Heroes' Legacy Scholarships

The 2012 program is closed. Check back on December 3, 2012 for the 2013 program details!

The "Heroes' Legacy Scholarships" program honors not only those who have fallen in battle, but all who have died or have become disabled through their active military service since September 11, 2001. The program is open to their dependent unmarried children under age 23. A disability is defined as one that results in the service member being eligible for, and receiving, Traumatic Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) or a permanent and total disability compensation rating of 100%.

The scholarship grants for this special program are principally underwritten by the author's after tax proceeds from the book "Of Thee I Sing. A Letter to My Daughters" written by President Barack Obama. The amount to be awarded each year depends on the amount of royalties and other potential donations.

Selected recipients will receive a scholarship grant, not to exceed the costs of tuition, books, lab fees, room and board, to any accredited U. S. post-secondary institution of high learning. The amount of the scholarship may be reduced by other funds that the student has received, from federal or state government programs or other grants. Eligibility criteria for the "Heroes' Legacy Scholarships" program are different from the "Scholarships for Military Children" program. The two applicant pools are considered separately. Applicants can apply to either or both programs if they meet the eligibility criteria.