Tag Archives: History

Department of Defense seal (600x350)

Our military has been around for more than 200 years, but the DoD is just turning 67. Why? Click here to find out.
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Permanent cannons and monuments can be found all over the battlegrounds in honor of the Battle of Gettysburg. DoD photo by Marine Corps Cpl. Cedric Haller

Consider yourself a history fan? See if you know these tidbits of info about the Battle of Gettysburg.
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U.S. Army surgeons were issued surgical kits like this during the Civil War. Photo by Marine Corps Cpl. Cedric Haller

This weekend marks the 153rd anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, where conditions for survival weren’t nearly the same as they are now.
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During the Tet Offensive of 1968, military police soldiers escort a captured Viet Cong prisoner on U.S. Embassy grounds. Photo courtesy of Don Hirst, Army photographer

48 years ago, the Tet Offensive began, marking the beginning of the end of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
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DoD photo by Regina Ali

Iraq has been a major focus for the U.S. military for a long time. It started with Desert Storm, which began 25 years ago and has had a lasting impact.
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