prepared by the Chair of CEQ. Each Principal Agency Plan and update shall be provided to the Chair of CEQ and Director of OMB and are subject to approval by the Director of OMB. The Principal Agency Plans and updates shall be made publicly available on an agency Web site once approved.

Contributing agencies are encouraged to prepare a Plan but may limit content of the Plan to a summary of agency actions to meet the requirements of the EO.

The following additional definitions from EO 13693 are applicable to this Program Area:

  • Agency - an executive agency as defined in section 105 of title 5, United States Code, excluding the Government Accountability Office (EO 13693, Section 19, para b).

  • Federal Facility - any building or collection of buildings, grounds, or structures, as well as any fixture or part thereof, which is owned by the United States or any Federal agency or that is held by the United States or any Federal agency under a lease-acquisition agreement under which the United States or a Federal agency will receive fee simple title under the terms of such agreement without further negotiation (EO 13693, Section 19, para l).

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and procurement, please see the Acquisition Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and chemical management, please see the Chemical Management Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and electronics stewardship, please see the Electronics Stewardship Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and EMS, please see the EMS Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and energy, please see the Energy Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and greenhouse gases (GHG), please see the Greenhouse Gases Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and high performance buildings, please see the High Performance Buildings Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and natural resources, please see the Natural Resources Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and NEPA, please see the NEPA Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and pollution prevention, please see the Pollution Prevention Program Area.

For guidance pertaining to EO 13693 and transportation, please see the Transportation Program Area.

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Please use the links above to quickly jump to the information area needed or scroll down to view all items.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy
Federal Executive Orders and Legislation
Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade
19 March 2015
The goal of EO 13693 is to maintain Federal leadership in sustainability and greenhouse gas emission reductions. Signed by President Obama on 19 March 2015. Section 16 of this EO revokes the following:
  • Executive Order 13423 of January 24, 2007;
  • Executive Order 13514 of October 5, 2009;
  • Presidential Memorandum of December 2, 2011 (Implementation of Energy Savings Projects and Performance-Based Contracting for Energy Savings);
  • Section 1 of Presidential Memorandum of February 21, 2012 (Driving Innovation and Creating Jobs in Rural America through Biobased and Sustainable Product Procurement); and
  • Presidential Memorandum of December 5, 2013 (Federal Leadership on Energy Management); and
  • Presidential Memorandum of May 24, 2011 (Federal Fleet Performance).
Need help understanding Executive Order (EO) 13693? Want to know more about how to take action and turn your building into a high-performance building? The Sustainable Facilities Tool can walk you through EO 13693. Click through the annotated text for definitions, strategies, and links.
This GSA-developed chart summarizes the major provisions of Executive Order (EO) 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade, and how they differ from prior authorities.
International Agreements
Identifies 15 principles which reflect the first global consensus on forests. It is Annex 3 of the Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3 – 14 June 1992.
This core set of 58 indicators and methodology were derived from working list of 134 indicators and related methodology sheets that were developed, improved and tested as part of the implementation of the Work Programme on Indicators of Sustainable Development (ISDs) adopted by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) at its Third Session in April 1995 and presented to the CSD in 2001. These indicators are under review with an updated expected in 2006.
Identified 27 principles of sustainability. It is Annex 1 of the Report of the United Nations Conference on Environmenta and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992).
Federal Agreements and Guidance
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and GSA have worked collaboratively to create this document, which proposes specific food, nutrition, and sustainability guidelines to complement the GSA procurement guidelines. The goal of these guidelines is to assist contractors in maximizing a healthier and more sustainable food service by increasing the offering of healthier and sustainable food and beverage choices, while eliminating industrially produced trans fats, decreasing the sodium content in available foods, and allowing people to make informed choices about what they are purchasing and eating through the labeling of menu items.
These instructions, dated 10 June 2015, provide Federal Executive departments and agencies with clarifying instructions for implementing EO 13693.
Dated February 2016, this document updates and replaces the December 2008 Guiding Principles to: 1) Reflect the evolution of sustainable building design, construction, and operating practices since 2008, 2) Incorporate other building-related E.O. 13693 requirements, 3) Increase the economic and environmental benefits of Federal investments in facilities, 4) Enhance occupant health, wellness, and productivity, 5) Include climate resilience in building design, construction, and operations, and protect Federal facilities investments from the potential impacts of climate change, and 6) Provide information on tracking agency green building performance.
To assist agencies with the transition between the 2008 Guiding Principles and the updated 2016 Guiding Principles, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) developed a crosswalk guidance document to explain and highlight the differences between the 2016 and 2008 versions of the Guiding Principles for existing buildings. The crosswalk is based on the evaluation criteria included in the Guiding Principles compliance document and provide an overall comparison of the major scoring and applicability changes between the two versions. It walks through each of the 2016 Guiding Principles and highlight major changes or significant new requirements.
To assist agencies with the transition between the 2008 Guiding Principles and the updated 2016 Guiding Principles, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) developed a crosswalk guidance document to explain and highlight the differences between the 2016 and 2008 versions of the Guiding Principles for new construction and modernization. The crosswalk is based on the evaluation criteria included in the Guiding Principles compliance document and provide an overall comparison of the major scoring and applicability changes between the two versions. It walks through each of the 2016 Guiding Principles and highlight major changes or significant new requirements.
This document is a companion to the revised "2016 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings" and metrics for agencies to use to evaluate compliance with the Guiding Principles.
Sustainability Integration or "Crosswalks"
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Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
BEES 4.0 software is now available for downloading at no charge. BEES is a powerful technique for selecting cost-effective, environmentally preferable building products. BEES reduces complex, science-based technical content (e.g. over 400 environmental flows from raw material acquisition through product disposal) to decision-enabling results and delivers them in a visually intuitive graphical format.
