IT Efficiencies

The DON CIO is the department's information technology/cyberspace efficiency lead. In collaboration with stakeholders from the Secretariat, U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps, the DON CIO is analyzing the department's business IT infrastructure to find opportunities to strategically centralize and consolidate IT processes and systems that will lead to significant cost savings. Through collaboration across the DON IT enterprise, these efforts will result in a more effective and efficient DON IT environment.

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Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services

DON CIO Memo - May 15, 2015

This memo provides updated guidance for leveraging commercial cloud services in the Department of the Navy, implements the December 15, 2014 cloud computing guidance from DoD CIO, cancels the DON CIO June 4, 2013 memo, "Update to Department of the Navy Approach to Cloud Computing," and supersedes all direction concerning cloud pilots and cloud services in the DON CIO July 31, 2013 memo, "Enterprise Mobility and Cloud ...

Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis

DoD CIO Memo - October 23, 2014

This memo establishes the Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments. The template is based on business cases used in the DoD and industry. DON CIO is currently drafting policy on implementing the below DoD CIO memo.

DON Transformation Plan FY 2014-2016

DON Strategy Document - July 2, 2014

The Department of the Navy Transformation Plan FY 2014-2016 serves as a comprehensive set of guidelines that will ensure DON resources are responsibly and judiciously allocated to the ultimate benefit of the warfighter and mission accomplishment. It sets forth the department's transformation priorities and establishes a clear path towards business transformation and institution reform.

DON Server-Based System and Application Migration and Hosting Best Value Policy Guidance

DON CIO Memo - January 10, 2014

This memo provides supplementary guidance for the migration and hosting of all Department of the Navy server-based systems and applications. System and/or application migration should be aligned with either a data center consolidation or tech refresh plan, whichever occurs sooner, but all migrations must be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2018.

DON Policy For Approving Multifunctional Devices For Use On DON Networks

DON CIO Memo - December 3, 2013

The purpose of this memo is to facilitate the Department of the Navy's Multifunctional Device (MFD) efficiency initiative. The DON requires a process that allows competitive pricing and timely approval of MFDs while maintaining the security of DON networks. The DON must also minimize the administrative level of effort involved in adding an MFD to an accredited environment. This memo provides guidance for connecting MFDs ...

DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Strategic Objectives for Fiscal Years 2014-2018

DON CIO Memo - November 1, 2013

This memo cancels the Department of the Navy Information Management(IM)/Information Technology(IT)/Cyberspace Campaign Plan FY 2011-2013 and establishes the DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Strategic Objectives for FY 2014-2018. These objectives represent the focus necessary to achieve efficiencies for reduced business IT spending; they do not address all areas of DON IM/IT/Cyberspace.

Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Service Pilot Project Governance

DON CIO Memo - July 31, 2013

This memo originally stated that any organization planning to initiate a new Enterprise Mobility or Cloud Service pilot must submit an enterprise information technology standard business case analysis (BCA), or an abbreviated BCA, justifying the initiative to the appropriate approving authority. However, the May 15, 2015 DON CIO memo "Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services" updates and supersedes all ...

Hosted Virtual Desktop Use and Capability

DON CIO Memo - July 31, 2013

This memo discusses Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD), one cost saving possibility under evaluation. With HVD, instead of software loaded onto a computer, a network-centric virtual desktop is provided from a data center, giving the user increased flexibility, mobility, productivity and security.

Server, System, and Application Virtualization

DON CIO Memo - July 29, 2013

This memo stipulates that the DON must virtualize all current servers and server-based systems/applications. The process of virtualization will allow multiple operating systems and applications to be run on a single physical server, thus reducing operational costs and improving flexibility within the existing information technology infrastructure.

Moratorium on Microsoft Windows XP and All Prior Versions of Microsoft Operating Systems

DTG 312035Z MAY 13 - May 13, 2013

This NAVADMIN provides guidance on the use of Microsoft Windows XP and all prior versions of Microsoft operating systems. Effective April 30, 2014, Microsoft will no longer provide vendor lifecycle support (automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance) for Windows XP.

DON Secretariat Spend Plan Guidance

DON CIO Memo - April 23, 2013

This memo provides guidance for requests for information technology procurements within the Department of the Navy.

Certification and Annual Review Processes for Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area and Defense Intelligence Mission Area Systems

DON CIO Memo - April 16, 2013

This memo states that Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area, and Defense Intelligence Mission Area systems will conduct certifications and/or annual reviews that will be reviewed and approved by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy) or DDCIO (Marine Corps), as appropriate.

DON Certification and Accreditation Pilot

DON CIO Memo - March 20, 2013

This memo outlines the certification and accreditation pilot of information technology systems within the Department of the Navy.

DON Secretariat IT Efficiencies

DON CIO Memo - February 25, 2013

The purpose of this memo is to clarify that the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer will be working with all Secretariat organizations to determine a cost effective way ahead on data center consolidation and rationalization of systems/applications.

Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

Executive Order 13636 - February 12, 2013

This executive order establishes the United States' policy to enhance the security and resilience of the Nation's critical infrastructure and to maintain a cyber environment that encourages efficiency, innovation, and economic prosperity while promoting safety, security, business confidentiality, privacy, and civil liberties. Such goals are achieved through a partnership with the owners and operators of critical ...

Mandatory Guidance Regarding Management of Department of the Navy Copiers, Printers, Fax Machines, Scanners, and Multi-Functional Devices

DON CIO Memo - January 25, 2013

This memorandum establishes a mandatory enterprise-wide Department of the Navy policy to improve management and use (including procurement and disposal) of all networked and stand-alone DON copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners (CPFSs), multifunctional devices (MFDs), and related consumables and support services.

DON Business Transformation Plan Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report

DON Guidance - December 28, 2012

The DON Business Transformation Plan Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report focuses on the DON's approach to business transformation. It is focused on incremental, evolutionary improvements to operations, making targeted investments in new processes and scaling them to meet enterprise demands. This risk managed and cost sensitive approach also allows the DON to maintain its agility for utilizing new ideas ...

DON IM, IT, and Cyberspace Performance Measures

DON CIO Memo - October 2, 2012

The purpose of this memo is to establish performance measures and their associated reporting requirements in order to assess progress in achieving business information technology transformation. These measures may be updated in the future to reflect improved reporting/analysis, incorporate feedback, or to respond to changing mission and fiscal requirements.

Achieving Measurable Efficiencies Through Data Center Consolidation, System, and Application Rationalization Guidance

Joint DON Memo - September 17, 2012

This memo provides details on how the Department of the Navy must engage in the immediate strategic transformation of information technology in business systems, applications, and processes within programs of record and functional area portfolios. It includes applications, networks, and systems classified as Mission Assurance Category II and III, and DON data centers, currently operating on any ashore network.

DON Secretariat ITEAA Tool

DON CIO Memo - July 11, 2012

The purpose of this memo is to announce the implementation within the Secretariat of a Department of the Navy Enterprise tool to track planned information technology expenditures. The Navy Information Dominance Approval System (NAV-IDAS), currently being deployed within the United States Navy, will now be deployed within the Secretariat starting in August 2012. NAV-IDAS will be implemented as a part of the approval ...

DON Enterprise Mobility Integrated Product Team

DON CIO Memo - May 15, 2012

This memo establishes the Department of the Navy Enterprise Mobility Integrated Product Team (EMIPT) as the Department's designated advisory and action group, reporting to the DON Information Enterprise Governance Board for all matters pertaining to the Department's enterprise mobility efforts. Further, it establishes the EMIPT charter, which states that the EMIPT will be a collaborative initiative to facilitate a ...

Improving Cost Visibility for the FY 2014 IT and National Security System Budget Exhibits

Joint DON Memo - April 20, 2012

This memo clarifies and refines the line number cost categorization definitions, and reiterates the requirement to report commercial hardware, software and services in program budget information systems-information technology by contract, vendor, make, model, and version. Adherence to these requirements will be considered during IT expenditure approval authority reviews.

DON IT Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives Metric Reporting Guidance

Joint DON Memo - April 17, 2012

This memo establishes a standard format to report metrics that will measure and validate progress in attaining Department of the Navy information technology/cyberspace cost savings objectives, which were established through the FY 2013 Program/Budget Review and other ongoing Navy and Marines Corps IT cost saving efforts.

DON Performance Plan for Reduction of Resources Required for Data Servers and Centers in Support of NDAA FY12

DON Performance Plan - March 20, 2012

This plan details the Department of the Navy's continued efforts to reduce the Navy's overall data center footprint, deliver cost and environmental efficiencies and increase the overall information technology security posture while ensuring Navy and Marine Corps warfighting capability remains strong. This effort aligns directly with the Office of Management and Budget Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative and the ...

DON Plan for Optimizing Use of Employee IT Devices and Other IT to Achieve Efficiencies

DON CIO Memo - February 27, 2012

This memo details how the Department of the Navy is actively optimizing the use of employee information technology devices and other IT to achieve efficiencies.

DON Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012

DON CIO Memo - December 15, 2011

Since its inception, the focus of the Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance has been on enabling knowledge dominance by directing that our information management/information technology spending support the creation of a joint, net-centric naval networking environment. The net-centric vision remains a goal, but cutting the Department's IT spending is the priority for 2012. In the face of sharply ...

IT Procurement Approval and Oversight Authority

Joint DON Memo - September 30, 2011

This memo designates the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) as the Navy's single Information Technology procurement approval and oversight authority for Command and Control, Information, and IT.

DON Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority

UNSECNAV Memo - September 19, 2011

This memo designates the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer as the Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority for the Secretariat.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Review of DON IT Systems

UNSECNAV Memo - September 19, 2011

This memo tasks the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer as the Secretary of the Navy's senior advisor on information technology/national security systems (NSS) performance, and as the DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Lead, to analyze and assess the DON's IT/NSS investments for efficiency and effectiveness and make recommendations for actions that could be taken to reduce the Department's IT costs while ...

