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Researching the Symptom Overlap of TBI & PTSD

Researching the Symptom Overlap of TBI & PTSD

At CNRM research is being done to deepen the understanding of brain injury and neurotrauma that occur in theater, including the concurrent development of PTSD with TBI. Learn why this research is so important and how you can help.

What Should Civilian Providers Know About Treating Military Patients with TBI?

What Should Civilian Providers Know About Treating Military Patients with TBI?

Dr. Heechin Chae says that civilian providers treating military patients with TBI should always be sensitive to the fact that there may be emotional scars involved.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in the Military

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in the Military

Dr. Jack Tsao talks about research on military-related CTE and what questions are being asked — from who is most susceptible to can it develop from blast injuries rather than direct hits to the head.

Changing Our Model

Changing Our Model

Military health-related problems due to combat exposure are not purely military problems, DoD problems, or VA problems. They are national problems and we need to be thinking about national solutions in order to address them.

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Promo Graphic: Returning to Work for Service Members and Veterans
Promo Graphic: Funding provided by generous grants from the Bob Woodruff Foundation and the Infinite Hero Foundation

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