Helps users to identify available recycling services in their state and city for items such as: plastics (i.e., packing peanuts, bags, containers); paper (i.e., books, newspaper, drink boxes, chipboard, cartons); paint products; organic material (i.e., brush, grass clippings, tree trimmings, weeds, soil); metal (i.e., aerosol cans, vehicles, appliances, cans, foil, hangers, propane tanks); glass; batteries (i.e., vehicle, NiCad, rechargeable); construction and demolition materials (i.e., asphalt, flooring, ceiling tiles, carpet padding, concrete, windows, stone, linoleum, porcelain products, brick); and miscellaneous items such as mattresses, furniture, cooking oils/grease, fluorescent bulbs, and medical equipment.
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) system tracks agency performance of energy and water evaluations, project implementation and follow-up measures, and annual building benchmarking requirements. This data is collected as part of FEMP's responsibility for tracking Federal agency progress toward meeting Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 for Federal facility energy and water management and benchmarking. Public reports and data are made available.
This is a web-based interactive tool that integrates over 300 separate data layers, helps decision makers understand the implications of planning and policy decisions on our fragile ecosystems and the communities who depend on goods and services from these ecosystems. EnviroAtlas is designed for people from all levels of government, professionals, researchers, educators, non-governmental organizations, and anyone interested in considering the benefits or impacts of a decision, such as siting a new road or city park. EnviroAtlas uses seven broad benefit categories to organize its information and data on ecosystem services: Clean Air, Clean and Plentiful Water, Natural Hazard Mitigation, Climate Stabilization, Recreation, Culture and Aesthetics, Food, Fuel and Materials, and Biodiversity Conservation.
The ReVA Program focuses on regional scale integrated assessment with the aim of assisting decision makers in identifying and locating both environmental resources and the conditions that are stressing those resources.
Take this quiz to find out your Ecological Footprint, discover your biggest areas of resource consumption, and learn what you can do to tread more lightly on the earth.
This website provides ready access to federally maintained geospatial data, services and applications. The website makes it possible for users to create customized maps using federal geospatial data and common geographic maps. They also can integrate their own data into the maps, and share the maps through Web browsers and mobile applications. The platform was developed by the Federal Geographic Data, an interagency committee chaired by the Secretary of the Interior. The panel also includes members from the Office of Management and Budget, Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Examples of maps in the system include: EPA cleanup sites; National Wetland Inventory; USA Soil Survey; and the USGS National Map.
EPA's Green Infrastructure Wizard offers you access to a repository of EPA-sourced Green Infrastructure tools and resources designed to support and promote sustainable water management and community planning decisions. The tools and resources available through GIWiz will help you analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, analyze costs and benefits, evaluate tradeoffs, engage stakeholders, and/or develop education and outreach campaigns. GIWiz is made possible through a cross-agency collaboration involving EPA's Office of Research and Development, Office of Policy, Office of Water, and Regional staff.
This is GSA's innovative green building learning simulation which is a part of GSA's SFTool. Green the Building places you in the role of a resource-constrained decision-maker, charged with greening buildings through strategic energy, waste, water and occupant satisfaction improvements. You must choose technologies, implement best-practices, support behavior changes and plan carefully to create buildings that conserve resources, reduce waste, save money and keep occupants happy and healthy. Need help? Don't worry! Embedded links connect you directly to the clear explanations you've come to expect from SFTool.

GSA's Carbon Footprint Tool – Assisting Agencies in Fulfilling GHG Inventory Reporting Requirements since 2010

GSA's Carbon Footprint Tool is a free and valuable resource for agencies looking to streamline their data collection process for both reporting and analysis. By directly linking to vital data sources and existing data management tools, including FAST, TravelTrax, and ENERGY STAR's Portfolio Manager, the time and money spent gathering and aggregating data from multiple sources is dramatically reduced. The Carbon Footprint Tool's new data management re-alignment, developed directly from existing user feedback, makes it easier than ever to input and analyze consumption information. Afterwards, directly export the data to the DOE FEMP Workbook format for quick and easy submittal to OMB and CEQ.

To find out more and get your agency involved, visit www.carbonfootprint.gsa.gov or send an email to carbonfootprint@gsa.gov.

The Sustainable Facilities Tool is a one-stop online resource to support decision-making regarding sustainable building principles, materials and systems. Targeted to help project personnel identify and prioritize cost-effective, sustainable strategies for small projects that do not normally engage workplace consultants or designers, the Sustainable Facilities Tool helps users understand and select environmentally preferable solutions for renovations, alterations and leases.
This Toolkit provides easy access to information on twelve different planning, zoning and subdivision techniques that will make smart growth a reality. The materials are designed to increase understanding of smart growth tools and how to customize the techniques to local circumstances. This is a very visual resource with extensive images, graphics, maps, and diagrams, as well as, case studies, slideshows suitable for both the general public and practitioners, and model bylaws.
MWiz offers users access to a repository of EPA-sourced materials management tools and resources designed to support and promote sustainable materials management and community planning decisions. The tools and resources available through MWiz will help users analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, analyze costs and benefits, evaluate tradeoffs, engage stakeholders, and/or develop education and outreach campaigns. MWiz is made possible through a cross-agency collaboration involving EPA's Office of Research and Development, Office of Policy, Office of Land and Emergency Management, and Regional staff.
The roster search and referral system is accessible to anyone contemplating the use of consensus building and dispute resolution services where environmental, natural resources, or public lands issues are involved.
Sponsored by the the Healthy Building Network (HBN) and their partners, this tool seeks to define a consumer-driven vision of truly green building materials and how they should be evaluated in harmony with principles of environmental health and justice. Pharos evaluates materials across several impact categories such as energy/water usage, air quality impact, and toxicity, but also introduces new categories such as occupational safety, social justice and habitat impact that to date have not been included in any material rating system. One tool of Pharos is PharosWiki which provides users a place to research materials and chemicals and building products as well as sharing their experience and knowledge.
