Naval Sea Systems Command

Planned Maintenance System DTD
  • Entity Files
    • Download the 14 ISO character sets          
      • ISOlat1
      • ISOgrk1
      • ISOnum
      • ISOdia
      • ISOpub
      • ISObox
      • ISOtech
      • ISOgrk3
      • ISOamso
      • ISOamsb
      • ISOamsr
      • ISOamsn
      • ISOamsa
      • ISOamsc
    • Download PMS entity files          
      • PMS standard texts entity file
      • PMS safety messages entity file
      • PMS SPIN numbers entity file
      • PMS special character entity file          
  • Data Dictionary    
  • Tagging Conventions    
  • FOSI/Style Sheet
    • ArborText Adept Series FOSI
      • This FOSI for Planned Maintenance System (PMS) documents conforming to the DTD with PUBLIC identifier


        is optimized for screen display using the Arbortext Adept Editor version 8.1 or Arbortext Epic Editor versions 4.1 and above. This FOSI is an instance of the OS in MIL-PRF-28001, Rev B Amend 1.

      • Download


  • PMS - Description

    This DTD accommodates the following Fleet Technical Support Center (FTSC) Planned Maintenance System (PMS) engineering document classes:

    1. Maintenance Index Page (MIP)
    2. Unclassified Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC)
    3. NOFORN or Classified Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC)
    4. Maintenance Requirement Locator Card
    5. Integrated Class Maintenance Plan (ICMP)

    The DTD is invoked by the document type declaration


    The PMS DTD is the basis for the Fleet Technical Support Center's New PMS Editor (NPE).

    PMS - Disclaimer

    Please read before using the DTD.

    This DTD was developed by the NAVSEA NSWCCD to support the automation initiative of the Fleet Technical Support Center (FTSC) for the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) engineering document classes. The FTSC provides this DTD to the Navy XML/SGML Repository in accordance with the Repository's aim:

    The Navy XML/SGML Repository was established as a mechanism to promote sharing of DoN DTDs and FOSIs and minimize DoN investment in DTD and FOSI development.

    For additional information, see Navy XML/SGML Repository.

    Any organization may use this DTD. The FTSC provides this DTD "as is" with no guarantee whatever. If users modify the DTD for their needs, they alone are responsible for the consequences of their changes. Moreover, the DTD's PUBLIC identifier must indicate that such changes have been made to the DTD. The FTSC welcomes comments concerning this DTD or recommended changes to it. However, the FTSC acknowledges no responsibility whatsoever to reply to such communications.

    Points of Contact
    DTD Owner POC

    Technical POC
    NAVSEALOGCEN Norfolk, VA Code 05315
    Staying Connected