Department of Defense 
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Started 10/21/2016 12:51:04 AM Currently 10/21/2016 1:00:27 AM
DISA Direct Home     TR Home     Track TR     CAD     ABD      
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DISA Direct! - Getting Started
  • Faq
  • Login
        Forget Userid or Password
  • Registration Center
        Create Userid
        Change User Password
        Change User Information
        Update New PKI/CAC Certificate
        Delete Userid and Roles
        Request New Roles
        Maintenance Options for ROs
  • Order Entry
        Request Routing
        Telecom Request
  • Order Status
        Track TR
  • Inventory and Billing
  • Queries
  • FAQ
    FAQs for DISA Direct
    1. What is DISA Direct?
    • DISA Direct is DISA's preeminent front-end ordering portal. DISA Direct consists of a suite of tools that allows Warfighters and other customers to order telecommunications products and services under all conditions of peacetime and war.
    2. What roles do I need?
    • The DISA Direct roles are dependent upon the user's responsibilities. For descriptions on the roles, s elect the 'Registration' hyperlink and 'Request New Roles'. Next select the 'View Role Descriptions'.
    3. Who approves my roles?
    • Most roles are approved by a Registration Official of the same agency of the user requesting the role(s) The user selects Registration Officials from a list of names to send the role request to.
    4. How long does it take for role approvals/denials?
    • Approvals/denials of roles are dependent upon the Registration Official. If the user does not get a reply back on the role request within 24 hours, advise the user contact the Registration Official(s) that the role request(s) was sent to.
    5. Do I need to have an Authorized Funding Official in the routing of a Telecom Request (TR)?
    • Each agency is required to have at least one AFO in the routing. All TRs are routed according to the routing matrix which is setup by the Agency. The routing is based upon the Program Designator Code(s) (PDCs) that are on the TR. The routing rules are also based on internal DISA rules along with other customer routing business rules.
    6. What happens when I click the 'Submit' button on the Telecom Request (TR)?
    • The Summary Page of the TR, which is the last page of the TR, outlines the data in the TR completed by the customer. On the bottom of the TR the routing is displayed showing where the TR will route to and the order. Once the 'Submit' button is selected the TR will route according to the routing details outlined on the Summary TR page.
    7. Can I recall a submitted TR?
    • Currently a TR may not be recalled back to someone in the routing. The user must contact someone in the routing and have them deny the TR in order to have it sent back to the Authorized Routing Official (ARO). The user may also contact a person in the routing and have them make the changes along with inputting a statement in the comments box indicating why the changes were made. The DISA Direct Team has a tasking from the DISA Direct Configuration Control Board (CCB) to provide a recall feature which would allow the recall function to anyone in the routing. This tasking is in line to be worked in the near future.
    8. What is the 'Change User Info' used for?
    • The Change User Info application is used to modify the user's name, phone numbers, agency address information, and e-mail addresses. In addition, the user may change their password and also delete their userid from this application.
    9. What is the 'Request Routing' link for? Who uses it?
    • Request Routing is an application that is accessed only by a DISA Direct User that has a role of Routing List Official (RLO). Each agency is required to have at least one RLO. This person is responsible for creating and maintaining the routing business rules for routing a TR. It is driven by the Program Designator Code (PDC).
    10. What is Track TR?
    • Track TR is a quick-an-easy status update of a requirement. It is divided into 3 sections. The DISA Direct information is the 1st section, the provisioning information (when applicable) is the 2nd section, and the contracting information on the 3rd section. Track TR can be accessed from the DISA Direct Home page or the Telecom Request (TR) Home page.
    11. What is the difference between Track TR and the Provisioning Automated Workflow System (PAWS)?
    • Track TR is a one page status of information while PAWS provides drills down to more details of the requirement. TR Track remains as part of the history files where PAWS tracks items up to implementation.
    12. Is there a matrix that is followed for outlining what data elements are required for completing a Telecom Request (TR)?
    • The request item submission matrices (by type of service and type action) are found in the DISAC 310-130-5. This may be accessed from within a draft TR, directly under the MENU tool, on any page.
    13. Where can I get training information from?
    • The DISA Direct Home page has a Training Info hyperlink which provides details of the various training offered. The DISA Direct Team is also working to provide web based training by the end of 2007.
    14. What number do I call if I get locked out of my account? What are lock-out rules?
    • Contact the DISN Customer Call Center
        1-844-DISA-HLP (347-2457), option 2 or DSN (312) 850-0032, option 2 and follow the automated menu for specific support services.
        disa.dccc@mail.mil and disa.scott.conus.mbx.dccc@mail.smil.mil

    • EMSS (Iridium) Unlocking Phone Only call EMSS Customer Care Center
        CONUS ONLY 877-449-0600
        DSN 312-282-1048
      User accounts are locked if the user logs in three times unsuccessfully.
    15. If I move from one agency to another do I need to create a new userid and get roles again?
    • Yes, the user should delete their existing userid by selecting the 'Change User Info' hyperlink on the DISA Direct Home page and then selecting the 'Delete Userid' on the bottom of the page. The user will be required to create a new userid and request roles with the new agency's Registration Officials.
    16. What is Telecommunications Inventory Billing Information (TIBI)?
    • What is TIBI and who do I call if I have questions? TIBI is the financial and inventory tool used to review Program Designator Code (PDC) information along with the monthly Customer Cost and Obligation (CCO) report and inventory information. The PDC is a code which is authorized by DISA/CFE relating to a Line of Accounting. PDCs are used to outline payment for the product and/or service being ordered.
    17. How long does it take to create and submit a Telecom Request (TR)?
    • The timeline is always based upon the Authorized Requesting Official and the person(s) in the routing. Once the TR has the final approval, the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) is automated generated and emailed out immediately. At this point the DISA Lead Times take affect. The lead times may be viewed in the DISAC 310-130-5 via the DISA Direct Home page.
    18. If I don't receive a copy of the TSR, what should I do?
    • If you were the Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) or one of the e-mails listed to receive a copy of the TSR and have not received it within 20 minutes of the TSR being generated, please call the DISA Direct Team at (C) 618-229-8971/8804 or (D) 779. Check the Track TR status to view the date/time the TSR was generated.
    19. Can I send copies of the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) to e-mail addresses?
    • Yes, the Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) or anyone in the routing may go to the Summary page of the TR and locate the 'Add E-mail Addresses' button (bottom of page). Once selected the user is able to add e-mail addresses manually or search the Central Address Directory (CAD).
    20. Who should I contact to check a status of a requirement?
    • Recommend checking the Track TR and/or Provisioning Automated Workflow System (PAWS) tools first. If the user still has questions, recommend calling the POCs listed on the Track TR/PAWS.
    21. Do my roles ever expire?
    • At present, roles do not expire. In the near future a tasking will be worked to automatically 'expire' roles in which the user will be required to re-submit a role renewal request. The timeline of when roles will expire will be voted and agreed upon by the DISA Direct CCB.
    22. How often does my password have to be reset?
    • Passwords must be reset every 60 days according to the DISA Password Compliancy Rules.
    23. What are the password rules?
    • Must contain at least two lower and two upper case letters.
    • Must contain at least two numbers
    • Must contain at least two special characters (e.g. "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", etc.).
    • Must be exactly nine characters in length.
    • Should NOT contain any near duplicate (e.g. "LmJJ12!a") or repetitive combinations of characters (e.g. "Tx!1212z").
    • Should NOT be similar to any of your previous ten passwords.
    24. How do I find the Customer Cost and Obligation (CC&O) report?
    • This report is available on the Telecommunications Inventory Billing Information (TIBI) tool. It may be accessed on the DISA Direct Home page. Select the 'Costs' hyperlink located on the left side of the TIBI Home page in the menu box.
    25. Who do I call if my Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services (EMSS) Iridium phone gets locked?
    • EMSS Customer Care Center (C) 877-449-0600 (D) (312) 282-1048
    26. Who are the DISA Direct Configuration Control Board (CCB) Members? Who is the Chair Person?
    • Air Force
    • Army
    • Navy/Marines
    • Coast Guard
    • Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
    • Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
    • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
    • DISA Provisioning Centers
    • Chairperson - Sheila Badgett (C) 618-229-8971 (D) 779.
    • Alternate Chairperson - John Henry (C) 618-229-8804 (D) 779.
    27. What are the DISA service offerings that may be ordered via DDOE?
    • Commercial Satellite
    • DISN Backbone (DISA Use Only)
    • DISN Video Service (Dedicated)
    • Defense Red Switch Network (DRSN)
    • Defense Switched Network (DSN)
    • Dedicated
    • EMSS (Iridium) - Enhanced Mobile Satellite Service
    • FTS2001 (Switched) - Federal Technology Service (FTS) 2001
    • Frame Relay
    • International Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT)
    • Maintenance Only
    • Message Service
    • Networx
    • NIPRNET - Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet)
    • SIPRNET - Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet)
    • Wide Area Telephone Service (Discontinue)

    Log In
    1. Users may log in to DISA Direct by using their Common Access Card (CAC) or by inputting their userid/password.
    2. To log in using the userid/password, click on Log In on the DISA Direct Home page. or by selecting one of the other hyperlink (i.e. Telecom Request).

              DISA Direct Home Page

    3. The Log In page will display. Enter the User ID and Password. Click on the Sign In button.

              DISA Direct Log In Page

    Note: The User ID is not case sensitive but the password is.

    4. To login with a CAC, the user must register their CAC. Users require a userid and a password prior to registering their CAC. To register CAC, the user selects the CAC Registration on the DISA Direct Home Page. Further information is available on the CAC process is available by accessing the CAC User Guide and the CAC FAQs.