This is a free, web-based tool that allows users to visualize air quality data derived from any number of monitoring technologies. The user simply uploads their air quality data to the online tool system to visualize and interact with small to large data sets over space and time. Data collected while driving, riding a bicycle, or walking along a planned route can be explored on a map interface and also shown on several other graphs.
This is a simple tool for exploring how workplace location affects worker commute travel. Indicators include worker commute greenhouse gas emissions, mode-share, vehicle miles traveled, and workplace accessibility via transit. The data and research behind this tool, as well as a user guide, are available in the Resources section at the bottom of the website page. The Calculator provides a Smart Location Index (SLI), which ranges in value from 0-100, where 0 indicates the least location efficient site in the region, and 100 indicates the most location efficient site. These scores are relative to the region, and should not be compared across regions. The tool was developed by the GSA Urban Development/Good Neighbor Program in partnership with the EPA Office of Sustainable Communities.
SMARTe 2007 is a web-based, menu-driven, decision analysis support system for developing and evaluating future reuse scenarios for potentially contaminated land. SMARTe contains guidance and analysis tools for addressing all aspects of the revitalization process including planning, environmental, economic, and social concerns. SMARTe is intended for all revitalization stakeholders. SMARTe is being developed by EPA's Office of Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment and Office of Research and Development, with support from the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC).
This database includes the results of environmental monitoring and research efforts on wave, tidal, and current energy development worldwide. Called "Tethys," after the Greek titaness of the ocean, the database will help industry regulators and energy project developers deploy sustainable ocean energy projects in an environmentally responsible manner.
This is an EPA, public-domain software application designed to facilitate integrated water resources management. The tool allows water resources managers and planners to screen a wide range of practices for cost-effectiveness in achieving watershed or water utilities management goals, such as meeting projected water demand and minimum and maximum in-stream flow targets. WMOST optimizes within a watershed system context accounting for the direct and indirect cost and performance of each practice. WMOST can be used to: (1) identify the most cost-effective mix of management practices to meet projected human demand and in-stream flow standards; (2) understand trade-offs between meeting management goals (e.g., human demand or in-stream flow) and total annual costs; and, (3) characterize the sensitivity of the solution to input data and parameters (e.g., effects of climate change and resulting changes in runoff and recharge rates on the mix of least-cost practices, the robustness of the recommended mix of practices to a range of cost assumptions). WMOST calculates the optimal solution based on user inputs of watershed characteristics, human water system characteristics, management practices, and management goals.
A monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices.
A resource directory for local governments to use in developing and implementing climate change initiatives. This guide includes information on, among many other items, how the U.S. EPA can help with:
  • greening transportation;
  • land-use decisions and building construction requirements;
  • improving recycling;
  • conserving water; and
  • using more efficient and renewable energy
This EPA newsletter will provide updates for those seeking and providing project funding. The newsletter will cover EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program, Clean Water Indian Set-Aside, Alaska Native Villages and Rural Communities Grant Program, and the U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program. It will report on the latest program developments, trainings, and tools from these programs. Click here to sign up.
The FEMP site offers complete annual data sets of agency aggregated annual energy and water consumption and costs by end-use sector, efficiency investment information, and progress toward key goals outlined in the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, as amended; Energy Policy Act of 2005; and Executive Order 13514. Historical data tables of agency energy use and costs by facility and mobility sectors by energy type are also available for FY 1975 through FY 2013. Detailed annual comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories by federal agency are presented along with progress toward achieving scope 1 and 2 GHG and scope 3 GHG reduction targets. The data tables may also be filtered by numerous variables (agency, year, sector) and are exportable to Excel.
Fostering Sustainable Behavior is a resource that includes case studies in the areas of conservation, energy efficiency, transportation, waste reduction, and water efficiency. The full text of Fostering Sustainable Behavior is also available on the sight. Author and site manager, Doug McKenzie-Mohr has presented on the same topic at GovEnergy. The site also includes discussion forums on how to encourage change toward more sustainable behaviors.
This is an online resource to help the commercial building sector implement "green leases"-rental agreements that encourage energy efficiency. The library include sample lease language, guidance, and best practices case studies.
A comprehensive list of internet sites dealing with sustainable development, including organisations, projects and activities, electronic journals, libraries, references and documents, databases, directories or metadatabases.
The Zero Waste Connection is a professional social network of zero waste program managers and staff from federal, state, and local programs, as well as independent experts. The site also contains an information clearinghouse of resources to support programs and manage all of the information shared through the site. The Zero Waste Connection is brought to you by the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA). NEWMOA is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx), a consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers dedicated to improving the dissemination of P2 and waste reduction information in the service provider community, and funded in part through grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Research/Technical Reports
Technical report released March, 2011, by the Center for the Advancement of Sustainable Installations, addressing direct measurement of sustainability through sustainability indicators. Presented by Dr. Chris Rewerts, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at the 2011 GreenGov Symposium.
The Alliance is a stakeholder-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water. The Alliance creates and maintains a web-based water conservation clearinghouse that offers product information, best practices specifications, research reports, training materials, program descriptions, codes and standards, program evaluation tools, drought planning and response, and professional expertise.
The AIA COTE annually selects its "Top Ten" examples of architectural and "green" design solutions that protect and enhance the environment.
The BMRA is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to facilitate building deconstruction and the reuse/recycling of recovered building materials.
CSE is an international advisory, coaching, and training organization that provides sustainable development tools and strategies to public and private sector clients.
When the United National Forum on Forests was formed in 2 002, this group was also formed to cooperate on forest issues and support the work of the UNFF. This is an interagency partnership to support the work of the UNFF and enhance cooperation and coordination on forest issues for the promotion of sustainable management of all types of forests.