Chief Information Officer Authorities

OMB Memo - August 8, 2011

This memo is designed to clarify the primary area of responsibility for agency chief information officers (CIOs) throughout the government, as identified in the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management. It discusses the changing role of agency CIOs away from just policymaking and infrastructure maintenance t

DON Data Center Consolidation Policy Guidance

DON CIO Memo - July 20, 2011

This memo establishes a moratorium to halt all Department of the Navy investment (to include individual program of record resources) in increased data storage capacity without first determining that existing DON data center capacity is insufficient to meet the storage requirements, and determining it is not more cost effective to expand capacity in an existing DON owned Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Navy ...

DON Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authorities

DON CIO Memo - July 19, 2011

This memo requests that the Navy and Marine Corps each designate an Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA). The ITEAA will be responsible to ensure that all information technology projects undertaken by the Navy and Marine Corps are integral parts of rationalized service portfolios, aligned with DON IT goals and conform to the DON and Department of Defense enterprise architectures. No resource ...

DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment Tasking

DON CIO Memo - December 20, 2010

This memo establishes Department of the Navy information technology/cyberspace policy and governance strategy to meet the long-term objectives of the Department's information management, IT/cyberspace and information resources management efficiency and effectiveness goals. The memo also outlines initial DON IT/cyberspace efficiency focus areas.

DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

UNSECNAV Memo - December 3, 2010

This memo addresses information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. It underscores the challenge by the Secretary of Defense to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. This memo directs the DON Chief Information Officer to take the lead for the Department for this endeavor, noting that it is a ...


Navy Mobile Apps Bring Information and Training to Your Smartphone and Tablet

by Rob Foster - May 9, 2016

There are mobile applications for almost everything, and now there are apps that allow Department of the Navy active duty and civilian personnel in any location to access important information and required training on their personal smartphone or tablet. These apps will work on personal devices outside of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) domain.

PEO-EIS Innovation Cell Industry Day Presentations Available

April 1, 2015

Presentations and preliminary Enterprise Challenge (EC) statements given during the PEO-EIS Innovation Cell Industry Day, held March 26, are now available by request. Please submit your request by using the "Contact Us" link located in the DON CIO Information section.

Defense Collaboration Services to Replace Defense Connect Online

February 24, 2015

The Defense Connect Online (DCO) service will be discontinued on June 24. It will be replaced by Defense Collaboration Services (DCS). In preparation for the deactivation of DCO, users are required to save local copies of mission critical data hosted on DCO no later than May 30.

DON CIO Congratulates Award Winners

February 20, 2015

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 DON IT Awards. ...

CNO's 2014 Position Report Released

November 24, 2014

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert has issued his 2014 Position Report. The Position Report is used to assess the progress that's been made toward the vision and plans outlined in the CNO Sailing Directions and Navigation Plan: 2015-2019. The report also highlights both achievements, and areas which need improvement, and discusses the progress yet to be made while focusing on three tenets: Warfighting ...

Streamlining Processes to Reduce Administrative Burden

by Dr. John Zangardi, Ph.D. - November 14, 2014

I am pleased to address you as Acting DON CIO after having been appointed to serve in that capacity on 24 Oct. Though the office has been aligned with the DUSN (M) organization, the DON CIO will continue to maintain a direct reporting relationship to the Secretary of the Navy on matters required by law, regulation, and policy. In addition to serving as Acting DON CIO, I will remain the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the ...

FY 2014-2016 DON Transformation Plan Calls for Bold Action

August 7, 2014

With the theme "Moving Forward," the recently released Department of the Navy Transformation Plan FY 2014-2016 provides a strategic blueprint for the DON to become more effective and better prepared to counter future challenges and protect the Department's top four priorities: people, platforms, power and partnerships. Culture change, increased use of data-driven decision-making and effective governance are cited as the ...

DON Information Management Study

by Thomas Hicks - July 11, 2014

In today's rapidly evolving environment, the information technology, management processes, and administrative functions of the Department of the Navy are becoming increasingly integrated. All major indicators portend that reliance upon data systems and access to information will be even more critical in the future than it is today. To ensure the DON is properly organized to thrive in this complex environment, we are in ...

Building on DON Success; Meeting New Challenges

by Barbara Hoffman - June 9, 2014

It has been a privilege to serve in leadership positions for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, including as Director of both the E-business and Investment Management teams, Principal Deputy for two very talented DON CIOs, and now as the DON CIO (Acting). Our business IT environment has evolved dramatically over this timeframe, in technology advances as well as in operational and fiscal challenges.

The 'Cutting Edge' Isn't Always The Answer

by Terry Halvorsen - April 18, 2014

Is newer always better (or necessary)? In today's world, where technology changes in the blink of an eye, and the race to be faster, more capable, bigger, etc., moves at lightning speed, we sometimes forget to ask ourselves that very simple question. The government IT world isn't immune to this phenomenon. Cutting edge technology may bring useful new capability, but cutting-edge costs money – usually lots of money. ...