              CAC Registration/CAC User Guide/CAC FAQs on the DISA Direct Home Page
              CAC Registration
              CAC User Guide

    Forget Your Userid or Password
    1. Click on Log In on the DISA Direct Home Page.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. Call the DISN Customer Call Center at the numbers listed at the bottom of the page.

    DISA Direct - Create Userid
    1. When should a DISA Direct Userid be created? If you plan on accessing any of the DISA Direct suite of tools, you will be required to have a DISA Direct userid.
    2. How do I create a DISA Direct Userid? Follow the steps below.
      a. Select the Create Userid link under Registration Center.
      b. Select an Agency name from the drop down menu. Note: If the Agency/Organization is not listed in the dropdown, select the 'DISA Direct Team' hyperlink on the page to send an e-mail requesting the agency or org be added.
      c. Select an organization name from the drop down menu
      d. Select a rank/title from the drop down menu. Rank list contains both military and civilian ranks of Mr. and Ms.
      e. Enter a password. Refer to the DISA Password Compliancy Rules hyperlink for rules.
      f. Enter a commercial or DSN phone number.
      g. Enter user e-mail and/or organization e-mail addresses. Note: Do not enter the same e-mail address in both fields. An organization e-mail address is an e-mail account that is shared by multiple users. If your do not have one, leave this blank.
      h. Enter the agency mailing address.
      • If international address, select the check box.
      • If you have a zip code
        • Enter the 1st and/or 2nd line of the address.
        • Enter the zip code and select the 'Retrieve City/State for Zip' button.
        • Highlight the city name by selecting.
      i. Click on the Submit button.
      j. Print the userid page or write down the userid for future reference. Note: Once you create a userid, do not create another one. If you forget your password, use the Forget Password feature located on the login page or contact the Help Center for support.

              Create Userid Home Page
    3. How do I delete multiple userids? If have the role of the Registration Official (RO) and wish to have multiple userids deleted, please send an e-mail with the names of the persons to be deleted to the DIRECT@DISA.MIL.
    Return to top

    How does a DISA Direct User Change their Password?
    1. User must be logged in to DISA Direct. Click on Change User Info under Registration Center on the DISA Direct Home page.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. Click on the Change Password button.

              Changing Your DISA Direct Password
    3. The change password page is presented. Enter a new password in accordance with the DISA Compliancy rules enter a new password. Enter the password again to verify.
    4. Click OK to submit the password change. A Change Password page will display stating your password has been updated.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    5. Click on the DISA Direct Home hyperlink to return to the DISA Direct Home Page.
    Return to top

    How does a DISA Direct User Change their User Account Information
    1. User must be logged into DISA Direct. Click on Change User Info under the Registration Center on the DISA Direct Home page.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. The Change User Info page will be displayed. Review your user account information and make any applicable changes. Once changes have been made click on the Submit button.

    Note: Agency information may not be modified. If the user relocates to a new Agency, the user is required to delete their userid and setup a new userid and request roles under the new Agency.

              Change User Info Page
    3. The Update Userid page will display reflecting the changes

              DISA Direct Home Page
    4. Click on the DISA Direct Home to return to the DISA Direct Home Page.
    Return to top

    How does a DISA Direct User Update New PKI/CAC Certificate?
    1. User must be logged in to DISA Direct. Click on Change User Info under Registration Center on the DISA Direct Home page.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. Click on the Update New PKI/CAC Certificate button.

              Update Your New PKI/CAC Certificate
    3. The PKI/CAC registration page is presented.
    4. Click Register Certificate to update your new PKI/CAC certificate information. A PKI/CAC Registration page will display stating your new PKI/CAC Certificate has been updated.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    5. Click on the DISA Direct Home hyperlink to return to the DISA Direct Home Page.
    Return to top

    How does a DISA Direct User Delete their Userid and Roles
    1. The user must be logged into DISA Direct and click on Change User Info under the Registration Center on the DISA Direct Home page. Only the user can delete their userid and roles. If the person requesting the account be deleted is not the account owner, an e-mail must be sent to Direct@disa.mil stating the request and reason.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. Click on the Delete Userid button.

    Note: Agency information may not be modified. If the user relocates to a new Agency, the user is required to delete their userid and setup a new userid and request roles under the new Agency.

              Delete User Info Page
    3. The following message will display. Click OK to delete your userid.
    4. If the userid is part of a routing list or routing office, the user must contact their Agency's Routing List Official (RLO) to have their name removed. If the user has draft Telecom Requests (TRs), the user must delete the drafts. Call the DISN Customer Call Center to obtain your Agency RLOs.

              Example of a Userid that is part of routing lists, routing offices, and still has draft TRs.
    Return to top

    Registration - Requesting New Roles
    1. General. DISA Direct users are required to have a userid prior to requesting roles. The roles provide access to the various DISA Direct applications. Users may request more than one role per request.
    2. Click Registration under the Registration Center on the DISA Direct Home
    3. The Registration Home page is displayed. Click Request New Role(s).
    4. Click the View Role Descriptions to determine role(s) to be requested. The Role Hierarchy Chart depicts how roles are approved.
    5. To request any of the General DISA Direct role(s):
      a. Click Request Authorized Officials Role(s) on the Request Roles page.
      b. The user's information will display. Click on the E-mail check box if you wish to received e-mail notifications. Enter your Supervisor's and Security Officer's information. This information is used to contact persons within your agency in order to verify approval of role requests. The security officer is the person that can verify your security clearance. Once completed, click the Continue button.

              First Page for Requesting General DISA Direct role(s).
      c. If you selected the Request Authorized Official Role(s) on the Request Roles page, the list of roles page is displayed. Click the role or role(s) that are applicable. Multiple roles are selected by highlighting the roles and holding the control key down. Click the Continue button.

              Role List Page
      d. Next select the approving officials to approve the roles. The page reflects a button to the right in order to display the officials by the agency or the organization. The user may enter comments which will be part of the role request to the approver. Click Continue.
      e. The role request(s) are sent to all the selected approving officials along with an e-mail to the approvers. The approvers will review the role requests and approve or deny (with comments) each role. The user will be displayed the submitted role page stating the role request was submitted.
      Note: If the requestor does not see a response on a role request, contact the approvers directly.

              Submitted Request Page
    6. To request the Registration Official (RO) role:
      a. Click Request Registration Official (RO) role on the Request Roles page.
      b. The user's information will display. Click on the E-mail check box if you wish to received e-mail notifications. Enter your Supervisor's and Security Officer's information. This information is used to contact persons within your agency in order to verify approval of role requests. The security officer is the person that can verify your security clearance. Once complete, click the Continue button.

              First Page for Requesting a Registration Official (RO) role.
      c. The next page outlines the responsibilities of the RO. Read through the statement and click the I Accept button to submit the request. To cancel or return to the Registration Home, click the Return to Registration Home hyperlink.

              First Page for Requesting General DISA Direct role(s).
      d. Once the I Accept button is selected the user will be displayed the following:
    7. To request the Subscription Official (SO) role:
      a. Click Request Subscription Official (SO) role on the Request Roles page.
      b. The user's information will display. Click on the E-mail check box if you wish to received e-mail notifications. Enter your Supervisor's and Security Officer's information. This information is used to contact persons within your agency in order to verify approval of role requests. The security officer is the person that can verify your security clearance. Once complete, click the Continue button.
      c. Next select the approving officials to approve the roles. The page reflects a button to the right in order to display the officials by the agency or the organization. The user may enter comments which will be part of the role request to the approver. Click Continue.
      d. The role request(s) are sent to all the selected approving officials along with an e-mail to the approvers. The approvers will review the role requests and approve or deny (with comments) each role. The user will be displayed the submitted role page stating the role request was submitted.
      Note: If the requestor does not see a response on a role request, they may contact the approvers directly.

              Selecting the approving officials

              Submitted Role Request for Subscription Official
    Return to top

    Registration Maintenance Options for Registration Officials (ROs)
    1. General. The Registration Home page differs on the page options depending upon the user's roles. If the user has the Registration Official (RO) role the Maintenance Options will be displayed. These options allow the RO to approve roles, list roles, and deactivate roles within their Agency only.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    2. Approve other DDOE role Requests - This option allows the RO to approve users requesting roles that are approved by the RO. These roles are:
    • Authorized Approving Official (AAO)
    • Address Directory Official (ADO)
    • Review and Revalidation Official (R&R)
    • Review and Revalidation Certification Official (R&R Cert)
    • Review and Revalidation Approval Official (R&R Aprvl)
    • Authorized Requesting Official (ARO)
    • Authorized Query Official (AQO)
    • Authorized Provisioning Official (APO) - DISA ONLY Role
    • Authorized Tracking Official (ATO) - DISA ONLY Role
    • Billing Team Member (BTM) - DISA ONLY Role
    • Contracting Officer (CO) - DISA ONLY Role
    • Line of Business (LOB) - DISA ONLY Role
    • Subscription Official (SO)
    • Lead Authorized Funding Official (LAFO)
    • Routing List Official (RLO)
      a. To approve or deny role requests, the RO clicks Approve other DDOE Role requests. The pending role requests will display. RO clicks the Approve, Deny, or Pending radio button. If deny is selected, the RO must input comments. Once action is completed, the RO clicks the Submit button. The requestor is notified via notifications and/or e-mail (if applicable). ROs may approve role requests by their name or their agency as reflected on the page.
    3. Approve AFO/ABO TIBI Roles. This option allows the RO to view and approve requested roles for AFO and/or ABO roles. If the agency does not have a LAFO assigned, the RO is authorized to approve these roles.
    4. List User DDOE Roles - this option allows the RO to run a list indicating who has what roles by agency and organization. The option contains an option to e-mail the list to the RO.
      a. The RO clicks the List User DDOE Roles. The Agency defaults to the RO's agency. Once the agency is selected, the RO clicks the Submit button.
      b. The RO selects the organization(s) and role(s). If the RO is looking for a particular name; the last name is entered. To run the query, the List Users button is clicked. . If the list will contain roles for the Review and Revalidation (R&R) the RO may further define the list by selecting the Department values. If searching for a particular name, include the last name in the search criteria. Click List Users to run the query.