The CHP Partnership collaborates with other government and nongovernmental agencies and programs that are interested in promoting the benefits of combined heat and power (CHP) for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). CHP is a reliable, cost-effective option for POTWs that have, or are planning to install, anaerobic digesters. Biogas flow from these digesters can be used in a CHP system as "free" fuel to generate reliable electricity and power for the WWTF.
The goals of the Diesel Technology Forum are: · Champion environmental stewardship. · Support scientific inquiry and discussion. · Sustain worldwide economic growth by demonstrating advancing diesel technology. · Work with federal, state, and regional governments and organizations to explore clean diesel solutions. · Advise policymakers and other stakeholders on innovative ways to increase the use of cleaner engines and fuels and reduce energy consumption. · Undertake technology demonstration programs and play a leadership role in the implementation of new diesel initiatives. · Ensure that all environmental, health, economic and technological ramifications of policy options are explored publicly
The ECOS-DoD Sustainability Work Group serves as a focal point within ECOS for dialogue on sustainability issues with regards to DoD installations and as a forum in which ECOS and DoD can discuss and address issues related to sustainability at DoD facilities.
This program promotes the use of integrated, whole building approaches to protect occupant health while saving energy and money. The program focuses on major building types including offices and institutional buildings, schools, homes, as well as major cross-cutting indoor air quality issues like mold and moisture. EPA offers resources from informational pamphlets to interactive CD-ROMs on how everyone from builders to homeowners can improve their indoor environment.
This entity has been developed as a "cloud institute" - a tool to be used to implement the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act. This site seeks to establish a communications tool through the forum, a link to existing knowledge portals and state-of-the-art facilities operations and management processes and publications, while housing the web-tool that will be used for reporting status of complying with the Act.
Established in 2003, the network aims to accelerate the use of the Ecological Footprint Tool, a resource accounting tool that measures how much nature we have, how much we use, and who uses what.Ecological Footprints can be calculated for individuals, groups of people (such as a nation), and activities (such as manufacturing a product). The Ecological Footprint is a data-driven metric that tells us how close we are to the goal of sustainable living. Footprint accounts work like bank statements, documenting whether we are living within our ecological budget or consuming nature's resources faster than the planet can renew them.
Founded by President Gorbachev, this is a national environmental organization addressing the following three challenges: stemming global climate change; eliminating weapons of mass destruction; and providing clean, safe drinking water for the 2.4 billion people who lack access to clean water.
This is a United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)-facilitated knowledge network of developing world Centres of Excellence and network partners, renowned for their work on energy, development, and environment issues.
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities' mission is to increase the awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roof infrastructure across North America and rapidly advance the development of the market for green roof products and services.
A national network of green building professionals, environmental and health activists, socially responsible investment advocates and others who are interested in promoting healthier building materials as a means of improving public health and preserving the global environment.
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability was founded in 1990 by local governments at the United Nations Headquarters in New York as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). ICLEI is a democratically governed membership association of cities, towns, counties, metropolitan governments, and local government associations.
This organization is the result of an initiative launched in June 1994 among non-European temperate and boreal countries to develop and implement internationally agreed criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. The 12 member countries are: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Russian Federation, United States of America, and Uruguay The focus of the group is to advance the development and implementation of internationally agreed criteria and indicators for the conservation and sustainable management of temperate and boreal forests (outside Europe) at the national level.
Sponsored by the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute, the mission of Move Beyond Green is to enable conversation, connection, and exchange of ideas on the topic of sustainability and to build relationships and interaction between interested and informed parties around the world. It is their goal to connect a wide range of bodies of knowledge that can inform discussion and to provide a forum to facilitate that discussion as part of a robust community of interest around the topic of sustainability.
The mission of the NRDC is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. NRDC has 6 main priorities: curbing global warming; moving America beyond oil; saving wildlands across the Americas; reviving our oceans; stemming the tide of toxic chemicals; and speeding the greening of China.
This is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help communities nationwide improve access to affordable housing, increase transportation options, and lower transportation costs while protecting the environment. The partnership was formed on June 16, 2009.
This web portal is a top favorite of green building experts. It links to tools, references, guidelines, and success stories for many important sustainability topics. Please add it to your favorites list.
This council is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and recognize purchasing leadership that accelerates the transition to a prosperous and sustainable future. The Council's programs and community of practice will help institutional purchasers to: prioritize opportunities to influence the social, environmental and economic life cycle impacts of purchased goods and services; identify existing leadership standards and approaches that address these priorities; benchmark progress toward goals; and receive recognition for advancement.
The intent of this initiative is to provide standards and guidelines for measuring the sustainability of designed landscapes, including commercial and public sites, residential landscapes, parks and recreation centers, campuses, roadsides, and utility corridors. Participating stakeholder organizations include: American Society of Landscape Architects; Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center; United States Botanic Garden; American Society of Civil Engineers - Environment and Water Resources Institute; Center for Sustainable Development, University of Texas at Austin; United States Green Building Council; National Association of County and CIty Health Officials; Environmental Protection Agency - GreenScapes Program; National Recreation and Parks Association; and The Nature Conservancy - Global Invasive Species.
ISWG was established in August 2001 and is coordinated by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Federal Energy Management Program and operates under the auspices of the Interagency Energy Management Task Force. The group includes over 200 members representing 20 major and a number of independent Federal agencies. Main ISWG functions include:
  • Serving as a forum for the exchange of information among Federal agencies' sustainable design activities.
  • Identifying and proposing solutions to barriers for adoption of sustainable design in the Federal sector.
The site posts bi-monthly meeting reports, presentations, a listing of pending Federal sustainable design projects (culled from the Commerce Business Daily), a listing of future events, and other informational resources.
