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Impacting the Island People Across America

Lake bound island

Dr. Jamie Adler, the director of T2’s Telehealth program, recently moved from T2’s offices near Tacoma, Washington to those on the other side of the country in Washington, DC. In an email to T2 staff, he included some observations made while driving across the country solo in relation to those who use our products. The following is an excerpt from his email.

Free T2 Resources for Educators Help Military Kids at School

Kids in school want to make friends, be liked by their teachers (or just stay out of trouble) and kind of know what’s going on in their classes. They really just want to fit in. But for military kids, that can be hard to do. They move often. Families get separated by deployments. And many kids have to adjust to parents returning home with physical or behavioral health issues. These kids are a minority from a very different culture—the military culture--so very few people (if anyone) understand what their lives are really like.

Raise Awareness to Lower the Risk of Brain Injury

DVBIC A Head for the Future Banner

Few people think about traumatic brain injury (TBI) unless they have one or know someone with one. Sure, you’ve heard about people getting TBIs during deployment in a war zone. But surprisingly, the vast majority of TBIs in the military are actually diagnosed in noncombat settings such as motorcycle or car crashes, falls and sports-related incidents. Since 2000, more than 320,000 service members have been diagnosed with a TBI. And concussions — actually considered a mild form of brain injury — are the most common type.

Get Fit for the APFT. Get Fit for Life.

This April, Guard Your Health will launch FitText, an optional text-messaging initiative centered on preparing for the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and supporting overall fitness among Army National Guard (ARNG) soldiers and their families.

When does FitText begin?

Beginning on April 15, FitText is designed to help soldiers make plans to get fit before the upcoming warm weather months.

Who runs FitText?

Guard Your Health, a campaign out of the Army National Guard Chief Surgeon’s Office, is launching the FitText initiative.


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