              List DDOE User Roles Results Page
      c. The List Users query results is displayed. The RO may send themselves a copy of the results via e-mail by clicking the E-mail Lists button. If E-mail Lists is selected, the page will refresh stating the e-mail address that the list was sent to.

              List DDOE User Roles - Sending E-mail
    5. List Pending User Roles - this option allows the RO to view pending roles of submitted role requests. The function works similar to the List User Roles (which are approved roles). Below is an example of the results page. Note that the information identifies the role, name, organization, department , Authorized Approving Officials, and Date Role Requested.
    6. Deactivate User DDOE Roles - allows the RO to deactivate roles for users within their agency.
      a. Click Deactivate User DDOE Roles. The Agency defaults to the RO's agency. Once the agency is selected, the RO clicks the Submit button.
      b. The RO selects the organization(s) and role(s). If the RO is looking for a particular name; the last name is entered. To run the query, the List Users button is clicked.
      c. The results page is displayed allowing the RO to click the check box to indicate the user and role to deactivate. Once selection is completed click the Continue button.

              Deactivation Page
      d. The deactivation page will display. To deactivate, click on the Deactivate button. To return to the previous page click the Back button.
      e. Upon deactivation the RO will be displayed a confirmation page as shown below.
    Return to top

    DISA Direct - Central Address Directory (CAD
    1. The Central Address Directory (CAD) is a Point of Contact (POC) directory reflecting phone numbers, e-mail addresses and other information relating to the POC. Whenever a user creates a DISA Direct Userid, a CAD record is automatically established. The CAD tool is also used when selecting or adding POCs to a Telecom Request (TR). Anyone with a DISA Direct Userid and any of the DISA Direct Roles is permitted to access CAD.

              CAD Home Page
    Note: The CAD Admin Option only appears on the CAD Home page if the user has the role of Address Directory Official (ADO). This role allows the user to look for duplicate CAD records and delete them. Each Agency is required to have at least one user that is responsible for maintaining POCs in the CAD.
    2. The CAD Home Page contains 4 options:
      a. CAD Add - provides the capability to create one of the four CAD POC records. If selected, the user selects the type of POC record. Once selected, the user inputs some or all of the search criteria that is presented on the page and then selects the 'Search' button. This allows the user to verify that the CAD record does not already exist. If a similar record exists, a page is presented with the results for the user to review before adding a new record. If the record does not exist, the data that was entered on the search criteria page is presented on the CAD Add page. The user completes the information and adds the record.

      b. CAD Copy - allows users to copy an existing CAD record and modify the information to create a new CAD record that is similar. If selected, the user selects the type of POC record. Once selected, the user inputs some or all of the search criteria that is presented on the page and then selects the 'Search' button. This allows the user to verify that the CAD record does not already exist. If a similar record exists, a page is presented with the results for the user to review before adding a new record. If the record does not exist, the data that was entered on the search criteria page is presented on the CAD Add page. The user completes the information and adds the record.

      c. CAD Search - allows users to search within the various four types of POC records. The user selects the type of POC record and enters the search criteria and selects the 'Search' button. If a matching record is found, the CAD record is presented. If no record is found a message is presented.

      d. CAD Admin - A user will only see this option if they have the Address Directory Role (ADO) role. Each Agency is required to have a person or persons with an "ADO" role. This role provides the capability to search for duplicate CAD records along with deleting records that are not longer required.

    3. Upon selection of CAD Add, CAD Copy or CAD Search, the CAD POC page is presented. There are four (4) types of CAD POC records:

              CAD POC Page
      a. Point of Contact (POC) - Use this type of POC for an individual person. This option should not be used to input titles as a name versus a person's name (i.e. 'Circuit' for last name and 'Actions' for first name). Circuit Actions would be a type of Special POC record. The POC record consists of the person's name, agency information, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. POC records include an option of selecting a country and site to associate the POC record with. This option is then a field that can be searched by to further limit the search results.

      b. Special POC (i.e. Circuit Actions) - Special POC CAD records are listed by a Position Title (i.e. 24-HR On-Call, Circuit Actions, etc.). Special POCs are used within the TR. These POC records do not show a specific name but a position title. The Position Titles are presented in a dropdown. If the user does not see a Position Title that fits their needs, they are able to select the hyperlink to the right of the position title that reads, "If position is not listed, please contact DISA Direct Team, Direct@disa.mil'. Once the user selects the e-mail hyperlink a window will open allowing the user to type in their request and send to the DISA Direct Team to be reviewed and added if approved. The Position Titles are used globally. Therefore it is essential that all Position Titles be generic when possible. The Special POC record consists of a Position Title, agency information phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. Special POC records include an option of selecting a facility to associate the Special POC record with. This option is then a field that can be searched by to further limit the search results.

      c. Communications Control Office (CCO) - A CCO exercises direct technical supervision over assigned GIG trunks and circuits. The CCO is responsible for initially activating the trunk or circuit, accepting leased service on behalf of the U.S. Government, and submit appropriate completion reports required by the service order issuing authority. The CCO is responsible for coordinating all realignment when necessary to maintain the end-to-end engineered values stated in the service order. A CCO is assigned to every circuit/trunk when possible, for the life of the circuit/trunk. A CCO POC record consists of agency information phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. CCO POC records include an option of selecting a facility to associate the CCO POC record with. This option is then a field that can be searched by to further limit the search results.

      d. Communications Management Office (CMO) - A CMO is a facility or office that is assigned administrative responsibility for GIG trunks and circuits when it is not possible to assign a GIG facility as the CCO. The CMO serves as the focal point for day-to-day monitoring of service performance, accepts service on behalf of the U.S. Government, and submits applicable completion reports. The CMO is responsible for the same basic functions as a CCO with the exception of actual monitoring, testing and troubleshooting. If any forms of monitoring and testing capabilities do exist, the CMO must make every effort to assist when necessary. A CMO POC record consists of agency information phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. CMO POC records include an option of selecting a facility to associate the CMO POC record with. This option is then a field that can be searched by to further limit the search results.

    4. Regardless of which POC option selected (CAD Add, CAD Copy, CAD Search) the applicable CAD search page is presented. The user is automatically forced to perform a search of the record prior to adding. This allows elimination of duplicate POC records.
      a. The below screen captures show the various CAD search pages depending on the POC type selected. The user simply completes some or all of the search criteria and selects the search button at the top of the page to being the search.

              Point of Contact (POC) Search Page

              Special POC Page

              Communications Control Office (CCO) Search Page

              Communications Management (CMO) Search Page
    5. Upon completion of the search, if a match is found, the results page will be presented.

              CAD Results Page

    a. The user may review the record by clicking on any of the hyperlink on the line associated with the record.

    6. If the record is not the POC record needed, the user will select the 'Add New POC' button to add the POC record.

              POC ADD Record

              Special POC Add Page

              Communications Control Office (CCO) Add Page

              Communications Management Office (CMO) Add Page
              Information as to who updated the record last appears on the bottom of each page as reflected in example above.
    7. Edit Option - DISA Direct users with any of the authorized roles may EDIT a CAD POC record. The 'Edit' button will appear to the left of the POC record on the results page. Select the Edit button and the record is presented. The user accessing the record may edit any of the information to update it. The DISA Direct User's name and phone number will automatically be shown on the bottom of the page with the date the data was updated.

              Communications Management Office (CMO) Add Page
    8. CAD Admin - A user must have the role of Address Directory Official (ADO) in order to check for duplicate records and/or delete CAD records. Each Agency is required to have at least one person that maintains their Agency's CAD records. The CAD Admin option allows the ADO to perform 2 functions: CAD Delete and CAD Duplicate.

              CAD Admin Page
      a. CAD Delete - This option allows the ADO to delete active CAD records. Active records are those POC records that have not been deleted. CAD POC records that are deleted but are linked to a TR are marked as 'obsolete' in the database. Obsolete CAD POC records are not used as part of the CAD search but are used to show the POC information when the TR is retrieved. The ADO is presented the four types of POCs to select from. The CAD POC Search page is then presented allowing the ADO to search for the record to be deleted. Once the record is selected, the ADO selects the 'Delete' button to delete the POC record. CAD records that have a USERID associated with them have a 'grayed out' delete button. Only the owner of the USERID may delete his account or the DISA Direct Team. In the future the ROs will have the functionality to delete Userids for their Agency.

              CAD Delete Example
      b. CAD Duplicate - This option allows the ADO to search for possible duplicate records and to delete those records. The ADO selects the type of POC. The CAD POC Search page is then presented allowing the ADO to search for duplicate records to be deleted or edited. Once the record is selected, the ADO may select the 'Edit' or 'Delete' button. If the 'Delete' button is selected, the user is prompted, "Are you sure you want to delete this record". This allows the user to rethink the decision or perform further research. It is important to compare all the data on the records along with the last update date prior to deleting the record. CAD records that have a USERID associated with them have a 'grayed out' delete button. Only the owner of the USERID may delete his account or the DISA Direct Team. In the future the ROs will have the functionality to delete Userids for their Agency.

              CAD Duplicate Example
    Return to top

    DISA Direct - Request Routing
    1. General.
      The Request Routing module allows users to route their submitted Telecom Requests for review and funding approval within their own agency prior to the release of the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) to DISA. Each Agency is required to have at least one person designated with the role of Routing List Official (RLO). The RLO role allows access to Request Routing.
    2. Click on Request Routing under Order Entry on the DISA Direct home page.