DON CIO Reduces Printing, Devices To Save Millions

March 31, 2014

Did you know that multifunction devices could save the Department of the Navy $285 million over the Future Years Defense Program?

Savings and Efficiencies Through Enterprise Mobility

March 13, 2014

The Department of the Navy's enterprise wireless contract, established by Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center San Diego (FLCSD) for all DON wireless use in the CONUS, went into effect in May 2011. The contract includes provisions to lower costs; it includes free devices, web portals provided by the wireless carriers that account managers can use to analyze and "fine tune" services, and a limited number of ...

DON CIO Congratulates Award Winners

February 19, 2014

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 DON IM/IT Excellence Awards, the John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award, and the new DON Cyberspace/IT Rising Star and DON Cyberspace/IT Person of the Year Awards. There were also seven information technology leaders from the DON among this year's Federal 100 Award winners. In addition, the DON CIO ...

DON Print Management Initiative - A Strategic Partnership to Achieve Savings

January 16, 2014

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer has instituted a department-wide policy to comprehensively manage print devices. This policy, signed Jan. 25, 2013, became the cornerstone of the DON Print Management Initiative, which is expected to achieve cost savings of $285M over the Future Years Defense Program.

What's Next in IT - And How Do We Get There?

January 10, 2014

The current budget realities faced by the Department of the Navy have created for us a "new normal." And though we still work diligently to find more ways to save money, we also must adjust to the new normal by asking, "Now what?" How do we get from a mindset of "cutting back to save money" to using the cutting edge of technology to transform our business processes?

SECNAV Portal Using Commercial Cloud Services Operational

September 9, 2013

The first Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) portal hosted in a commercial cloud environment is now operational. This portal is the result of a pilot program between the Department of the Navy Assistant for Administration (DON/AA), the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Systems Center Atlantic team and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

DON CIO Issues Timeline for Virtualizing Systems, Applications

August 26, 2013

In a time when every dollar counts, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer continues to look for innovative and efficient ways to reduce costs. One of those efficiency efforts is "virtualization." The process of virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to be run on a single physical server, reducing operational costs and improving flexibility within an existing information ...

DON to Evaluate Transition to Hosted Virtual Desktop

August 2, 2013

With the effects of sequestration still being felt, the Department of the Navy continues to look for innovative ways to decrease information technology spending. One cost saving possibility under evaluation is the Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD). With HVD, instead of software loaded onto a computer, a network-centric virtual desktop is provided from a data center, giving the user increased flexibility, mobility, ...

Submit BCA to Initiate Enterprise Mobility or Cloud Service Pilots

August 1, 2013

On July 31, 2013, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the memo, "Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Service Pilot Project Governance," which states that any organization planning to initiate a new Enterprise Mobility (EM) or Cloud Service pilot must submit an enterprise information technology standard business case analysis (BCA), or an abbreviated BCA, justifying the initiative to the appropriate ...

DON to Virtualize Servers and Server Based Systems/Applications

July 31, 2013

On July 29, 2013, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the memo, "Server, System, and Application Virtualization," which stipulates that the DON must virtualize all current servers and server-based systems/applications. The process of virtualization will allow multiple operating systems and applications to be run on a single physical server, thus reducing operational costs and improving ...

Double-Sided Printing Saves Money, Paper, Trees

June 17, 2013

Printing in duplex (double-sided) mode saves the government money on paper costs and reduces the number of trees "consumed" by agencies. The estimated average savings is less than one cent per page, but that can add up to government-wide savings of $61 million annually, plus an estimated 546,850 trees saved.

DLA: The Source for Recycled Paper

June 3, 2013

The Department of the Navy issued policy in January that established the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services as the single provider of office document devices across the DON enterprise. This encompasses about 70,000 Navy and Marine Corps devices. But did you also know DLA Document Services can provide you with paper?

Minor Adjustments Add Up to Major Savings

April 22, 2013

When you start a new document on your computer, do you check the margins? If not, you’re missing a simple way to save paper, ink and money for the Department of the Navy. One printing best practice is to use .75 inches as the default margin size for printing instead of the usual 1-inch. The exception should be for official letterhead correspondence, which requires 1-inch margins.

Adapting and Overcoming Resistance to Change in an Evolving IT World

April 16, 2013

In the 1986 movie, "Heartbreak Ridge," Clint Eastwood plays the salty Marine Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Highway, an old-school Marine who realizes he must change some of his ways to succeed in a changing world. His personal mantra — "improvise, adapt, overcome" — is also a teaching point he uses — relentlessly — with the Marines of his underperforming reconnaissance platoon. We, in the Department of the Navy, face a similar ...

What is Cloud Computing?

April 8, 2013

You’ve heard the term and seen the ads on TV, but what does "cloud computing" mean, and why is the Department of the Navy talking about it?

