USNORTHCOM Hurricane Sandy Response Support - Nov. 6

By NORAD and USNORTHCOM Public Affairs | November 06, 2012

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- DoD support to Hurricane Sandy response efforts:

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers:

USACE has more than 3000 employees from the North Atlantic Division with an additional 650 people deployed from other USACE divisions across the Nation engaged to support the response mission. USACE currently has more than 38 FEMA Mission Assignments exceeding a total of $134 million.

USACE Debris Subject Matter Experts are supporting debris removal efforts in 4 states (NY, NJ, CT and RI), and are working in concert with NY and NJ state, local and other federal partners on a “Clean Sweep” debris removal initiative to facilitate the rapid removal and disposal of debris. Debris removal includes collection, segregation of household hazards, hazmat, solid waste reduction and disposal, and there will be different solutions for different states and neighborhoods.

With regards to unwatering, USACE continues to make progress in NYC, with half of the 14 critical pumping locations already completed; however, the complexity of the missions is increasing. They are pumping at the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, Jersey City PATH Train Tunnel, Montague Tunnel, and the Passaic Valley Waste Water Treatment Plant, and are moving pumps and personnel to the Kearny Amtrak Substation, Metropolitan Avenue Bridge Pier and the Rockaway Waste Water Treatment Plant to assist local authorities. Three additional unwatering sites have been assigned to USACE: Kearny Amtrak Substation, Metropolitan Avenue Bridge Pier Operating Machinery Pits, and Manhattan Steam Plant Tunnel.

USACE is aggressively supporting emergency temporary power missions in New York and New Jersey and is maintaining total asset visibility on over 300 generators at six sites in JY, NJ, and PA. Power teams are deployed in NY, NJ, PA and WV, and have resources in place to haul, install, operate and maintain generators at critical facilities. Nearly 355 critical power assessments have been completed, with up to 80 generators already installed in NY, NY, and PA. Installation of 39 more generators are in progress. USACE continues to receive prioritized lists of requirements from local officials and is immediately acting on these requests.

USACE power teams are working in concert the NY/NJ Unified Coordination Groups to address a prioritized list of 13 gas stations requiring power in both NY and NJ, and continue to vet a list of gas stations with product but not power to pump.

Additionally, there have been 1.7 million liters of bottled water shipped to multiple states to augment FEMA inventories for both the public and response personnel.

Defense Logistics Agency:

DLA personnel continue to work in support of FEMA and state requirements to deliver food, blankets, tents, medical items, water, and other commodities to both the public and responders, and in the quantities and locations as identified by state emergency coordinators. Up to 3,000,000 meals have been shipped to date, with another 5,000,000 meals in production, and 1,000,000 meals provided to personnel in both Lakehurst, NJ, and Bennett Field, NY.

In regards to fuel, DLA is responding to another mission to get power to 81 identified stations with gas, but no power and contracted with Caterpillar for the equipment, installation and crews. There is first-responder fuel support to eight NY commercial stations, five for FEMA, and three for local responders. Six NG Armories in NJ have fuel for their response efforts, as well. In all, 500,000 gallons of fuel have been delivered to date, with another 24,000,000 gallons available for tasking.

For power generation efforts, DLA provided 36 generators to Lakehurst, as well as a 27K FT high capacity power cable to Ft. Dix - all to support USACE efforts.

In addition to the abovementioned, DLA has contracts in place and is working near-term contracts for trash/debris removal, wastewater capabilities, and garbage barge and overland trash hauling. DLA has also delivered 200 hypothermia prevention kits to Fort Dix, NJ, and six Portable X-Ray machines are enroute to Fort Dix, NJ.

U.S. Transportation Command:

USTRANSCOM has completed 78 missions, transported 626 passengers and 3087.3 tons (includes 200 vehicles, 4 pumps, and 30,258 blankets).

U.S. Fleet Forces: (Navy & Marine Corps):

Moved Underwater Construction Team ONE (UCT-1) ashore at Sandy Hook to begin pier assessments at the Coast Guard Station.

Dewatering efforts ashore in Rockaway Beach, NY today were again immensely successful. Dewatered 22 buildings on NYC priority list, completing all dewatering tasking in public housing of Rockaway.

An assessment team from WASP went to Rockaway Water Treatment Facility. After determining need included portable water removal, the Navy pushed an 11 Sailor team from WASP to the scene. They dewatered all day and we are calling that one mission complete for our capabilities. A commercial pumper showed up with more capacity and we stepped aside to let him work.

FEMA mission presently reported for Long Island door-to-door needs assessments was cancelled prior to execution. No traction on future missions.

In anticipation of the cold front moving through on Wednesday & Thursday USS Carter Hall & USS San Antonio will get underway, but will remain close to the coast. USS Wasp will weather storm at anchor, and be prepared to get underway on short notice.

Putting NECC's Fleet Survey Team ashore Tuesday in order to complete tasking in Jamaica Bay.

Update from the Navy Element Commander - Ashore

NJ Barrier Island. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 11 (NMCB 11) personnel (Seabees) conducted emergent restoration of primary right of ways and storm drain systems to facilitate emergency vehicle movement in preparation for impending nor'easter. Also provided heated command tent and tent for field dining in support of NJ DOT personnel on site. Three assessment teams dispatched along coastal NJ Barrier Islands to determine most critical requirements for follow-on earth stabilization and possible power generation support.

NMCB 11 transited to, Staten Island to support NYC emergent clearance/restoration Task Force in preparation for impending storm. SEABEEs set up and will commence operations in earnest at first light tomorrow.

Mobile Diving & Salvage Unit 2 (MDSU 2) conducted dewatering operations in vicinity of the World Trade Center Memorial, dewatering hallways, staircases rooms (20K gallons). MDSU also dispatched personnel to Breezy Point, Queens to dewater homes. 110 NMCB 5 personnel arrived last night to support Task Force Pump dewatering efforts ISO USACE. Four Sailors were transferred to Fort Wadsworth and staged for further tasking. Coordinating to assign additional sailors to TF Pump tomorrow.

For more information, please contact NORAD and USNORTHCOM Public Affairs at (719) 554-6889. For information about NORAD or USNORTHCOM, please visit our Web sites at or .