              Forget your password example
    3. Click on the Continue with the Routing Manager hyperlink.

              Request Routing
    4. The Routing Manager page contains four sections. Routing Office, Routing List, Routing Matrix and Search. The Explanation of the Routing Manager options provides additional details. Below is an outline:
      Routing Office

      Create a New Routing Office is used to assign individuals to a routing office. Once this step is completed, the routing office may be assigned to a routing list.
      Copy an Existing Routing Office is used to copy an existing routing office. You must give the new routing office a new title. You may also change the individuals assigned to the new routing office.
      Edit an Existing Routing Office is used to modify an existing routing office.
      Delete an Existing Routing Office is used to delete routing offices. Once a routing office is deleted, it may not be restored.

      Routing List
      Create a New Routing List is used to associate individuals or routing offices with a routing list. Once this step is done, the routing list may be assigned to a funding document in the routing matrix. All individuals assigned to a routing list or routing office require, as a minimum, one of the authorized official roles (i.e., ARO, AAO, AFO, etc.). Identify the routing list title and optional description, then assign individuals and/or offices to the routing list.
      Copy an Existing Routing List is used to copy an existing routing list. You must give the new routing list a new title. You may also change the individuals or routing offices assigned to the new routing list.
      Edit an Existing Routing List is used to modify an existing routing list.
      Delete an Existing Routing List is used to delete routing lists. Once a routing list is deleted, it may not be restored.
      Note: The routing list identifies the customer business rules on how the TR will route upon submission. It identifies the offices and/or individuals and the order of the routing sequence. The Routing List section provides the capability to create a new routing list, copy an existing routing list, edit an existing routing list, and delete an existing routing list.

      Routing Matrix

      Create a New Routing Matrix is used to associate a routing list with a funding document. Identify the routing matrix title, then assign a funding document ID and routing list to it. If a request does not have funding or the funding does not match a funding document in the routing matrix, then the agency's default routing will be used for routing the request.
      Copy an Existing Routing Matrix is used to copy an existing routing matrix record. You must give the new routing matrix a new title and funding document ID. You may also change the routing list associated with the new funding document.
      Edit an Existing Routing Matrix is used to modify an existing routing matrix record.
      Delete an Existing Routing Matrix is used to delete a funding document and its routing list from the routing matrix. Once a routing matrix record is deleted, it may not be restored.


      Display an Existing Routing List is used to display routing list members in an existing routing list.
      Display Routing Information by User is used to display the routing offices and routing lists that a user is in.

              Request Routing
    5. Steps to complete the routing options are below.
      a. Create a New Routing Office.
        1) Click on the Create a New Routing Office hyperlink.
        2) If you are creating a Funding Office then check the Funding Office checkbox.
        3) Type in a Routing Office Title. This is a text field that is limited to 60 characters. This is a mandatory field. 4) Enter a description for the routing office (optional). Text must be less than 255 characters.
        5) Click on the Edit Member List button to access add the members to the office.
        6) The Agency automatically defaults to the RLO agency. To change the agency, click on the down arrow and make a selection from the drop down. The Role defaults to Any Routing Chain Official. To change the role, click on the down arrow and make a selection from the drop down list.
        7) Input the full last name or part of the last name of a person that will be the Office. Only persons with a DISA Direct userid and an authorized role (one as a minimum) are permitted to be part of the routing.
        8) Click the Search button.
        9) Click the box to the left of the person's name.
        10) To add the next person, enter the last name or part of the last name in the Last Name box and click the 'Search Again' button. Continue this step until all names have been selected.
        11) Once all persons have been added to the office, click the Finished button.
        12) Click the radio button next to the name of the person that will be designated as the primary point of contact for this office.
        13) Click the Save New Routing Office button.
        14) Click the Finish button to finalize the office.

              Request Routing Home Page
      b. Copy, Edit, and Delete an Existing Routing Office. These options all work similar by selecting the application option and then selecting the Routing Office Title. The copy feature allows the RLO to copy an existing routing office and modify the members (if needed) and save as a new routing office. The edit feature provides the RLO the capability to edit an existing routing office by removing or adding persons to the office. To remove existing persons, the RLO simply removes the check mark on the check box next to the user's name as shown below. To add users the RLO searches for the user name and then selects the name to add.

              Edit Routing Office Members
      c. Create a New Routing List.
        1) On the Request Routing home page, click the Create a New Routing List.
        2) Enter a Routing List Title. This is mandatory. This field is limited to 60 characters.
        3) Enter a Routing List Description. This is optional. This field is limited to 255 characters.
        4) Next decide if you will have offices and/or individuals in the routing. If you plan to have offices, the office should have already been created before this step. To add individuals to the routing list, select the Edit People List button and search for the names to add. The Agency will automatically default. To change the agency, click on the down arrow and make a selection from the drop down list. Select the name by clicking on the check box next to the name. To search again, click the Search button. Once completed, click the Finished button.
        5) To add office(s) to the routing list, click the Edit Office List button. The Agency will automatically default. To change the agency, click on the down arrow and make a selection from the drop down list. Once selected, search on the offices to be added. Select the office by clicking on the check box next to the office name. To search again, click the Search button. Remember every Routing List must contain at least one Funding Office. Once completed, click the Finished button. 6) To send a copy of the TSR to specific e-mail addresses, click the Edit E-mail List button. Type in all the e-mail addresses. To add more e-mail addresses, click on the Refresh button. The page will repaint and additional e-mail boxes will be provided. Click the Finished button when complete.
        7) Enter the sequence number (i.e. 1, 2, etc.) in the Sequence box next to the individual name, office, and/or e-mail address. Note: E-mail addresses are used only to send a copy of the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR). These should be designated last in the routing sequence.
        8) Click on the Save New Routing List button.
        9) Click on the Finished button.

              Create a New Routing List Page
      d. Copy, Edit, and Delete an Existing Routing List. These options all work similar by selecting the application option and then selecting the Routing List. The copy feature allows the RLO to copy an existing routing list and modify and save as a new routing list. The edit feature provides the RLO the capability to edit an existing routing list. The delete feature allows the RLO to delete an existing routing list. The Edit an Existing Routing List also provides a feature to allow the RLO to add e-mail addresses automatically to the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR). The RLO clicks the Edit E-mail List button. The RLO then inputs the e-mail addresses and clicks the Finished button.

              Edit E-mail List Feature

              Adding E-mail Addresses to the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR)
      e. Create a New Routing Matrix. Note: This is mandatory step for all routing.
        1) Click the Create a New Routing Matrix hyperlink.
        2) Enter the Routing Matrix Title (mandatory). This field is limited to 65 characters.
        3) Enter a Routing Matrix Description (optional). This field is limited to 255 characters.
        4) The Document Type defaults to Program Designator Code (PDC) which should be left as is.
        5) Enter the Document ID which is the PDC code. If the PDC is not known, click the Document Search button.
        6) Enter the Document ID, which is the PDC code, and click the Search button.
        7) To select the PDC, click the radio button to the left of the PDC.
        8) Click the Finished button to return back to the routing matrix page.
        9) Select the Routing List Title by clicking the down arrow and making a selection. To search for the routing list, click the Routing List Search button.
        10) Type in the name of the Routing List Title and/or Routing List Remarks and click on the Search button.
        11) Click the radio button to the left of the routing list name.
        12) Click the Finished button to return to the routing matrix page.
        13) Once the routing matrix is complete, click the Save New Routing Matrix button.
        14) Click on the Finished button to finalize the routing matrix.

              Create a New Routing Matrix
      f. Copy, Edit, and Delete an Existing Routing Matrix. These options all work similar by selecting the application option and then selecting the Routing Matrix. The copy feature allows the RLO to copy an existing routing matrix and modify. The edit feature provides the RLO the capability to edit an existing routing matrix. The delete feature allows the RLO to delete an existing routing matrix. It is important to remember that the Program Designator Code (PDC) which is the funding code must be associated with every matrix. The RLO may enter the PDC or select by clicking the Document Search button. The RLO must input the PDC and then select a status or document preparer if applicable. The Search button is clicked to begin the search and obtain the list of PDC results. From the results page the RLO selects the PDC to be associated with the matrix.

              Document Search Page
      g. The Request Routing page offers the Service Point Routing options of:
    • Create a New Service Point Routing Office is used to associate a service point to a routing office. The office is then automatically inserted as the 1st office in the routing of the TR. Input the organization e-mail address. The e-mail address should not be an individual e-mail address. Select the routing office title by selecting from the drop down list or typing in the full or partial name and click the search button. Select the GEOLOC information (i.e. Country, State, Site, and Location). Facility code is optional. The GEOLOC and/or GEOLOC/FACILITY must differ between records.

    • Copy an Existing Service Point Routing Office is used to copy an existing service point routing office record. The GEOLOC and/or GEOLOC/FACILITY must differ between records.

    • Edit an Existing Service Point Routing Office is used to modify and existing service point routing office record. Modifications to the e-mail address and other data may be changed. The GEOLOC and/or GEOLOC/FACILITY must differ between records

    • Delete an Existing Service Point Routing Office is used to delete the service point routing office permanently.
      h. Search Option - Display an Existing Routing List. This feature allows the RLO to display the routing list members associated with the routing matrix selected. The RLO selects the routing matrix title and clicks the Next button.

              Display an Existing Routing List

              Routing List Information
      i. Search Option - Display Routing Information by User - this feature allows the RLO to search by the user's name and see associated routing lists that the user is tied to. The RLO inputs one or more of the search criteria and clicks the Search button. The RLO is presented the results page and must click the Select button to indicate the user. The routing information page is presented showing any routing offices or routing lists that the user is linked to.

