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Public / Private Cooperation

U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) seeks to build partnerships with public agencies and private sector entities to enhance security and stability in the command’s Area of Responsibility (Central America, South America and the Caribbean).  The Public / Private Cooperation (PPC) program serves as a hub to faciliate these partnerships.

Is your non-governmental organization, private company, academic institution, or other qualifying group interested in opportunities for collaboration with the U.S. military in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Please see US Southern Command interested in collaborating with the private sector.

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PPC Mission

Establish, develop, and sustain relationships with private organizations to help ensure security and enhance stability in the Americas.

PPC Vision

Make seamless and effective Public Private Cooperation the standard for SOUTHCOM trans-American interaction.

What PPC Does

Through integration, entrepreneurship, and brokerage/facilitation, we:

  • Magnify current U.S. military programs & activities, serving as a fusion center for information and enabling a more synergistic approach to regional security, stability, and prosperity

  • Serve as focal point for public private partnering opportunities to enhance security, stability and prosperity in the region

  • Coordinate across the SOUTHCOM enterprise and other U.S. Government agencies

PPC Approach

SOUTHCOM's Public Private Cooperation efforts are centered primarily on our strong Security Cooperation programs.  We seek private partners whose regional efforts complement and magnify our own. Security Cooperation programs include:

  • Combined/multinational exercises (clinic, school, and well construction as well as medical readiness)

  • Combined/multinational education (human rights & civil-military relations)

  • Combined/multinational experimentation

  • Facilities and infrastructure support projects

  • The National Guard's State Partnership Program

  • Other related programs & activities (such as the Partnership for Peace and Defense Environmental International Cooperation programs)

Collaborate with PPC on All Partners Access Network

Collaborate with PPC Community on All Partners Access Network (APAN)APAN is an unclassified, non-dot-mil network providing interoperability and connectivity among partners over a common platform. APAN fosters information exchange and collaboration between the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and any external country, organization, agency or individual that does not have ready access to traditional DoD systems and networks.  

Helpful info

Disaster relief missions: How to Help

USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster (OFDA) is the U.S. government lead federal agency for foreign disaster responses.  As a U.S. Government agency, USAID is not able to accept monetary donations. We recommend that you donate to the reputable charity of your choice.  Information about organizations supporting disaster relief missions is available at

For additional information on making donations (cash or commodities), initiating effective fundraising activities, and volunteering services, please visit the Center for International Disaster Information website at and

Transportation options

If you need transportation for gifts-in-kind via Department of Defense air or surface lift, the programs available are the Funded Transportation Program and the Denton Program. Please refer to the following website for program information and application:

Business Contracting

Companies seeking to sell commodities or establish U.S. government business contracts can contact the SOUTHCOM Acquisition Support Center (ASC) at 305-437-3679 (DSN  567).



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