Simple Printing Changes Can Reduce Costs By 20 Percent

March 25, 2013

Department of the Navy leadership is putting action behind its words on saving money on printing costs. All Navy Secretariat and Chief of Naval Operations NMCI unclassified printer default settings are being changed to print documents in black ink, with draft quality, and on both sides of the paper. The changeover started March 15 and is scheduled to continue through April 5.

Toner-Efficient Fonts Can Save Millions

March 8, 2013

One way to save money on printing is by using one of the three "toner-efficient fonts" approved by the General Services Administration (GSA). But what are these fonts and why are they cheaper to use?

Printer Savings Start with You

February 22, 2013

We have all heard the saying: "It's the little things that matter." In the case of printing costs, it's the little things that add up – to big expenses. Although half a cent per page does not sound like a lot of money, counted across the government, the total annual expense amounts to more than $60 million.

Multifunctional Devices Save Money, Space, Energy

February 11, 2013

In the "old days," most offices probably had a piece of equipment for each administrative function – printer, fax machine, copier, etc. Today, many still do, but these functions are increasingly done by one device – known as a "multifunctional device," or MFD. Combining these functions into one device saves money, energy and resources. Additionally, MFDs take up less space in the office and can be a more secure ...

2013 DON IM/IT Excellence & Electromagnetic Spectrum Award Winners Announced

January 31, 2013

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 DON IM/IT Excellence Awards and the John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award.

DON Multifunctional Device Policy Signed

January 30, 2013

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer established another DON-wide IT efficiency policy in a memorandum signed Jan. 25.

DON Makes Progress With Budget Cuts; Savings Initiative Continues

by Enterprise IT Communications - December 7, 2012

The Department of the Navy has made significant progress in adjusting to its smaller budget, but much work remains. The $100 million in savings achieved so far is just a start to the $2 billion cut to the DON’s IT budget, said Terry Halvorsen, the DON Chief Information Officer.

Higher Visibility of IT Budget Reflects More Accurate Spending

November 26, 2012

To enable greater transparency into IT spending, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer has recategorized several overly used categories, or "buckets," in the DON information technology budget database, Naval IT Exhibits/Standard Reporting (NITE/STAR). The positive effect of this action is already paying off.

Navy DCC Task Force Reaches Significant Milestone

November 5, 2012

As the Data Center Consolidation (DCC) and Application Rationalization efforts move forward, a significant milestone was recently reached. The Navy DCC Task Force, formed in the first quarter of fiscal year 2012, has successfully completed 17 of 19 planned site consolidations. As part of the effort, the Navy moved more than 100 systems into Navy enterprise data centers.

Building a Strong Foundation for Future Success

October 24, 2012

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein said these words two generations ago, and yet they ring even more true today. But, we must not stop there. While it is vital that we use current solutions, best practices and technologies to enable our immediate success, we must also maintain a steadfast eye on the horizon for future requirements, industry trends ...

DON Saving Significantly on Cellular

October 15, 2012

To maximize the overall power of the Department's mobile (cellular) purchasing habits, the Department of the Navy established the DON Enterprise Wireless Contracts in January 2011. The benefits of these contracts are paying off, and savings have steadily increased since the establishment of the Enterprise Wireless Contracts. ...

Mobile Device Reductions Result in Significant Savings

October 1, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer implemented mobility management tools and cell phone optimization training in March 2012. The overall goal is to gain business efficiencies and reduce cell phone and mobile device spend due to unused lines, total number of devices and overage minutes. To date, this effort has been very successful in setting the foundation for significant cost reductions. ...

DON to Further Transform Business IT Processes Through Application Rationalization

September 21, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy/Deputy Chief Management Officer recently released the policy memo, "Achieving Measurable Efficiencies Through Data Center Consolidation, System, and Application Rationalization Guidance." This memo provides details on the steps the DON must take to achieve budget savings through application rationalization while ensuring mission ...

Printing Fact #3: Office Equipment: How to Reduce Energy Consumption

September 4, 2012

The Department of the Navy values energy as a strategic resource. One of the DON's major initiatives is to become more energy efficient. There is much to do from an information technology perspective to accomplish this. Office equipment such as computers, printers, fax machines and copiers consume energy even when not in use. By simply using efficient equipment and turning them off when not in use, the DON can ...

Share Your Cost Savings Ideas

September 3, 2012

If you have good ideas on how to save money through improving management of the Department of the Navy's IT, improving existing processes through insertion of IT or changing existing processes to save money, the DON Chief Information Officer would like to know.

Printing Fact #2: Printing is More Than a Significant Waste of Trees

August 20, 2012

Although printer maintenance and ink are a significant cost to the Department of the Navy, we must not forget that the environmental and budgetary impact of those printed pages really adds up! It is estimated that the average employee uses approximately 10,000 sheets of paper per year. In addition to the environmental impact of producing this much paper, it is also costly to the Department. ...