              Search Page for the Display Routing Information by User

              Results Search Page

              Routing Information by User
      j. Search Option - Display an Existing Service Point Routing Office allows the RLO to display the routing offices that are setup against specific service points.
      Setting up Routing is as Easy as 1-2-3

      1. Create an Office - this allows multiple persons with userids/roles to be in an office, only one person has to approve the Telecom Request!.

      2. Create the Routing List or use and Existing Routing List (when applicable). The routing list allows you to put in sequence the order of what office or individual will approve the TR in the routing. The E-mail feature allows you to add e-mails addresses to be copied on all TRs that are processed into a TSR that utilized a particular routing list.

      3. Create the Routing Matrix - This ties the Routing List to a Program Designator Code (PDC).

    Return to top

    DISA Direct - Telecom Request (TR)

    DISA Direct Telecom Service Offerings
    Commercial Business Line (CBL) - This type service is a dial-tone business line. Once the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) is generated, the TSR is automatically addressed and sent directly to the appropriate DITCO office.

    Commercial Satellite - Allows customers to order services offered under the DSTS-G contract managed by DISA's CSSO (Commercial Satellite Services Office) office. CSSO's mission is to provide sustainable, cost effective commercial (C-, Ku- and emerging Ka-Band) satellite communications (SATCOM) services to Department of Defense (DOD) users and to augment military satellite communications (MILSATCOM) with emphasis in surge capacity.

    DISN Backbone (DISA Use Only) - DISA serves as the single senior manager for all Defense Information System Network (DISN) activities. It translates customers' long-haul network requirements into effective voice, video, and data network solutions; leverages proven and emerging technologies to ensure joint inter operability, assured security, and best value; evaluates technical operation and user mission effectiveness; and resolves technical support issues for DoD's long-haul networks. Backbone circuitry is the vehicle by which DISA is able to sustain and manage the DISN. This type service offering is available only to DISA personnel with the appropriate roles.

    DISN Video Service (Dedicated) - DISN Video Services are part of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Global Information Grid (GIG), Combat Support 25 (GS25), which is responsible for managing and overseeing VTC operations on the Defense Information System Network (DISN). It is available to the Department of Defense (DoD), other Federal Government Departments and Agencies, and their contractors. The DISN provides the long-range part of the Global Information Grid (GIG). The GIG is the web of communications capabilities that meets the information processing and transport needs of the DoD. DISN Video Services - Global (DVS-G) is the name of the Government contract for the Hubs developed in support of the DoD's Global VTC vision. A dedicated subscriber is a Video Teleconferencing Facility (VTF) which uses a dedicated circuit (a T1) to connect to the nearest Hub. One of 24 channels within the T1 is used for control of Line Interface Unit (LIU). Dedicated VTFs are usually installed in fixed sites dedicated to conducting VTCs and can be expected to conduct a large number of Video Teleconferences. This type of user has all of their VTC requirements processed through the Hub. This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS).

    DISN-Leading Edge Service (DISN-LES) - The DISN-LES is a Defense Working Capital Fund cost-reimbursable program migrating from the Public Asynchronous Transfer Mode (PATM) connectivity to the DISN IP core worldwide. The DISN-LES is a Mission Assurance Category III program designed to pass encrypted unclassified and classified traffic via the Classified Provider Edge (CPE) Routers of the DISN and provide capability for subscriber sites requiring "Next Generation" network, encryption, software, NETOPS, and advance services not offered by other DISN Subscriber Services (DSS). The network provides a non-Command and Control, risk aware infrastructure identical to the DISN core available to subscribers of a variety of Communities of Interest to support a "test once" Capability Test and Evaluation (T&E), Inter operability, Information Assurance, Certification and Accreditation (C&A), and Operational T&E (OT&E) environment which would include Developmental (DT), Inter operability (IOP), Information Assurance (IA) and Net-Centric Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) compliance testing of capabilities, systems, equipment, network monitoring and management technologies, data link compliance, compatibility testing among products produced on evolving standards for systems planned for the operational community. The IPv6 capable transport provides Quality of Service(QoS) for customer use of advanced services that support Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)), Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS), bridged VLANS, Multicast and Broadcast (e.g., Links 11/16) protocols. The DISN-LES is piloting controlled interface solutions with SIPRNet, NIPRNet and DMZs which supports federating emerging and current capabilities, to facilitate a "Test and Train like we Fight" joint operational mission environment for the development of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) and for access to Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) resources in support of acquisition requirements. The results of network, hardware and software tests and exercises are shared with equipment and software suppliers and government organizations to provide a Net-Centric real world experience with the technologies that influence network designs and system acquisition decisions throughout the industry. All submitted DISA Direct Telecom Requests will automatically route first to the DISN-LES Service Management Office for review/approval.

    DRSN - The Defense Red Switch Network is the Department of Defense global senior level secure voice telephone and conferencing system. Its mission is to provide rapid, high quality secure and non-secure communications services to special command and control (C2) and other users. The DRSN is composed of state-of-the-art, modularly expandable, digital switches, capable of providing either secure or non-secure service (voice or data). The DRSN will provide its users access to the strategic and tactical communities (e.g., ground networks, airborne, and seaborne platforms), DoD, federal, U.S. public switched networks (PSNs), foreign posts, telephone, telegraph organizations; the DRSN also provides user access to some allied equipment and networks from a single, multifunction, user-programmable instrument. The user terminal can be configured as a single line or multi-line device capable of processing secure or non-secure voice or data. The DRSN is responsive to the requirements of the Flash and Flash Override users by providing non-blocking service. It also employs multilevel precedence and preemption (MLPP). In addition, the network passes security access levels (SALs) between users as a further means of verifying end-to-end security and allows processing of calls from Secret to Top Secret SCI. This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS).

    DSN - The Defense Switched Network is an inter-base telecommunications system providing end-to-end, common-user and dedicated telephone service for the DOD with later capability of incorporating data and other traffic. The Automatic Voice Network (AUTOVON) has evolved into the DSN. DSN elements are the AUTOVON, Oahu Telephone System (OTS), Defense Transition Contract (DTC), European Telephone System (ETS), Korean Telephone Upgrade (KTU), Japan Telephone Upgrade (JTU), and other circuit switch projects that include all DOD non-secure telecommunications (voice, common-user, and dedicated) from user terminal to user terminals across all connectivity means (Government-owned and leased, terrestrial, and satellite transmission paths and switched facilities). The DSN mission is to provide rapid, low cost, long-distance voice, secure voice, data, and video services for DoD elements and for other organizations. The primary use of the DSN is to support command and control (C2) users during peacetime, crisis, or conventional war. Other users are provided access to network resources as they are available. This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS).

    Dedicated - Dedicated point-to-point or multi point circuits provide the capability to carry voice, data and video traffic in various configurations of bandwidth. This type service allows a customer to order a myriad of non-DISN point-to-point or multi point circuitry using mirror and/or non-mirror image signal connectivity. This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS).

    EMSS (Iridium) - Enhanced Mobile Satellite Service (EMSS). The Iridium system is the first commercially available, cross-linked, pole-to-pole global Mobile Satellite System (MSS). It is a satellite-based, global wireless personal communications network designed to permit any type of narrow-band wireless transmission (i.e., voice, data, fax, or paging) to reach its destination nearly anywhere on earth. The Iridium network consists of a space segment employing a constellation of 66 satellites.

    Equipment Only (Non INMARSAT) - This type service is utilized for ordering telecom equipment.

    FTS2001 - Federal Technology System (FTS) 2001. FTS 2001 follows the two FTS2000 contracts held by AT&T and Sprint and retains many key features, especially aggressive price competition. FTS 2001 will be provided by Sprint and MCI Worldcom and offer the following key features:

    * Comprehensive range of service offerings.
    * Long distance, toll-free, and 900 voice services.
    * Internet and intranet based services.
    * Data communications services from low-speed to very high-speed interconnections using latest technologies like Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Frame Relay.
    * Special arrangements for mission-critical users (e.g., high availability circuits, national security and emergency users).
    * International services.
    * Wide range of support services including state-of-the art ordering, billing, network troubleshooting, repair capabilities, etc.
    * Continuous competition designed to allow agencies to act as "smart shoppers" in a commercial-like marketplace.
    * Price management mechanisms will ensure continued competitive pricing.
    * Government customers on par with commercial customers - government gets access to new services at same pace as commercial marketplace.
    Frame Relay - An interface protocol for statistically multiplexed packet-switched data communications in which: (a) variable-sized packets (frames) are used that completely enclose the user packets they transport and (b) transmission rates are usually between 56 kb/s and 1.544 Mb/s (the T-1 rate).In frame relay, (a) there is neither flow-control nor an error-correction capability; (b) there is information-content independence; (c) there is a correspondence only to the ISO Open systems Interconnection--Reference Model Layers 1 and 2; (d) variable sized user packets are enclosed in larger packets (frames) that add addressing and verification information; (e) frames may vary in length up to a design limit, usually 1 kilobyte or more; (f) one frame relay packet transports one user packet; (g) implementation of fast-packet technology is used for connection oriented frame relay services; and, (h) there is a capability to handle time-delay insensitive traffic, such as LAN inter-working and image transfer. Note: In near future Frame Relay will be an offering under Networx.

    INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite was established in 1979 to serve the maritime industry by developing satellite communications for ship management and distress and safety applications. It has since expanded into land, mobile and aeronautical communications, so that users now include thousands of people who live or work in remote areas without reliable terrestrial networks, or travelers anywhere. In addition to maritime customers, today's typical users include journalists and broadcasters, health teams and disaster relief workers, land transport fleet operators, airlines, airline passengers and air traffic controllers, government workers, national emergency and civil defense agencies, and heads of state.