IDRC is a Canadian public corporation created to help developing countries use science and technology to find practical, long-term solutions to the social, economic, and environmental problems they face. Support is directed toward developing an indigenous research capacity to sustain policies and technologies that developing countries need to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.
The IISD contributes to sustainable development by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic policy, climate change, measurement and assessment, and natural resources management. The Institute is in the business of promoting change towards sustainable development. Through research and effective communication of IISD findings, the IISD engages decision-makers in government, business, NGOs and other sectors to develop and implement policies that are simultaneously beneficial to the global economy, the global environment and to social well-being.
This is a joint U.S. EPA - Arizona State University partnership formed to bring together researchers of various disciplines in developing the next generation of urban materials to reduce the dependence on non-renewable energy and adverse impacts to the urban climate. The center seeks to develop a new generation of sustainable materials and renewable technology innovations (SMART Innovations), with funding support from the EPA. The National Center of Excellence will be the leading national research and outreach laboratory in supporting regional governments and industry in meeting the needs of rapid urbanization and infrastructure.
Established by the UN General Assembly in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit. The Commission is responsible for reviewing progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; as well as providing policy guidance to follow up the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) at the local, national, regional and international levels.
Established in 2002 to provide a forum that would address all issues related to forests in a coherent and comprehensive manner and a forum that would facilitate the exchange of experiences in the implementation of sustainable forest management practices by Governments and stakeholders. UNFF meets annually for two weeks and all Member States of the United Nations and States members of specialized agencies participate in the annual sessions.
The Division for Sustainable Development provides leadership and is an authoritative source of expertise within the United Nations system on sustainable development. It promotes sustainable development as the substantive secretariat to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and through technical cooperation and capacity building at international, regional and national levels. The context for the Division’s work is the implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the Barbados Programme of Action for Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.
UNEP is the designated authority of the United Nations system in environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.
A coalition of 175 international companies united by a shared commitment to sustainable development via the three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.
The Zero Waste Connection is a professional social network of zero waste program managers and staff from federal, state, and local programs, as well as independent experts. The site also contains an information clearinghouse of resources to support programs and manage all of the information shared through the site. The Zero Waste Connection is brought to you by the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA). NEWMOA is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx), a consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers dedicated to improving the dissemination of P2 and waste reduction information in the service provider community, and funded in part through grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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Award Winners
The DOI Environmental Achievement Awards convey high-level recognition to DOI employees and partners for DOI projects in the following categories: Sustainability Hero; Green Innovation; Lean, Clean, and Green; Good Neighbor; Green Dream Team; Building the Future; and Environmental Remediation.
This national competition enables college students to research, develop and design scientific, technical and policy solutions to sustainability challenges. Their designs will help achieve the mutual goals of economic prosperity while providing a higher quality of life and protecting the planet.
FGC awards are given in two categories - data driven and narrative. Data driven awards are in the wares of Waste, Electronics, and Purchasing, Water, and Transportation. Narrative Awards are given in the categories of Innovation, Education and Outreach, and Leadership.
The GreenGov Awards recognize exceptional efforts to promote sustainable operations at Federal agencies in the categories of Good Neighbor; Building the Future; Green Dream Team; Green Innovation; Lean, Clean and Green; and Sustainability Hero.
Through the National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, EPA recognizes and supports communities that use innovative policies and strategies to strengthen their economies, provide housing and transportation choices, develop in ways that bring benefits to a wide range of residents, and protect the environment.
This award is given to recognize efforts to ensure mission accomplishment and protection of human health through implementation of environmental management systems, pollution prevention, and environmental compliance that promotes sustainability in the areas of environmental planning, waste management, and land, air and water resource protection. These are annual awards celebrating the previous years' accomplishments/innovations. Nominations are typically accepted until March and the awards given in June.
Each year, the Army recognizes and rewards excellence for the development, management and transferability of environmental programs that increase environmental quality, enhance the mission and help make the Army sustainable. The winners of the Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards Program go on to compete in the Secretary of Defense competition.
Developed by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network of Columbia University, The Environmental Sustainability Index(ESI) benchmarks the ability of nations to protect the environment over the next several decades. The report discusses the approach to developing the EIS, the main findings, and projections for future directions.
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) website was developed to help agencies close gaps between potential energy savings and actual performance. Specifically, it shows agencies how to use institutional change to meet their energy- and water-reduction goals. Institutional change integrates technology, policy, and behavior to make new sustainability practices and perspectives become "business as usual" at an agency.
This report, dated April 2010, was issued by the Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration. The report presents definitions and estimates of the size of the green economy. The report also finds that the green economy makes up about 1 to 2 percent of the total economy and is poised for strong growth.
Issued by the USDA, this report addresses the state of the forests in the United States and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management.
Issued June 2014 by EPA, this guide is designed to help food service establishments and commercial kitchens save money by reducing wasted food and packaging with suggested strategies, templates and case studies.
Information resources to help ports comply with environmental regulations and improve the sustainability of their operations. Developed by EPA Region 2.
The Sustainable Sites Initiative's aim in this document is to describe benchmarks that are based on sustainable outcomes rather than on strict prescriptions and specific technology, thereby encouraging innovation, inspiring a change in thinking, and providing flexibility. This document encompasses a series of prerequisites and credits for measuring site sustainability. Benchmarks outlined under prerequisites are required and must be met in order for a site to participate in this voluntary program. Benchmarks outlined under credits are optional, but a certain number of them must be attained for a project to achieve eventual recognition as a Sustainable Site.
Creating a sustainable world means creating new ways for people to live and thrive — while keeping the planet's ecosystems and the global social tissue healthy and able to sustain us and future generations. Our principles of sustainability drive path-breaking models and tools that pass these three tests: Is it good for the organization, good for society and good for the environment?