Printing Fact #1: Printing is Expensive

August 6, 2012

As the Department of the Navy looks for greater efficiencies in how it conducts business, it is important to remember that each of us can help the DON save significant amounts of money and operate more efficiently. One area that can be improved is our printing habit. The DON spends more than $100 million on basic printing costs each year.

DON CIO Speaks at Naval War College's Senior Enlisted Academy Graduation

August 1, 2012

There are few milestones that better mark a time, an accomplishment and the hope for a bright future than a graduation. On July 12, 2012, Terry Halvorsen, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, had the honor of speaking at the graduation ceremony of the most recent graduating class of the Senior Enlisted Academy of the Naval War College in Newport, RI. He spoke of the challenges the graduates will face and how ...

DON Enterprise Architecture Supports IT Business Transformation

by Sue Shuryn and Victor Ecarma - July 30, 2012

A critical component to achieving cost savings is transparency of business information technology data, which provides needed insight into, and thus enables more effective management of, the financial and programmatic status of the enterprise. The Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (EA) process is essential to providing visibility of such vital information. The DON EA assessment process is cyclical and ...

Data as a Critical DON Asset

July 27, 2012

We all save an overabundance of mementos from the past — whether it is a favorite blanket from grandma, a box full of baseball cards (unfortunately, not a Tug McGraw or Ted Williams rookie card in the mix), or 20-year-old report cards. While it may be comforting to know that we can always find a particular item; in reality, is that box of baseball cards valuable enough to keep around? We, as a department, have long ...

Agencies Making Progress on Efforts, but Inventories and Plans Need to Be Completed

by Government Accountability Office - July 19, 2012

In 2010, as a focal point for information technology management across the government, the Office of Managment and Budget's (OMB) Federal Chief Information Officer launched the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative - an effort to consolidate the growing number of federal data centers. In July 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) evaluated 24 agencies' progress on this effort and reported that most ...

Business IT Transformation Town Hall Transcript Available

June 5, 2012

At the most recent Department of the Navy Information Technology Conference in Virginia Beach, Va., Terry Halvorsen, DON Chief Information Officer, held a town hall to discuss his strategy for business IT transformation and the future of DON IT. Download the full transcript, which includes questions from the audience, here.

Streamlining DON Business Processes for a More Effective and Efficient Future

May 30, 2012

During the next five to 10 years, the Department of the Navy is facing significant budget constraints. To support vital warfighting capabilities that protect the safety of the nation, it is necessary to find efficiencies in other areas. As part of this effort, the DON Chief Information Office and its information technology partners, such as internal stakeholders and industry, will thoroughly review all operations from an ...

IT Vendor Business Case Analyses: Driving Savings Today and Sustaining Relationships in the Future

by Floyd Groce, Brian Fischbeck and Behrad Mahdi - May 11, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) have undertaken a number of initiatives that have important implications for the future of the DON business IT environment. Specifically, the DON Enterprise Software Licensing (ESL) IPT developed business case analyses (BCAs) that provide enterprise-level visibility of how much money ...

Data Center Consolidation: Industry and DON Perspectives

April 24, 2012

Consolidation of data centers is a complex and long-term issue that both private and public sectors are facing. This issue was the focus of the panel discussion, Data Center Consolidation from the Department of the Navy Perspective, that Mr. Terry Halvorsen, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, moderated at this year's Sea Air Space Convention. Comprised of data center consolidation and data storage experts ...

Message from the DON CIO: Transforming Business IT for a More Effective Department

by Terry Halvorsen - April 20, 2012

Two years ago, Adm. Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the national debt the greatest threat to national security. He also emphasized the importance of good fiscal stewardship and the need for Department of Defense leaders to work together to cut spending, which had doubled from 2000 to 2010.

Data Center Consolidation Already Results in Savings

March 22, 2012

Data center consolidation is not a new concept to the Department of the Navy. The department has been actively consolidating IT resources and has already seen significant savings as a result. ...

What is the Status of DON Data Center Consolidation?

March 12, 2012

Both the Navy and Marine Corps are assessing the data centers in existence today and consolidating appropriate centers to achieve efficiencies and realize savings. To ensure the data center consolidation streamlines operations, reduces overall costs, and maintains the high level of security, the Navy and Marine Corps are moving forward with a thoughtful plan that will achieve significant savings through fiscal year 2017. ...

How Will DON Data Center Consolidation Cut Costs?

March 5, 2012

Currently, the Department of the Navy has approximately 150 data centers that were established to meet the needs of individual organizations. This has resulted in a complex and duplicative network structure. Data center consolidation will reduce server requirements and merge the hardware residing in many data centers into fewer, more modern and efficient enterprise data centers. It will also virtualize DON applications ...

Data Centers: What Are They?

February 20, 2012

The Department of the Navy must reduce its business IT costs by 25 percent over the next five years. One way the DON is doing this is through data center consolidation. But, what is a data center? A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. ...

DON IT Business Transformation Focuses on Enterprise Solutions

February 14, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer discussed the Department's IT business transformation efforts to prepare for a fiscally constrained future with enterprise and joint solutions that are effective, efficient and agile during the DON Information Technology Conference in San Diego.