    Maintenance Only - This type service is utilized for ordering maintenance for telecom equipment.

    Message Service - is the old Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) type service which was originally developed in the mid-1960s and provided Message Switching functions. AUTODIN handled military record communications and communications support for special intelligence communities. DISA replaced the aged and inefficient AUTODIN with the modern E-mail based Defense Message System (DMS). A small community of existing AUTODIN customers are not compatible with the DMS system. As such, this type service allows them to continue to use this technology via a commercial version of AUTODIN sponsored by the Navy. This type service is restricted to that special interest group.

    Networx- is a General Services Administration (GSA) contract. DISA is the only DoD entity authorized to order service on the FTS2001 and Networx Contracts. The Networx Contract replaces the FTS2001 and Crossover contracts. There are two contracts under Networx: Universal and Enterprise. The Universal contract provides Agencies with a comprehensive range of full service providers and will ensure continuity of service. This contract was awarded on 29 March 2007 to AT&T, Verizon Business and Qwest. The Enterprise contract was designed to provide alternate service providers with innovative approaches to providing specialized services. The Enterprise contract was awarded on 31May 2007 to AT&T, Verizon Business, Qwest, Level 3 Communications and Sprint. The service offerings that are currently available are: Toll Free Service - Switched Only, Voice Service - Long Distance (Prev PIC) Switched Only, Pre-paid and Post Paid Call ing Cards, Toll Free Service - Dedicated Only, Voice Service - Long Distance - Dedicated, Audio Conferencing Service (ACS). Questions on Networx Transitions should be referred to (618) 220-8861 or DSN 770-8861. Effective 29 Apr 09 - DISA Direct ARO/APOs - may no longer request FTS2001 START, DEVELOPMENTAL, or TEMPORARY type actions for FTS2001 Type Services: Calling Cards, Dedicated Access (ISDN PRI/Standard T1), Pager, Switched Voice Service (PIC), Toll Free Service with Advanced Features, Wireless, and Toll Free Service (Switched CONUS Only). Please select Networx as the new service offering to order with these type actions. Additional Networx service offerings will be available throughout 2011 to include Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, Internet Protocol Service (IPS), and Network Based IP ? VPN Service (NBIP-VPN).

    NIPRNET - Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET). The DISN CONUS data services (provided by router networks) are composed of both the NIPRNET and Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), worldwide. The router networks use Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switches are installed as the NIPRNET core backbone. Each of the router networks provides a high-speed inter networking data transport service designed to support open systems and standards. The network is a global structure that currently supports the DOD standard Internet Protocol (IP). The router networks provide inter networking support to users connected directly to the network via routers, Local Area Networks (LAN), hosts, and to users connected behind local routers that are connected directly to the router network. Users connected behind the router systems that are connected to the router network are not direct customers of the DISN, but are customers of the S/A local router to which they are connected. The DISN control centers are an integral part of each network management system. The NIPRNET RNOSCs are located in Columbus, OH; DISA Europe (Vaihingen, GE); and DISA Pacific (Wheeler Army Air Field, HI). This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS).

    SIPRNET - Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET). The DISN CONUS data services (provided by router networks) are composed of both the unclassified but sensitive internet protocol router network (NIPRNET) and SIPRNET, worldwide. The router networks use commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components. Each of the router networks provide high-speed inter networking data transport service designed to support open systems and standards. The network is a global structure that currently supports the DOD standard internet protocol (IP). The router networks provide inter networking support to users connected directly to the network via routers, local area networks (LANs), hosts, and to users connected behind local routers that are connected directly to the router network. Users connected behind the router systems that are connected to the router network are not direct customers of the DISN, but are customers of the S/A local router to which they are connected. The DISA RNOSC for the SIPRNET is in Arlington, VA and is responsible for network management, configuration management, and network operations for the SIPRNET. This service is one of the DISN Subscription Services (DSS). WATS (Discontinue) - >Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) is a toll service offering for customer dial-type telecommunications between a given customer [user] station and stations within specified geographic rate areas employing a single access line between the customer [user] location and the serving central office. Each access line may be arranged for either outward (OUT-WATS) or inward (IN-WATS) service, or both. This service offering is for discontinuing existing WATS lines only.

    1. Who is authorized to access the TR?
      The Telecom Request (TR) is accessible by DISA Direct users that have a role of one of the following: Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) or Authorized Provisioning Official (APO) which is a DISA Only role.
    2. TR Home Page
      The TR Home page consists of 7 possible options depending on the role of the person accessing the page.

      a. The Subscription TR option allows persons with the 'Subscription Official (SO) role to setup and maintain their agreed upon Defense Subscription Service. This role is limited to only those agencies that are owners of subscriptions.
      b. The Create TR option allows the ARO or APO to create and submit a TR for DISA telecommunications products and services.
      c. The Copy Existing TR option allows the ARO or APO to copy and existing TR and save it as a new TR.
      d. The Import a TSR option allows authorized TR users to import a ASCII text TSR into the DD database. The TSR must not already exist in DISA Direct.
      e. The Retrieve Draft TR option allows the ARO or APO to retrieve a draft TR. The list of AROs and/or APO names is listed in a drop down on the page. The drop down is defaulted to the signed on ARO/APO. The user may change the name to review other ARO/APO's draft TRs within their agency. A TR that was created but not yet submitted is 'Draft'.
      f. Recall a TR option allows users/offices that have originated or approved a submitted TR to recall the TR while it is still in the routing process. The TR may then be edited and resubmitted or deleted by the originator. Other users/offices in the routing sequence recalling the TR will have the option to edit and approve/deny. (Note: This action is prior to the final approval of the TR in the routing.
      g. The Review Submitted TR option allows the ARO or APO to retrieve a submitted TR. The list of AROs and/or APO names is listed in a drop down on the page. The drop down is defaulted to the signed on ARO/APO. The user may change the name to review other ARO/APO's submitted TRs within their agency. A TR that was created and submitted is 'Submitted'.
      h. Track TR application is outlined in a separate document.
    3. What type services can I order from the TR?
    • Commercial Business Line
    • Commercial Satellite
    • Dedicated
    • DISN Backbone (DISA Use Only)
    • DISN - Leading Edge Service (LES)
    • DISN Video Service (Dedicated)
    • DRSN
    • DSN
    • EMSS (Iridium)
    • Equipment Only (Non INMATSAT)
    • Frame Relay
    • FTS2001
    • Maintenance Only
    • Message Service
    • Networx
    • NIPRNet
    • SIPRNet
    • WATS (Discontinue)
    4. How do I complete a TR?
      Select the 'Create TR' hyperlink on the TR Home page and follow the page information and prompts.
    5. What does Smart TR mean?
      The original TR release type services all had the same look and functionality. However through the years, each of the types services and type actions (start, change, cancel, etc.) have been converted over to the Smart TR version. The Smart TR version provides additional capabilities and functionalities: more default fields, hyperlink on each of the labels on the Summary TR page to return to the page faster, a menu to allow quicker access to the TR pages, and the pages show only data elements that relate to the type of service and type of action selected.
    6. What are mandatory fields versus required fields that appear on the TR?
      Mandatory fields are indicated with a red (M) in parentheses. Required fields are indicated with magenta (R) in parentheses. Mandatory fields must e completed prior to TR being submitted. If the user selects the 'submit' button the Summary TR page will show all mandatory fields in red for the user to complete. Required fields are those data elements that if the user knows should complete. The TR may be submitted without the required information but the TR could be slowed down in the process if the provisioner or contracting POC must have the required information prior to completing the order.
    7. How do I know where the TR will route to?
      The routing details are located on the bottom of the Summary TR page. The routing is driven by DISA business rules along with the customer routing rules that are created in the Request Routing tool. Offices are shown as hyperlink to allow the user to see who is in the routing office.
    8. How do I add additional e-mail addresses to the TR?
      Select the 'Edit Information Only-Electronic Mailings' button on the bottom portion of the Summary TR page. The next page presented will allow you to add e-mail addresses manually or by searching the Central Address Directory (CAD) for e-mail addresses to add. You may select the addresses to be added as an Action (TO) or Copy (CC) address. These addresses may also be deleted from this same page. All of these addresses and the addresses listed on the TR Summary page will receive the TSR e-mail.
    9. Is there a matrix that states what data elements are required by the type of service and type of action?
      The DISAC 310-130-5 contains a matrix for each type of service. The DISAC 310-130-5 is located on the DISA Direct Home Page under the Reference section.
    Return to top
    Telecom Request - Type Services
    Type Service selected equals Dedicated        
    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Circuit and Equipment/Separate Vendors          
    • Circuit and Equipment/Single Vendor          
    • Circuit Only/Single Vendor          
    • Circuit Only/GFE          
    • Circuit and Equipment/GFE

    Type Service selected equals:

      DISN Backbone (DISA Use Only)
      DISN Video Service (Dedicated)
      Message Service
    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Circuit and Equipment/Single Vendor          
    • Circuit Only/Single Vendor          
    • Circuit Only/GFE          
    • Circuit and Equipment/GFE

    Type Service selected equals:

      Commercial Business Line (CBL)
      Commercial Satellite
    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Circuit and Equipment/Separate Vendors          
    • Circuit and Equipment/Single Vendor          
    • Circuit Only/Single Vendor

    Type Service selected equals:

    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Circuit Only/Single Vendor          
    • Equipment Only/Single Vendor

    Type Service selected equals:

      DISN-Leading Edge Service
      Frame Relay
    Then you will select:          
    • Circuit Only/Single Vendor

    Type Service selected equals:

      Equipment Only (Non INMARSAT)
    Application will set the default value:          
    • Equipment Only/Single Vendor

    Type Service selected equals:

      Maintenance Only
    Application will set the default value:          
    • Maintenance Only

    Type Service selected equals:

    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)          
    • Audio Conferencing Service (ACS)          
    • Internet Protocol Service (IPS)          
    • TFS - Dedicated Only          
    • TFS - Switched Only          
    • VS - Long Distance (Prev PIC) - Switched Only          
    • VS - Long Distance - Dedicated          
    • VS - Post-paid Calling Card          
    • VS - Pre-paid Calling Card

    Type Service selected equals:

    Then you will select one of the following:          
    • Toll Free Service (Switched CONUS Only)          
    • Toll Free Service with Advanced Features          
    • Switched Voice Service (PIC)          
    • Calling Card          
    • Dedicated Access (ISDN PRI/Standard T1)          
    • Wireless          
    • Pager

    Telecom Request - Type Actions

    Start - The start action is used for initiating new service.

