Naval Sea Systems Command

Business Partnerships
Industry, academia and other government agencies have long expressed an interest in NSWC Carderock Division's unique research, testing, modeling and simulation capabilities, and computer software. Over the years many organizations have made use of our diverse capabilities.

The mission of NSWC Carderock Division as defined by Congress, enables us to work with the U.S. maritime industry, academia, state, local and foreign governments as well as private industry.

By establishing an alliance with NSWC Carderock Division you can gain ready access to the Division's unique facilities and capabilities
Educational Outreach

NSWC Carderock Division provides a number of educational outreach programs to students and staff. Employees have the opportunity to mentor students through numerous STEM programs that are partnered with local schools. The faculty summer internships programs allow engineers and scientist to learn from visiting University and College faculty and professors. NSWC Carderock Division also offers several internships opportunities for students to work with, or under the guidance of, our leading scientists and engineers at our world class facilities.

Staying Connected