Small Businesses Discuss How They Can Support the DON

February 14, 2012

Small businesses currently hire 43 percent of high-tech workers, including scientists, engineers and computer programmers. To help the Department of the Navy take advantage of that talent, Randy Cieslak, Command Information Officer, U.S. Pacific Command, hosted a panel to discuss how small businesses and the DON can better work together to find cost-effective, innovative solutions for tomorrow's military needs.

2012 DON Fed 100 Award Winners Announced

February 3, 2012

Five information technology leaders from the Department of the Navy were among this year's Federal 100 Award winners. Federal Computer Week magazine presents the award to 100 government and industry leaders who have played pivotal roles in affecting change, progress and efficiency in determining how the federal government acquires, develops and manages IT.

DON IM/IT Excellence Award Winners Honored at 2012 DON IT Conference

February 3, 2012

Four individuals and eight teams were honored for their outstanding contributions to excellence in information management/information technology during the Department of the Navy Information Technology Conference, Jan. 24, in San Diego.

Consolidating Data Centers Key to Cutting IT Spending

by Michele Buisch - January 17, 2012

To continue supporting the operational forces stationed around the world, protecting the nation and providing humanitarian assistance during these fiscally constrained times, the Department of the Navy is seeking opportunities to increase IT efficiencies while cutting business spending. A primary focus of this effort is data center consolidation, which is essential to reducing the IT budget by 25 percent during the next ...

Message from the DON CIO

by Terry Halvorsen - January 17, 2012

Happy New Year! This year, the Department of the Navy will build on the efforts of 2011 as we continue on our difficult but necessary journey to transform the way the department manages its business information technology. Finding ways to become more effective in how we acquire and operate IT will lead to decreased costs and ensure we hit the target of reducing the IT budget by 25 percent by 2017.

New DON Mobile Contracts and Tools Drive Savings

by Mike Hernon - January 17, 2012

In today's efforts to identify and leverage all potential efficiency opportunities, one area often overlooked is a device that hundreds of thousands of Department of Defense personnel carry every day — their mobile phone. With voice and data plans sometimes costing more than $100 a month, the DoD spends tens of millions of dollars on cellular bills every month to ensure that personnel away from the office have access to ...

A Few New Year's Resolutions to Save Costs and Conserve

by Alison Dickson-Kozloski - January 3, 2012

As we approach the New Year, it is always good to take some time and focus on what we want to accomplish in the future. The Department of the Navy is facing an increasingly constrained fiscal situation. Budget cuts are forcing us to take a much closer look at how we conduct business and find innovations and efficiencies in our operations -– from energy consumption, to building construction, to IT infrastructure and ...

DON Moving Toward Greater Efficiencies through Data and IT Consolidation

by Alison Dickson-Kozloski - January 3, 2012

The Department of the Navy has a long history of effective information technology solutions that provide the highest level of service and security while being conscious of limited resources. Facing an increasingly resource-constrained future, this commitment to maximizing DON IT support using the most innovative, efficient and effective means will continue.

Department of the Navy in Good Company in IT Efficiencies Way Ahead

by Jessica Pelenberg - November 18, 2011

As the quest for cost saving efficiencies rages on, three government officials spoke about the challenges their organizations are facing and their plans to tackle them at the Fifth Annual C5ISR Government and Industry Partnership Conference held Nov. 16, in Charleston, S.C.

Certification & Accreditation Transformation

by Jennifer M. Ellett - October 27, 2011

Certification and accreditation (C&A) transformation is an initiative to align processes, terminology and frameworks for assessing information security risk across all federal agencies, including the defense and intelligence communities. This effort will provide efficiencies, standardization and support to reciprocity.

DON Enterprise Architecture Supports the DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Campaign Plan

by Victor Ecarma - October 27, 2011

In May 2011, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the DON Information Management/Information Technology/Cyberspace Campaign Plan for Fiscal Years 2011-2013. As stated in the campaign plan, "Fiscal realities in the Defense community today and in the anticipated future will not support our continued development and delivery of Information Management (IM), Information Technology (IT) and Information ...

Message from the DON CIO: Finding IT Efficiencies, Challenging but Necessary Work

by Terry Halvorsen - October 27, 2011

It has been a busy year for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer staff and the information technology efficiencies integrated product teams (IPT) as we analyze how the DON can improve the way business IT is purchased, managed and operated. This hard work will enhance the department's effectiveness, as well as result in real savings, as we grapple with shrinking budgets.

NUWC Newport Achieves IT Acquisition Efficiencies with DoD ESI

by Floyd Groce - October 27, 2011

The Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative, established in 1998 and sponsored by the DoD Chief Information Officer, was created to consolidate requirements for commercial software applications and negotiate with vendors to save time and money in the acquisition of software.

