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Welcome Message from the Commanding General, MVD / President, MRC



Major General Michael C. Wehr, MVD Commander



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       Major General Michael C. Wehr


Commander, Mississippi Valley Division;
President, Mississippi River Commission


Welcome to the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD). We are a Regional Business Center that includes headquarters in Vicksburg, MS, and six interdependent districts covering the entire length of the Mississippi River from St. Paul, MN, to New Orleans, LA. MVD is one of nine divisions that make up the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

We are an Army organization providing civil works and military water resource services and infrastructure to serve and benefit the nation. We maintain a trained organization expertly capable of supporting a mobilization of the U.S. Army for war-fighting capability. Our overarching responsibility is to represent the best interest of the public and is reflected in both law and policy and is embedded in our mission statement to “provide flood protection, navigation, environmental protection and enhancement, emergency operations, work for others, and homeland security for the Mississippi Valley region.”

Our vision is that of the entire U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We are part of “the world's premier public engineering organization responding to our nation's needs in peace and war.” We are a full-spectrum and diverse work force of high quality, dedicated military and civilians including engineers, attorneys, architects, real estate appraisers, paramedics, rangers, geologists, biologists, surveyors, firefighters, foresters, hydrologists, public affairs specialists, wetland scientists, realty specialists, resource managers, and other professionals.

Vicksburg is also the home of the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) which is charged with overseeing large watershed projects and programs for river management and improvement. The MRC, created by an Act of Congress in 1879, is a Presidentially appointed commission that provides recommendations to the Chief of Engineers and reports to Congress on matters such as river improvements, navigation, flood control, flood damage reduction, ecosystem management, recreation, and other major watershed projects and issues. I am honored to serve as president.

If you have a question, please use the “Got a question” link on this page. You can also visit our districts located along the mighty Mississippi River by clicking each of the districts' links on this page as well. I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Michael C. Wehr
Major General, U.S. Army