    Temporary - The temporary action is used when service will not exceed 90 days and where the start and discontinue dates are both identified.

    Change - The change action is used to alter an existing service or circuit configuration. Any modification of an existing circuit or service that has been implemented must be submitted as a change action. A change is identified by a new Web request number. It is imperative that the CCSD, and its associated CSA numbers, if applicable, be provided to identify the existing service. All changes to leased service must be within the terms and conditions of the existing contract. If not, separate start/discontinue or reaward requests must be issued.

    Discontinue - A discontinue action is used to deactivate an entire circuit, trunk, link or service.

    Reaward - The reaward action is used to recompete or re-accomplish an existing or expired contract with the existing contractor.

    Amend - The amendment action is used to modify a request. It can be submitted only prior to implementation of the service requested in the basic request. Implementation is determined by the issuance of an in-effect/exception report, completion Status of Acquisition Message (SAM), Notice of Completion (NOC) from the vendor, or other means of signifying the completion of the service. In cases where completion of service has been accomplished, a change action is required. Requesting agencies should contact their DISA representative, prior to submitting an amendment action, for instructions when the completion of service is suspected (i.e., service date in the TSO or SAM [whichever is later] has passed, etc.). An amendment is identified by a letter suffix (e.g., A through Y) being assigned to the basic Web request number. To rescind a previously issued amendment, the request action will again reflect amend and the next sequential letter suffix will be assigned to the request number.

    Cancel - The cancel action is used to nullify an action in its entirety prior to the service being installed and accepted by the government. A cancel action is identified by a Z suffix being assigned to the basic Web request number. Cancellation actions cannot be amended or rescinded, a new request must be issued.

    Return to top

    FAQs for Telecom Request (TR)
    1. Who is authorized to access the TR?
    • The Telecom Request (TR) is accessible by DISA Direct users that have a role of one of the following: Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) or Authorized Provisioning Official (APO) which is a DISA Only role.
    2. What are the Options in TR?
    • The Subscription TR option allows persons with the 'Subscription Official (SO) role to setup and maintain their agreed upon Defense Subscription Service. This role is limited to only those agencies that are owners of subscriptions.
    • The Create TR option allows the ARO or APO to create and submit a TR for DISA telecommunications products and services.
    • The Copy Existing TR option allows the ARO or APO to copy and existing TR and save it as a new TR.
    • The Retrieve Draft TR option allows the ARO or APO to retrieve a draft TR. The list of AROs and/or APO names is listed in a drop down on the page. The drop down is defaulted to the signed on ARO/APO. The user may change the name to review other ARO/APO's draft TRs within their agency. A TR that was created but not yet submitted is 'Draft'.
    • The Review Submitted TR option allows the ARO or APO to retrieve a submitted TR. The list of AROs and/or APO names is listed in a drop down on the page. The drop down is defaulted to the signed on ARO/APO. The user may change the name to review other ARO/APO's submitted TRs within their agency. A TR that was created and submitted is 'Submitted'.
    • Track TR application is outlined in a separate document.
    3. What type services can I order from the TR?
    • Commercial Business Line
    • Commercial Satellite
    • Dedicated
    • DISN Backbone (DISA Use Only)
    • DISN - Leading Edge Service (LES)
    • DISN Video Service (Dedicated)
    • DRSN
    • DSN
    • EMSS (Iridium)
    • Equipment Only (Non INMATSAT)
    • Frame Relay
    • FTS2001
    • Maintenance Only
    • Message Service
    • Networx
    • NIPRNet
    • SIPRNet
    • WATS (Discontinue)
    4. How long does it take for role approvals/denials?
    • Approvals/denials of roles are dependent upon the Registration Official. If the user does not get a reply back on the role request within 24 hours, advise the user contact the Registration Official(s) that the role request(s) was sent to.
    5. Do I need to have an Authorized Funding Official in the routing of a Telecom Request (TR)?
    • Each agency is required to have at least one AFO in the routing. All TRs are routed according to the routing matrix which is setup by the Agency. The routing is based upon the Program Designator Code(s) (PDCs) that are on the TR. The routing rules are also based on internal DISA rules along with other customer routing business rules.
    6. What happens when I click the 'Submit' button on the Telecom Request (TR)?
    • The Summary Page of the TR, which is the last page of the TR, outlines the data in the TR completed by the customer. On the bottom of the TR the routing is displayed showing where the TR will route to and the order. Once the 'Submit' button is selected the TR will route according to the routing details outlined on the Summary TR page.
    Return to top

    Track TR(Telecom Request) Disa Direct
    1. General. Track TR is a quick-an-easy status update of a telecom requirement.
    2. To access Track TR application you must have a valid DISA Direct userid and be registered for one of the following roles:
    • Authorized Requesting Official (ARO)
    • Authorized Provisioning Official (APO)
    • Authorized Funding Official (AFO)
    • Lead Authorized Funding Official (LAFO)
    • Authorized Approving Official (AAO)
    • Routing List Official (RLO)
    • Routing List Official (RLO)
    • Subscription Official (SO)
    • Authorized Tracking Official (ATO)
    3. To access the Track TR application click on Track TR under Order Status on the DISA Home Page.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    4. The Track TR Search Page will display. Click on the radio button next to the method you wish to use to conduct a search for a Telecommunications Request (TR) in the DISA Direct database. Type in the applicable information. Click on the Submit button.

              Track TR(Telecom Request) Disa Direct

    • Request Number is the Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) number that appears on TSR Item 101 on the TSR. It is also assigned and shown on the Summary TR page upon final approval of the TR. The TCO Code is a two-position code and is the first two positions of the TSR number. The date format should be input as DDMMMYY. The Sequence ID is the last four of the TSR number. The Suffix is the last letter of the TSR number if an amendment was done indicating an A-Z character. Users may enter a wildcard using an asterisk (*) in any of the fields.
    • Command Communications Service Designator (CCSD) is divided into 4 fields. The Agency Code label is a hyperlink and allows the user to select the drop down list of Agency codes or perform a search. Once the Agency code is selected, a list of the corresponding Purpose/Use codes will be presented allowing the user to select one. The user may also enter the Agency and/or Purpose/Use codes. The Service Type label is also a hyperlink and allows the user to select a service type from the list of values. The user may also type in the service type if known. The Agency code is one position alphanumeric field. The Purpose/Use code is a two position alphanumeric field. The Service Type is a one position alphanumeric field. The Sequence number is the last four alphanumeric characters of the CCSD.
    • Communications Service Authorization (CSA) consists of five fields. The Carrier label is a hyperlink. The user may enter the carrier code or select the hyperlink and select from the list of values presented. Carrier code is 1-4 positions. The Prefix (if applicable) is 1-3 positions. Enter the Prefix in the text field if the CSA number contains one. The Type code is 1-4 positions. The Type label is a hyperlink allowing the user to select a value from a list of value presented. The Circuit Number is 1-6 positions. Enter the circuit number in the text field. The Suffix (if applicable) is 1-3 positions. Enter the suffix number. CSA Numbers are assigned only after the circuit is awarded and if the circuit is categorized as a DISN Subscription Service with no lease section, a CSA will not be assigned
    • Customer Job Order Number (CJON)/Tracking Number - The CJON number is the 'WO' number that is assigned when the TR is created. It looks similar to the TSR number but begins with 'WO'. The CJON number entered may also be a customer job order number that was entered when the TR was created. If the TR contained a tracking number, which is a number assigned by the customer, then this number may be entered to search for the TR status. The CJON and/or tracking number has a max length of 20 positions.
    • Work-in Conjunction With Action Number - If the requirement submitted included a work-in-conjunction TSR number, this number can be used to check the status. Normally the work-in-conjunction number is another TSR number.
    • Program Designator Code (PDC) - The PDC code is 1-6 characters and defines the funding identification. Input the PDC that was on the requirement.
    Once you have input data into one of the search criteria fields, click the 'Search' button.
    5. The search results will be displayed. The results page provides the following information.
    • The CJON/Request NO. column shows the Customer Job Order Number (CJON) which is the WO number automatically assigned by DISA Direct. If the TSR has been generated, the TSR number is displayed.
    • The Status column indicates the current status of the requirement.
    • The Type Service indicates the type of service of the requirement.
    • The Subscription Location will be displayed only if the requirement was a Subscription Telecom Request. These should not be confused with requests that are part of the subscriptions. The subscription TRs are the actual subscriptions.
    • Display E-mail column will show a button to view the TSR if the TSR has been generated. TSRs are generated once all the approvals are completed in the routing of the TR process.
    6. Click on the hyperlink of the applicable record you wish to review.

              Search Page Result
    7. The Track TR record will display. The record is divided into 3 sections.
    8. The first section of the Track TR record is called Telecom Request. It identifies the Telecom Request information from the DISA Direct Database.