IT Expenditure Approval Authorities Established

October 13, 2011

In another move to promote effectiveness and efficiencies in the Department of the Navy, the Navy, Marine Corps and DON Secretariat have each designated an Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA). The ITEAAs are responsible for ensuring that all IT projects undertaken in the Department are integral parts of rationalized portfolios, aligned with DON and Department of Defense enterprise architectures.

SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Data Center Unveiled

by Lonnie Cowart, SPAWAR Public Affairs - October 7, 2011

CHARLESTON, S.C. –- SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic unveiled a new data center that will play a key role in consolidating more than 100 Navy data centers to increase effectiveness and efficiency to reduce costs while still meeting the Navy's security and operational requirements.

Reshaping the DON's Approach to Buying and Managing IT Resources

by Floyd Groce and Karen M. Davis - August 15, 2011

As all personnel within the Department of Defense and across the federal government are well aware, this is an era of increased budget scrutiny. However, with this scrutiny comes a new opportunity to assess and advance how DoD operates and to improve efficiency across a wide variety of business units and operations. As a significant budget item, the massive information technology infrastructure is no exception and offers ...

Message From the DON CIO: Changing the IT Business Model

by Terry Halvorsen - July 27, 2011

The Department of the Navy must change the way it manages its business information technology (IT) systems. It is the reality of these fiscally constrained times; and frankly, it is the right thing to do as good stewards of taxpayer money.

DON Standard BCA Template Updated

July 26, 2011

An update to the Department of the Navy Standard Business Case Analysis Template, as well as a new user guide, is now available on the DON Chief Information Officer website.

Data Center Consolidation Guidance Released

July 25, 2011

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer signed out formal data center consolidation guidance officially establishing a moratorium on the purchase of additional data center capacity.

Implementing DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives & Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - May 4, 2011

In the January-March 2011 issue of CHIPS, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer announced the DON CIO's role in addressing information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy, in response to a memo released by the Under Secretary of the Navy Dec. 3, 2010. The Under Secretary directed the DON CIO to take the lead for this endeavor.

DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - January 31, 2011

The Under Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Robert O. Work, signed a memo, dated Dec. 3, 2010, addressing information technology (IT)/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. The memo underscores the challenge from Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Robert Gates to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. Work ...


DoD IT BCA and DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA Templates

August 13, 2015

The DoD Information Technology Business Case Analysis (BCA) Template and the DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA template, are used to provide fact-based information to support a recommended course of action for IT related projects or acquisitions. BCAs are required in accordance with DoD CIO memo: "Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case," as well the DON BCA policy, ...

Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template

October 23, 2014

As established in the DoD CIO memo "Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis," the Enterprise IT BCA Template, available for download below, must be used to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments.

DON IT Policy Roundup for FY 2013

February 21, 2013

The Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Roundup for fiscal year (FY) 2013 provides a summary of policies affecting IT projects and programs. For more detail, please review the entire policy at the links provided.

Fast Facts

February 11, 2013

The Fast Fact series provides pithy facts and news briefs about Department of the Navy IT initiatives, business transformation efforts and success stories.

Messages From the DON CIO

January 29, 2013

The following are links to past messages from the DON CIO.

Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority

November 8, 2012

With significant reductions in the Department's budgets, finding efficiencies in information technology expenditures has become a priority. In 2011, the Department of the Navy established centralized oversight of IT expenditures via three designated IT Expenditure Approval Authorities (ITEAAs) - one each for the Navy, Marine Corps and DON Secretariat. These authorit

DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated Standard BCA Template

July 20, 2012

To better enable the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and stakeholders to address the Under Secretary of the Navy's direction to improve the efficiency of the department's information technology and cyberspace-related procurement and business processes using business case analyses (BCAs), the DON Chief Information Officer established an abbreviated BCA template.

Follow-up From DON IT Conference Data Center Consolidation Session

February 9, 2012

The recent data center consolidation session held Jan. 25 at the Deparment of the Navy Information Technology Conference in San Diego included information about the ongoing efforts of the Navy and Marine Corps to address federal and departmental mandates to close data centers. Below is a list of questions generated by this session.

Industry News

SECNAV Hosts Energy Innovation Roundtable - October 15, 2015

Comatose Servers Draining Data Center Efficiency

Government Computer News - July 13, 2015

Pentagon Hopes Single Service Provider Will Deliver

Federal Computer Week - June 25, 2015

Department of the Navy Innovation Vision

Navy Live - April 15, 2015

Exploring the Next Wave of IT Cost Cutting

Federal Computer Week - March 9, 2015

Feds' Cloud Relationship Knotty But Ultimately Nice

Federal Computer Week - January 23, 2015

Lab's Data Center Efforts Lauded

Federal Computer Week - January 23, 2015

How The Army Is Approaching Its Cloud Strategy

Federal Computer Week - November 7, 2014

Why Nobody Knows How Much Data Center Consolidation Is Saving

Federal Computer Week - October 14, 2014

Navy Discovers A Cache Of IT Savings In The Cloud

Government Computer News - September 25, 2014