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Home > About > Offices > 579th Forward Engineer Support Team-Main (FEST-M)

579th FEST-M Background

What is the FEST-M?

The 579th Engineer Detachment (Forward Engineer Support Team - Main) provides technical engineer planning and design, contract construction, environmental and geospatial engineering support as well as real estate acquisition and disposal. They also provide command and control of U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) operations and sub-field elements in theater in support of full-spectrum operations.


This FEST-M is one of the largest of the Field Force Engineering teams in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The team of 36 Soldiers and Civilians has design capabilities from various disciplines to include electrical, mechanical, civil, and environmental engineers; as well as logistical, contracting and resource management. In short, it can be described as a mini-district that can be augmented with structural, environmental and other engineering skills depending on the mission.

Equipped with reachback communication capabilities, known as TeleEngineering, the 579th FEST-M is able to bring specialized data, research, and expertise from USACE research centers, engineers, and laboratories to deployed areas of operation.

This team is assigned to an engineer command or senior military command in the area of operation and provides command and control of all USACE teams assigned to the location.


The 579th  FEST-M is a flexible team capable of rapidly deploying into military contingencies and disaster relief operations. Support to these missions includes, but is not limited to:

  •  Providing infrastructure engineering planning and design to construct base camps and facilities
  •  Coordinating technical engineering reachback through Internet protocol router networks
  •  Managing deployed USACE elements and engineering communications equipment
  •  Supervising all contract construction for American military forces
  •  Organizing all requests for environmental baseline surveys
  •  Giving geospatial engineering support
  •  Contracting services and support


A great field force engineering team operating as a deployed mini-district providing support and communicating with engineering kits and reachback capabilities to deliver technical expertise to globally unique challenges.


Provide vital contract construction and technical engineering services to strengthen command and control of expeditionary elements and synchronize engineering functions across areas of responsibilities during overseas contingency operations and disaster relief efforts.