Naval Sea Systems Command


A major thrust of the EMTC is to develop and implement affordable manufacturing processes for energetic materials, formulations, components and systems that are integrated with environmental considerations. It is essential to unite manufacturing processes with environmental protection. We promote innovative technologies and processes that will prevent pollution or clean up existing manufacturing methods.

Process Technology


 Resonant Acoustic Mixing

 Resonant Acoustic Mixing

Our goal is to reduce manufacturing costs while improving product quality
and reliability by implementing the following:


  • Process Controls - Improving methods for process analysis and data collection to decrease product variability and increase production yields

  • Manufacturing Techniques - Developing new or improving existing methods of manufacturing energetics

  • Process Analysis - Analyzing and modeling processes to reduce cycle time, improve quality, and minimize variability.

In the case of energetics, the design or redesign of manufacturing processes takes on a special complexity because of the unforgiving nature of the materials involved. Modifications to existing processes must be carefully thought out and exhaustively demonstrated before implementation. By sponsoring demonstrations of safe, new technology with wide applications for environmentally sound manufacturing processes, the Navy can expand the knowledge base and at the same time continue to produce Navy-unique items.

Environmental Awareness

The EMTC is equally dedicated to developing and implementing environmentally benign manufacturing processes. Many manufacturing processes which served well in the past have now, with increased environmental awareness, become outmoded. In order for the Navy to retain its fighting edge while remaining in environmental compliance, new procedures and processes must be constantly developed.

The environment is a major consideration in the business of energetics. The Center stresses the following:

  • Pollution Prevention - Promoting environmentally conscious manufacturing that produces minimal or no hazardous waste or pollution

  • Reclamation/Recycle - Minimizing the environmental impact through the recycling of raw materials and hazardous waste

  • Compliance - Concentrating on improved methods for disposal of energetic waste and of other pollutants.

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