Federal Facilities
The pre-publication copy of this report was issued in April 2011. In 2010, the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings asked the National Academies to appoint an ad hoc committee of experts to conduct a public workshop and prepare a report that identifies strategies and approaches for achieving a range of objectives associated with federal high-performance green buildings. This report captures the ideas and brain-storming from that workshop.
A collection of projects and practices which Federal agencies have implemented to achieve green building goals. Information is categorized by the headings "Policies and Strategies," Tools and Training," and "Best Practices and Case Studies." Subjects covered within these categories include, but are not limited to: water conservation, energy efficiency, metering, NetZero, lighting, green leasing, sustainable acquisition, and design.
This Guide is intended for everyone working at or with federal agencies and is a portal that can lead you to: increase your awareness and understanding of what individual part you play in setting and achieving the goals of federal environmental stewardship; understand what your responsibilities and choices are in reducing your environmental footprint; set your own goals and take action to be part of the solution; and see the results and successes each one of us can bring about.
This site identifies opportunities for environmental stewardship for individuals, communities, governments, businesses, and institutions. It also includes quick tips for practicing environmental stewardship at your home, office, school, community, and while shopping.
In their Fiscal Year 2016 Sustainability Plans, agencies outline the actions they will take to continue their progress in reducing GHG emissions. Click on "Supporting Information."
Section 8 of EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance required each Federal agency to develop, implement, and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan. The initial plan was submitted to CEQ by 2 June 2010. This plan prioritizes agency actions for achieving environmental, economic, and energy goals detailed in EO 13514.
This guidance was developed under the executive order issued by President Obama in May 2009, which declared the Chesapeake Bay a national treasure and ushered in a new era of shared federal leadership, action and accountability. It presents the most effective tools and practices to address nonpoint source pollution that is currently contributing nutrients and sediments from federal land management activity in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The categories of activity that are addressed in this guidance are agriculture, urban and suburban (including turf), forestry, riparian areas, decentralized wastewater treatment systems, and hydromodification. The same techniques can be utilized by states, local governments, conservation districts, watershed organizations, developers, farmers and citizens in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Issued by GSA on 30 September 2010, this is Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) 10-06. This bulletin provides guidance to federal employees of agencies subject to the FTR to enhance travel cost savings and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This 2014 document was created to assist Post in their implementation of best practice strategies. The Guide provides both a world context for global challenges such as greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, as well as mission-specific tips for systems such as lighting, irrigation, and fleet management, to generate immediate results.
Guiding Principles of Sustainable Design published by the US Department of Interior and National Park Service.
The document begins with a review of LID, its purpose and methods. It also includes numerous examples of the application of LID at DOD training areas. It then devotes the majority of its pages to a set of fact sheets on such topics as "Secondary Roads", "Small Weapons Firing Ranges", "Maneuver Corridors", and "Bioretention Technology". It ends with good number of plans and drawings for the hard-corps planning/engineering staff.
Overview of the policy and program promoting sustainability at NASA.
Since 2006, OMB has used the scorecard process to evaluate Federal agencies' performance in achieving energy, transportation, and environmental goals. To streamline the evaluation process, make it more transparent, and align it with the goals of Executive Order 13514, OMB combined past scorecard metrics into a single OMB Sustainability/ Energy scorecard. Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on energy and water intensity reductions; fleet petroleum reduction; greenhouse gas emissions; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on their progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. CEQ and OMB work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide additional support and assistance as needed. To link to the scorecard for an individual agency, scroll to the scorecard portion of the page and click on the name of the individual agency.
Since 2006, OMB has used the scorecard process to evaluate Federal agencies' performance in achieving energy, transportation, and environmental goals. To streamline the evaluation process, make it more transparent, and align it with the goals of Executive Order 13514, OMB combined past scorecard metrics into a single OMB Sustainability/ Energy scorecard. Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on energy and water intensity reductions; fleet petroleum reduction; greenhouse gas emissions; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on their progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. CEQ and OMB work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide additional support and assistance as needed.
The USDA Sustainable Operations Council leads the way in reducing the Department's environmental footprint by developing new policies and procedures that will insure that USDA conducts its activities in an environmentally, fiscally sound, and sustainable manner in accordance with Executive Order (E.O.) 13423. Sustainable Operations work groups include EMS, green purchasing, transportation, and facilities. This site links to USDA policies, award winners, and implementation examples.
Developed by the USDA National Agricultural Library, this site provides a definition for sustainable agriculture and well as links to resources, research studies, organizations, and case studies.
This site provides information and guidance on sustainability in three areas: Sustainable Design & Development, Sustainable Operations, and Sustainable Communities. Each page shows how sustainability can be implemented from different perspectives, namely, new construction, operations, and installation management.
This site links to information about how sustainability is being integrated into the Army and specific programs and projects being implemented at Army installations.
Policies, principles and process used in moving toward the goal of sustainability at USDA.
This is UFC 3-210-10 which was updated 1 February 2016. This UFC provides technical criteria, technical requirements, and references for the planning and design of applicable DoD projects to comply with stormwater requirements under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) enacted in December 2007 (hereafter referred to as EISA Section 438) and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense DoD policy on implementation of stormwater requirements under EISA section 438.
This May 2012 paper provides a review of decision support systems and methods used over the last 15 years and summarizes the findings from visits with eight large utilities in the U.S. to discuss how each makes rehabilitation versus replacement decisions of their water infrastructure systems.
This August 2013 EPA technical report helps utilities, state and other municipal agencies, and other stormwater professionals understand the potential benefits of low impact development and green infrastructure (LID/GI) programs. The objective of the report is to highlight different evaluation methods that have been successfully applied and also to demonstrate cases where LID/GI projects and programs have been shown to be economically beneficial. Also, the intent of this document is to promote the use of LID/GI, where appropriate, to supplement grey stormwater infrastructure. The report highlights 13 case studies of selected public entities throughout the United States that have conducted economic evaluations of their LID/GI programs. The case studies were selected to represent a variety of analysis methods in different geographic areas of the United States, for different types of municipal programs. The case studies highlight locations where LID/GI applications, in combination with grey infrastructure, were found to be economically beneficial.
