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What’s new in JCSS v15.0

JCSS v15.0 is based on OPNET Modeler 18.0.3 PL3 and includes many of the new models and GUI enhancements in this build. It provides users enhancements in the terrain modeling module, Zigbee model, and system in the Loop enhancements. Please refer to the Modeler documentation for more information on the 18.0.3 enhancements.

  • The Extremely High Frequency (EHF) TDMA Interface Processor (TIP) model that was contributed by SPAWAR is available upon request for JCSS 14.0. Featuring data rates between 2.4 Kbps and 1.544 Mbps, the EHF TIP offers tactical medium data rate (MDR) functionality for wireless deployments. The model utilizes MILSTAR satellite resources and provides Ship to Shor communication in the JCSS simulation environment. This model is now integrated in the base software installer as opposed to the previous release (JCSS v14.0), where these models were available as add-ons.

  • The Weissberger’s foliage RF propagation model is integrated. This model is now available in both the planning (in the GUI) mode as well as in the discrete Event simulation like any other available propagation model like TIREM, Longley Rice, etc. Users will need access to DTED data as well as foliage maps of a geographical region to use this model.

  • The latest JTRS SRW and WNW models from MIT Lincoln Laboratory have been integrated into the JCSS environment.  There are several SRW enhancements, including high fidelity modeling and support for partition/heal/merge.

  • Link-16 J11 model is shipped alongside the existing Link-16 model. Link-16 J11 is a separate model and is not meant to be used with existing Link-16 models in a single scenario. Link-16 J11 implements support for J11 timeslot resources on NPG18, new timeslot resources on NPG 28, and some new 3-word messages (Leader Health protocol, Follower Health protocol, Leader Waypoint protocol).

  • The latest ZigBee models have been enhanced to support IER traffic for JCSS, as well as intelligent Capacity Planning and visualization across the wireless domain.

  • The DoDAF Editor has been enhanced to allow speedier import of very large threaded IER SV-6 files. The files get loaded into the threaded IERs table more quickly, but the actual deployment into the scenario still experiences very significant delay.

  • The WLAN model has been enhanced to handle configurable (or automatic) maximum communication distance, WDS MAC filtering, no ACKs for broadcast, and IERs and Capacity Planning support. The CAISI model had been enhanced to use new BER curves and an enhanced closure model.