Disaster Resources Products

Audio and Video

Chill Drills

Chill Drills Playaway

Heidi J. Bauer, MSW, LCSW, a therapist specializing in working with service members and their families, presents an overview of her four simple drills to help reverse the symptoms of stress. Available as a playaway, these drills can help slow your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce the level of stress hormones in your body. By doing these drills regularly, you can lower your baseline stress level and be better prepared to deal with stress in the future.

Resources Guides

Image of the Emergency Financial First-Aid Kit

Emergency Financial First-Aid Kit

This kit includes information to help families maintain financial stability in the event of an emergency. With the forms provided, users can prepare for the unexpected by identifying key financial records, contact information of relevant people and the location of important documents. 

Image of the Emergency Supply List

Emergency Supply List

This brochure from ready.gov includes tips on creating an emergency supply kit and lists items that should be included.

Image of Extreme Cold Prevention guide.

Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Protect your Health and Safety

This guide offers proactive ways that people can be safe in extremely cold weather. It explains the effect of cold on the human body and describes how to prevent health issues such as frostbite and hypothermia. Checklists for preparing your home and car for extreme cold are included.

Image of the power outage checklist.

Power Outage Checklist

This power outage checklist from the Red Cross, includes preparing for a power outage, what to do during the power outage and steps to take when the power comes back on. This checklist also provides details about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Image of Winter Storms resource guide.

Winter Storms: The Deceptive Killers

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration explains the science behind winter weather conditions such as heavy snow, ice, flooding and extreme cold. The site also promotes preparedness for such conditions by describing what to do before a storm, providing steps for a family disaster plan, and instructing people how to cope if caught in a storm while outside, in a vehicle or indoors.


Family Readiness System: External Service Providers Toolkit

Family Readiness System: External Service Providers Toolkit

You play a critical role in distributing timely, accurate and relevant information to service members and their families. The majority of today’s service members and their families do not live on a military base, and civilian support agencies and programs are more involved than ever in supporting military families. Families in every stage of military life rely on you for services and support, including everything from counseling to child care. As you work with service members and their families, we hope you will use the information in this toolkit to help us share important information about Department of Defense family support policy.

Family Readiness System: Internal Service Providers Toolkit

Family Readiness System: Internal Service Providers Toolkit

Department of Defense service providers play a critical role in providing timely, accurate and relevant information to service members and their families. You provide services and support to military families around the world, at every stage of military life. These families rely on you as part of their trusted network of support, and your contributions directly impact mission readiness. We designed this toolkit to assist you in your role, helping you ensure all families can access the services they need to manage the challenges of everyday life and those associated with military life.

Family Readiness System: Leaders Toolkit

Family Readiness System: Leaders Toolkit

Military leaders play a critical role in providing timely, accurate and relevant information to service members, their families and survivors. The Family Readiness System assists you in preventing, identifying and addressing family readiness challenges within your force. This toolkit was developed to help you share important information about family readiness policy with the ultimate goal of helping you maintain a mission-ready force and optimize military family readiness.

Family Readiness System: Public Affairs Toolkit

Family Readiness System: Public Affairs Toolkit

Public affairs officers play a significant role in providing timely, accurate and relevant information to service members and their families. You are responsible for ensuring consistent messaging about your branch’s family programs and services and ensuring alignment with the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s family program messaging. Given your unique and sometimes challenging role, we designed this Family Readiness System Toolkit specifically for you.

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