Enterprise Connection Division: The Power to Connect



The Enterprise Connection Division Connection Approval Office approves secure interoperable connections to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN), in support of the warfighter and mission partners, for applications, information systems, and networks authorized to operate on the enterprise infrastructure. 

To get started with your connection, follow the complete instruction on DoD and Non-DoD Mission Partner connections to the DISN detailed in the Connection Process Guide (CPG)

It is important to note that the Enterprise Connection Division is approving requests to connect to the DISN but does not own the entire process. Customers requiring a new connection to the DISN and its services must use the DISA Direct Order Entry (DDOE) request fulfillment process to initiate circuit activation (see the DDOE website for additional guidance). 

For more information on the DOD DIACAP-to-RMF Transition, please visit the RMF web page on IASE.

For more information on the FSO CCRI Schedule, please visit the CCRI Website.


In exceptional circumstances, waivers to connection provisions may be requested. Mission partners should make every attempt to follow established policy for use and operation of the DISN. Generally, requests for waivers must be approved through the GIG waiver process. Based on mission requirement, requests must be submitted to the appropriate DISA service manager for review. The DoD CIO is authorized to approve GIG Waivers. Most requests are commercial Internet provider circuits, and are submitted through SNAP website maintained by the DISA Connection Approval Office. To begin the waivers process, waiver requesters must contact their Service Representative Officers (SRO).

The DISA CAO has published guidance on the GIG waiver process in detail in the DISN CPG DoDIN Waivers Process Appendix, and additional Waivers documentation can be found within SNAP.


To upload connection requirements, visit the Systems Network Approval Process (SNAP) System and/or SIPRNET GIG Interconnection Approval Process System (SGS) databases by visiting the following websites: https://snap.dod.mil and https://giap.disa.smil.mil (SIPR). Download the SNAP User Guide and SGS User Guides (https://giap.disa.smil.mil/gcap/user-guide.do on SIPR) for additional information.  Connection approval metrics are also available for mission partners under the "metrics" tabs in SNAP and SGS.


For questions regarding the Connection Approval Office, contact the CAO by phone at (301) 225-2900/2901, CHA Scans: 312-375-2902 or send messages to the email addresses below:
CAO: disa.meade.re.mbx.ucao@mail.mil / Disa.meade.re.mbx.ucao@mail.smil.mil
DODIN Waivers: disa.meade.re.mbx.ucao-waivers@mail.mil / Disa.meade.re.mbx.ucao-waivers@mail.smil.mil
CHA Scans: disa.meade.re.mbx.caoscans@mail.mil / Disa.meade.re.mbx.caoscans@mail.smil.mil