Issued by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), this report, dated 1 December 2008, highlights combined heat and power (CHP) as a realistic solution to enhance national energy efficiency, ensure environmental quality, promote economic growth, and foster a robust energy infrastructure.
The intent of this site is to better communicate the what, why, and how of green infrastructure to municipalities, developers, and the general public. Green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils and natural processes to manage water and create healthier urban environments. The site offers publications and tools developed by EPA, state and local governments, the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions. The site also provides access to the latest research developed by EPA's Office of Research and Development.
EPA has developed innovative models, tools, and technologies for communities to manage urban water runoff. The models and tools in this toolkit incorporate green infrastructure practices to help communities manage their water resources in a more sustainable way, increasing resilience to future changes, such as climate and extreme events.
Issued April 2014, this EPA document is intended to aid utility leaders in implementing proven and effective practices over time to improve their operations and move toward sustainability.
This EPA report presents the opportunities for combined heat and power (CHP) applications in the municipal wastewater treatment sector, and it documents the experiences of the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) operators who have employed CHP.
The U.S. EPA has issued a compilation of case studies, Gaining Operational and Managerial Efficiencies Through Water System Partnerships, to highlight various approaches small drinking water systems have taken to improve their technical and financial capacity by partnering with other water systems. This report presents examples of different partnership options ranging from informal arrangements, such as sharing equipment, to transferring ownership of a system through consolidation.
EPA document number EPA 841-B-09-001, December 2009, was developed by the US EPA Office of Water. This stormwater guidance document implements Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 and EO 13514 Section 14. The document was developed in conjunction with other federal agencies and provides a step-by-step framework that will help federal agencies maintain pre-development site hydrology by retaining rainfall on-site through infiltration, evaporation/transpiration, and re-use to the same extent as occurred prior to development. The Technical Guidance provides background information, key definitions, case studies, and guidance on meeting the new requirements.
This EPA report, subtitled "A Review of Green Infrastructure O&M Practices in ARRA Clean Water State Revolving Funds Projects" examines the operation and maintenance practices of several green infrastructure projects funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and identifies trends and common elements shared by the various projects. The report provides information to communities and operators on funding programs to help ensure that green infrastructure projects are operated and maintained to optimize long-term performance and effectiveness.
This December 2015 document summarizes results from EPA's green infrastructure technical assistance program for communities looking for solutions to their unique challenges. This quick reference guide matches problems with real world, tested solutions and offers readers resources for further information. The report also includes a handy guide to technology and a table of benefits that you can share with potential collaborators and stakeholders.
As detailed in this report, increased attention to the use of stormwater and graywater has been driven by factors forcing change in the design and management of urban water supplies and infrastructure. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Water Science and Technology Board initiated a study on the beneficial use of stormwater and graywater. A free PDF of the pre-publication version is available. This study was supported with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water and Office of Research and Development; National Science Foundation; Water Research Foundation; Water Environment Research Foundation; Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; WateReuse; City of Madison, Wisconsin; National Water Research Institute; and the National Academies' President's fund.
This is a compilation of water-efficiency best management practices, to help commercial and institutional facilities understand and better manage their water use, help facilities establish an effective water management program and identify projects and practices that can reduce facility water use.
This EPA document, EPA-842-R-15-004, is a compendium of innovative aquatic trash management strategies. This October 2015 document is the result of a request by the stakeholders of the Mid-Atlantic Region request for EPA to create a great practices compendium to identify policies, programs, and initiatives that showed results with regard to reducing and/or preventing aquatic trash.
This EPA guide, toolkit, and technical assistance promote comprehensive, community-wide planning approaches to manage stormwater. In the future this guide will be supplemented with an integrated online tool to assist communities in implementing the planning process, piloted through community-based technical assistance efforts, and updated over time with feedback from users.
This is a checklist consisting of three sections, twenty-eight categories, one hundred and forty-two data points, all aimed at determining how your village, town or city is really doing in its efforts to be "green." It is addressing climate change, sustainability, and environmental health at the local level. The website provides ready-to-go policy solutions, program ideas and links to the most innovative, cost-effective and award-winning solutions from entities that have found their "piece of the puzzle."
The Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Campaign promotes a participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that helps municipalities identify local sustainability priorities and implement long-term action plans.
This site is designed to empower individuals and communities as they recover from hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters by providing resources and tools that can help rebuild communities, businesses, and homes using sustainable principles and technologies. Operation Fresh Start is a project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT).
This handbook is designed to aid municipalities in going green by sharing success stories and approaches to becoming sustainable.
Considered one of the top U.S. cities for sustainability, their website, programs, and policies.
This EPA guidebook will help rural and small water and wastewater systems assess their strengths and priorities for potential improvements, and develop an action plan to address these priorities.
This interagency guide includes a description of tools and techniques for applying smart growth guidelines, with case studies illustrating the guidelines in action. For example, communities can (1) protect and restore natural buffers between the community and water; (2) align natural hazard planning with development plans; (3) promote waterfront revitalization, including retrofitting historic properties for new uses; and (4) provide a variety of land and water-based options that accommodate seasonal fluctuations in transportation needs. This guide was developed by EPA, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the International City/County Management Association and the Rhode Island Sea Grant Program, in consultation with the national Smart Growth Network.
Developed by EPA's Development, Community, and Environment Division (DCED) , EPA Region 1's Smart Growth Program, Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO) , and the Land Revitalization Office addresses the steps, procedures, and possibilities for a successful base closure that does not devastate nearby communities.
