Naval Sea Systems Command

Changes from the NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision C Version 1.2 (September 30, 1997) DTD


1.1 The NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision D (November 1, 1998) is the NAVSEA O4L31 approved DTD for ETMs in general accordance with MIL-STD-38784.

1.2 The changes made to the NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision C Version 1.2 (September 30, 1997) are detailed below.


2.1 The attributes

          pagesize (A | B) #IMPLIED
          orient (port | land) #IMPLIED

were added to the attributes of the "docnavseac2" element type to facilitate the formatting of certain document classes.

2.2 The declared value of the "chglvl" attribute of the "docnavseac2" element type

          <!ATTLIST docnavseac2 ... chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED>

was changed from NUMBER to CDATA to provide greater generality in identifying change levels as well as for consistency with the declared value of other "chglvl" attributes providing the same information.

2.3 The declared value of the "chglvl" attribute of the "volume" element type

          <!ATTLIST volume ... chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED ...>

was changed from NUMBER to CDATA to provide greater generality in identifying change levels as well as for consistency with the declared value of other "chglvl" attributes providing the same information.

2.4 The "dialink" element type

         <!ELEMENT dialink - - CDATA>
         <!ATTLIST dialink ident CDATA #IMPLIED
                                boardno ENTITY #REQUIRED
                                hypdestn CDATA #REQUIRED>

was introduced to provide the hyperlinking of SGML text to locations in graphics. The "dialink" element type was enabled by making it an option of the replacement text of the "text" parameter entity by replacing

          extref | dialink)+">

in the "text" ENTITY declaration.

The content of the "dialink" element type is character data such as a valve number that a user can click on and jump to that valve number on a graphic. The entity name value of the required "boardno" attribute identifies the graphic being linked into in the same way as the "boardno" attribute of the "graphic" element type. The CDATA value of the required "hypdestn" attribute identifies the hyperlink destination in the graphic (what would be highlighted or otherwise identified on the graphic file). The CDATA value of the optional "ident" attribute identifies the "dialink" character data in the SGML instance that can be used for "hotspotting" (going from the graphic to the text document.)

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