Statutory & Regulatory Compliance

The DON CIO oversees departmental information management/information technology compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, policy and guidance. IT's critical importance to Department of Defense operations and support as well as the large investments DoD has made in IT, have long attracted Congressional interest and involvement.

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DON Records Management Manual

SECNAV M-5210.1, Rev. 1, incorporated May 2012 - May 30, 2012

The Department of the Navy Records Management Program establishes policies and procedures for life-cycle management (creation, maintenance, use and disposition) of DON records. This manual provides guidelines and procedures for the proper administration of a records management program. It also contains all DON records disposition schedules approved by the National Archives and Records Administration.

DON Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012

DON CIO Memo - December 15, 2011

Since its inception, the focus of the Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance has been on enabling knowledge dominance by directing that our information management/information technology spending support the creation of a joint, net-centric naval networking environment. The net-centric vision remains a goal, but cutting the Department's IT spending is the priority for 2012. In the face of sharply ...

DITPR-DON Process Guidance v1.0

DON Guidance - December 5, 2011

The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) process guidance document provides a comprehensive discussion of core DITPR-DON functionality and basic lifecycle transactions. This information will enable all users to gain the understanding necessary to perform the basic IT asset management functions of registering, transferring and archiving DON IT systems within ...

Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Certification of MAIS for FY08

DoD Memo - March 13, 2008

This memo details DoD CIO requirements for compliance with the Section 8068(c) of the Defense Appropriations Act of 2008 with respect to certification of Major Automated Information Systems programs undergoing CCA review in FY08. Section 8068(c) re-enacted the provision contained in the FY07 Act at Section 8066(c). For DON implementation, MAIS programs undergoing CCA review in FY08 will prepare only the five ...

Defense Business Enterprise Architecture, System Accountability and Conditions for Obligation of Funds for Defense Business System Modernization

10 U.S.C § 332 - January 2, 2008

Defense Business Enterprise Architecture, System Accountability and Conditions for Obligation of Funds for Defense Business System Modernization

Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Policy (original 2002 DoD/DON implementation)

Joint ASN (RD&A) DON CIO Memo - June 6, 2002

This memo states that the enclosed OSD Memo: Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Policy of 8 March 2002 must be implemented immediately within the Department. The Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Table and confirmation cover sheets (use appropriate sheet) must be used to obtain CCA compliance confirmation. The

Designation of Mission Critical and Mission Essential Information Systems

SECNAV Memo - March 28, 2001

This memo is the delegation of authority by SECNAV to make "mission critical" and "mission essential" determinations for DON information systems, including National Security Systems. The DoD implementation of section 811 of the FY 2001 National Defense Authorization Act resulted in revisions to the DoDI 5000.2, including definitions of mission critical and mission essential information systems. The definitions also ...

Paperwork Reduction Act

§ 3501 - January 2, 1995

Among the purposes of this law is to minimize the paperwork burden for individuals, small businesses, educational and nonprofit institutions, Federal contractors, state, local and tribal governments, and other persons resulting from the collection of information by or for the Federal Government.


Increasing the Dynamic of Spectrum Access

by Thomas Kidd - August 13, 2012

The final step in the dynamic federal agency spectrum access process within the United States is receiving a radio frequency assignment from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. This notification from the assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information is required for federal spectrum-dependent systems to operate within the United States. The Code of Federal Regulations Title ...


Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Confirmation Signature Sheet

March 21, 2012

The signature sheet below should be used as a cover to the CCA Table and IA Strategy being submitted for review. These documents are referenced in the Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance policy (original 2002 Department of Defense/Department of the Navy implementation) and in current CCA compliance guidance found in SECNAVINST 5000.2E.

Defense Business System Modernization Certification Approval FAQs

January 11, 2008

Included in the attachment is a list of frequently asked questions regarding the Defense Business System Modernization Certification Approval process.