Released by the National Research Council this 2011 report examines a wide range of reuse applications, including potable water, non-potable urban and industrial uses, irrigation, groundwater recharge, and ecological enhancement. With recent advances in technology and design, treating municipal wastewater and reusing it for drinking water, irrigation, industry, and other applications could significantly increase the nation's total available water resources, particularly in coastal areas facing water shortages, says a new report from the National Research Council. It adds that the reuse of treated wastewater, also known as reclaimed water, to augment drinking water supplies has significant potential for helping meet future needs. Moreover, new analyses suggest that the possible health risks of exposure to chemical contaminants and disease-causing microbes from wastewater reuse do not exceed, and in some cases may be significantly lower than, the risks of existing water supplies.
Property Disposal
This EPA tool, published September 2013, includes a menu of bid specification development tools, for use by cities, counties, land banks, and other entities engaged in residential demolition operations to yield an improved environment result. The bid specification development tools found in the appendices of this document have been designed to serve more than one purpose. They can serve as a tool to help the reader anticipate the environmental issues and concerns that may arise in connection with a demolition project so that those issues and concerns can be factored into the planning process. They can help the reader develop and organize information concerning a demolition project. They can also be used to modify existing bid specification language used by a community or to assist in creating language for new bid specifications. This specification language could then be utilized to develop procurement language, contract language, and associated documents, as appropriate, for use in a specific bid package that would instruct contractors on the contract and on the general and the technical requirements for the demolition project.
This report, released by the National Trust's Preservation Green Lab provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the potential environmental benefit of building reuse. The report uses a life cycle assessment approach to compare the environmental impacts from reuse of existing buildings with demolition and construction of new buildings.
Training, Presentations, and Briefings
This resource provides direction and guidance for land use collaboration by military installations and local governments in order to address issues of encroachment and sustainability that impact both the military and civilian communities. The 28-page primer presents information in an easy-to-understand format. It was developed by the International City/County Management Association and the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech in partnership with the Sustainable Ranges Initiative in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
This guide, officially titled Working to Preserve Farm, Forest and Ranch Lands: A Guide for Military Installations is a new resource for military installation leadership. It provides information about programs and potential partners for installations seeking to preserve farm, forest and ranch lands as compatible neighbors. The 20-page guide presents information in an easy-to-understand format and could be useful for other federal agencies that concentrate on preservation of working lands. It was developed by the American Farmland Trust in partnership with the Sustainable Ranges Initiative in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. For additional information, see www.denix.osd.mil/SustainableRanges
Subtitled: “A Guide for Military Installations and State Legislators” this is a new primer designed to provide guidance to DoD officials and military base commanders on how state governments operate in making land use decisions that may affect the military testing and training mission. Policy options addressing encroachment concerns are included. The 24-page primer presents information in an easy-to-understand format. It was developed by the National Conference of State Legislatures in partnership with the Sustainable Ranges Initiative in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
An issue paper developed in EPA's former Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation.
A library of past Federal Green Challenge Webinars.
Not only does a paperless office reduce your organization's environmental footprint, but it also increases security, productivity and saves money. Kate Harrison, an expert in green business operations, will discuss the benefits of a paperless office and tips to accomplish the change without interrupting everyday business.
Offered by the Northwest Environmental Training Center (NWETC), This course provides an overview of low-impact development approaches and resources for building industry professionals. Low Impact Development (LID) is an alternative, systems-level approach to conventional stormwater management. Critical for the Pacific Northwest where water quality and salmon habitat protection are key issues, LID offers opportunities for sustainable site design and water efficiency.
This course provides Federal facility managers with practical information and action-based strategies to change individual and organizational behavior in support of energy efficiency and strategic sustainability goals. While advanced technologies are increasingly effective at reducing energy and resource intensity in buildings and facilities, optimal results cannot occur unless multiple strategies are employed to change individual and organizational behavior. This course emphasizes the link between individual behavior and institutional change. It introduces the framework of "rules, roles, and tools" to guide the systematic design, development, implementation, and evaluation of multiple strategies to achieve-and maintain over the long term-individual and institutional change.
In this training, FEMP Expert Sarah Jensen provides training to optimize building technologies, avoid the costs of waste and inefficiency, and create productive, comfortable, and healthy work environments. She addresses O&M practices; the application of tools to baseline, benchmark, and audit facilities to comply with the Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Existing Buildings; how to implement sustainable strategies, and engaging an organizational team.
This training is offered by EPA. Many policy and management decisions are made without considering the goods and services humans derive from ecosystems and the costs associated with protecting them. This approach is not sustainable. Conceptual frameworks provide a tool for capturing, visualizing, and organizing the connections among human decisions, the pressures that socio-economic factors create on the environment, and the potential consequences for provisioning of ecosystem goods and services. By thinking about the whole system within a systems framework, scientists, stakeholders, and decision-makers can better anticipate how elements in the system are linked together. This set of tutorials provides 1) an overview of incorporating systems thinking into decision-making, 2) an introduction to the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework as one approach that can assist in the decision analysis process, and 3) an overview of DPSIR tools, including concept mapping and keyword lists, which can be helpful in generating a DPSIR.
This guide is designed to: help DoD officials and military installation commanders gain a better understanding of how land trusts operate, and how they can work together to protect military operations; and facilitate communication and potential collaboration among stakeholders on encroachment issues.
A resource guide that presents helpful information for installation leaders who seek to work with local government officials to address encroachment, compatible land use and other sustainability issues that threaten the testing and training mission. It was developed by the International City/County Management Association and the National Association of Counties in partnership with the Sustainable Ranges Initiative in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
This resource contains a series of materials and instructions to help both rural and small water and wastewater systems and service providers market and conduct workshops based on the Rural and Small Systems Guidebook to Sustainable Utility Management.
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Last Updated: August 18, 2016