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The 2011 Mississippi River flood resulted in overbank scour and failure of the left bank revetment at Presidents Island south of downtown Memphis, TN. Restoration of the bank control is necessary to prevent eventual development of a secondary channel and possibly an eventual shift in the main navigation channel across Presidents Island. The proposed study will focus on developing overbank control measures to divert flow and ensure bank stability without impacting flood stages.

The study will use a 2-Dimensional mobile boundary model of the reach and will evaluate multiple alternatives that could be constructed.  The model will also be used to evaluate potential impacts to flood stages resulting from alternative features.

Principle tasks to be performed during this study include:

  • Develop a 2-dimensional mobile boundary model of the Presidents Island Reach, approximately River Miles 699-735.
  • Various alternatives will be tested in the model to evaluate their effects on flood stages and system response.
  • Perform field data collection to support model development.
  • Analyze historic hydrographic surveys to gain understanding of reach dynamics.
  • Review geologic and geomorphologic maps of the area.
  • Analyze historic dredging records.
  • Develop report describing findings of and outlining recommended construction items from investigation.