              Track TR record Telecom Request Section
    • The DISA Direct Customer Job Order Number (CJON) and Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) number (if applicable) will be displayed on the first line. A Display TR Summary button will be displayed if the user has permission to view the TR summary page. A Display TSR E-mail button will displayed if a TSR was generated and the user has permission to view the TSR.
      Note: Only those users that are of the same agency that authored the TR may view the TR, unless you are a DISA employee and have the Authorized Provisioning Official (APO) role. The APO role allows viewing of all TRs.
    • The Telecom Request (TR) - provides the TR status
    • Command Communications Service Designator (CCSDs) - identifies the CCSD (if applicable) that is related to this TR. Not all TRs have a CCSD only if it is a circuit. Equipment only type requirements will not have a CCSD assigned to them.
    • Communications Service Authorization (CSA) Number - the CSA is assigned by the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO) at the time is contract is awarded. A CSA number will not appear on this page until after the contract award is completed. Not all requirements will have a CSA number. With the new cost and recovery program, Defense Subscription Service (DSS), circuits are covered under subscriptions. If the requirement requires a lease portion, a CSA is assigned upon award. Otherwise the requirement is paid for under the DSS
    • Customer Job Order Number (CJON) - There are several types of CJON numbers. When a TR is created the system automatically generates the DISA Direct CJON number which is similar to the TSR number format. The DISA Direct assigned CJON always beings with 'WO'. Additional CJONs are input by the users creating and approving the TR. CJON numbers are up to 13 positions.
    • Related Action Numbers - this field will reflect any TSR or TSO number that was input during the TR creation. The number(s) define other requirements that are related to this TR.
    • Request Created - identifies the date and time the TR was created.
    • Originator of TR/ Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) and Agency/Org - identifies the person who created the TR along with their agency/organization.
    • Type of Service Requested - identifies the type of service selected on the TR per the DISAC 310-130-5.
    • Type of Action - identifies the action type of the TR (i.e. discontinue, start, etc) per the DISAC 310-130-5.
    • Operational Date - reflects the date the user requested the circuit to be operational.
    • Requested Commercial/Government Furnished Equipment Service Date - identifies the date (if completed on the TR) requested by the user when the equipment should be provided.
    • Request Submitted - this information reflects the date and zulu time the TR was submitted. The submit date starts the TR in a routing process which is identified in the next section.
    • Routing Details - The routing details outline the persons that reviewed and approved the TR prior to the TSR being generated. It also shows the dates/times of the approvals and/or denials. Anytime the TR is denied it goes back through the routing process and this information is also depicted in the routing details.
    • Authorized Funding Official/Date - shows the name of the person in the routing that approved the funding of the TR. This person has a role of Authorized Funding Official (AFO).
    • Status - identifies the status of the TR. There are three types: Draft - which indicates the TR was created but not yet submitted or that the TR was denied and sent back to the Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) to delete or resubmit. The 2nd status is 'Pending'. Pending status indicates that the TR was submitted and it is in the routing process. The 3rd status is 'Approved'. Approved indicates that the TR was submitted and approved during the routing process and the TSR was generated and sent out for DISA action.
    9. The second section of the Track TR record is called Provisioning Details. This section contains information if the TSR was sent to a DISA Provisioning Center to process for a circuit or circuit and equipment telecom type requirement. Note: The addressing information as to where the TSR was sent is found in the 1st section next to the label - Status.

              Track TR Record Provisioning Details Section
    • Date Provisioning Office Received TSR - Reflects the date the TSR was received at the provisioning center.
    • Provisioner Point of Contact (POC) Information - identifies the name along with the phone numbers for the provisioning center POC.
    • Date TSO Sent - displays the date the TSO was sent.
    • TSO Service Date- this is normally the same date as the operational service date requested in the TSR. However could be modified by the provisioner if deemed necessary.
    • CCSD - identifies the Command Communications Service Designator (CCSD) which is a unique identifier for each single service including user circuits, package system circuits and inter-switch trunk circuits.
    • Trunk ID - identifies the trunk identification number that is assigned to requirement.
    • Completion Report Status - if the requirement requires a completion report (CRP), which is identified in the TSO by the provisioner, the data will reflect 'Required'. Once a completion report is received, the status is updated to one of the following (depending upon the type of CRP): In-Effect, Delayed, or Exception. If in exception or a delay, the record will require an In-Effect Report or a TSO not required a CRP, to close this action. If the TSO does not require a CRP, the data will show 'Not Required'.
    • Completion Date - indicates the date the requirement was In-Effected or activated in Exception, or the get-well date if delayed.
    10. The third and final section of the Track TR record is the Contract Support Status Details. This information is from DITCO databases which are related to the contracting/acquisition details.
    • TSR Number - DITCO Suffix - displays the TSR number of the requirement.
    • DITCO Received Date - reflects the date the TSR or TSO was received at DITCO.
    • DITCO POC Information - identifies the name and phone numbers of the DITCO POC.
    • Communication Service Authorization (CSA) Number - the CSA is assigned by the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO) at the time is contract is awarded. A CSA number will not appear on this page until after the contract award is completed. Not all requirements will have a CSA number. With the new cost and recovery program, Defense Subscription Service (DSS), circuits are covered under subscriptions. If the requirement requires a lease portion, a CSA is assigned upon award. Otherwise the requirement is paid for under the DSS.
    • Quote/Proposal Due Date - The date that the quotes, bids, offers, or proposals are to be provided to DITCO by prospective contractors.
    • Order/Award/Mod Date - date that the contract, order, delivery order, task order, modification, or other contract action is awarded or issued by the DITCO contracting officer to the contractor.
    • Contracted Service/Delivery Date - The date that the contractor is required to deliver the supplies and/or services as specified in the contract, order, delivery order, or task order.
    • Contractor Delivery Date - The date that the contractor confirms that the contracted services and/or supplies have been delivered or otherwise provided to the designated delivery point(s). This date is based on the completion notice provided by the contractor.
    • More Information... hyperlink displays additional information from the DITCO databases.
    • Last Status of Acquisition Message (SAM) Issue Date (SAM(s)) - If a status of acquisition message was issued, the link will be activated and show the last SAM date. 'Click' on the (SAM(s)) link to view the SAMs associated with the requirement.
    11. The "Add PROV/ACQ Remarks" button on the bottom of the page is used by the Provisioner and DITCO personnel to correspond with the TSR Authorized Requesting Official (ARO) and anyone in the routing that approved the TR. E-mails are automatically sent to the Provisioner or DITCO Rep along with the other persons in the routing that approved the TR.

    Below is a sample of the provisioning details page that is used by the Provisioner or the DITCO POC to inform the users of any actions that are required.

    Below is a sample of the page that the ARO/AFO would see when accessing Track TR if a Provisioner or DITCO POC input remarks. To respond back to DISA, click the "ARO/AFO Remarks" button, type in remarks and click on the "Add New Status" button. E-mails are automatically sent to the Provisioner or DITCO Rep along with the other persons in the routing that approved the TR.
    12. To return to the DISA Direct Home Page 'click' on the DISA Direct Home Page link on the top of the page.

    Telecommunications Inventory Billing Information (TIBI)
    1. What is TIBI?
    • Telecommunications Inventory Billing Information (TIBI) is the financial and inventory tool used to review Program Designator Code (PDC) information along with the monthly Customer Cost and Obligation (CCO) report and inventory information. The PDC is a code which is authorized by DISA/CFE relating to a Line of Accounting. PDCs are used to outline payment for the product and/or service being ordered.
    2. How does TIBI work and how do I find my data?
    • From the Home page, there is a link on the right hand side of the page that says: User's Guide. This is a step by step, page by page, explanation of the TIBI tool. Each feature has details explaining the data and how it is presented and how the page functions. The User's Guide is a supplemental document to the individual Help information. Each page has its own specific help page.

    3. If you have any questions regarding billing, please contact Customer Support via email by clicking on one of the agency links below.
    • Army
      DSN 779-9591, CML 618-229-9591
    • Air Force
      DSN 779-9210, CML 618-229-9210
    • Navy
      DSN 779-9718, CML 618-229-9718
    • Other
      DSN 779-9519, CML 618-229-9519
    • DISA
      DSN 779-9206, CML 618-229-9206

    For questions regarding the provisioning process or telecommunications services, please contact the DISN Customer Call Center
      800-347-2457 Option 2
    • DSN
      312-850-0032 Option 2

    4. What do I need to access TIBI?
    • Each user must create a userid by selecting the 'Create Userid' hyperlink from the DISA Direct Home page. Once the userid is created, the user must register for one of the following roles. Note: Some roles are DISA Only roles as indicated below.
      a. Authorized Billing Official (ABO) - The ABO can view TIBI information for their agency. The ABO is granted access by an RO within the user's agency. For any individual that is registered with the role of ABO, has the authority to view all the Program Designator Codes (PDCs) that are within the user's agency. The ABO role does not carry the authority to update PDC information (POC and Line of Accounting (LOA) for example). The ABO role can view the PDC details including the Lines of Accounting.
        • View PDCs within agency only
        • Does not have the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information)
        • Can view and send correspondence for own messages (disputes only) within the Messaging system.
        • Can close messages
        • Can submit disputes
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs within agency on the dispute listing - regardless of dispute author
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can view Help/FAQ information
      b. Authorized Funding Official (AFO) - Both the DDOE TR and TIBI applications use the AFO role. The AFO represents an Agency and Organization for authorizing funding in the routing/approval process of DDOE TR. AFOs approve PDCs that are designated in each DDOE TR. The AFO can view TIBI and update PDC information in TIBI for authorized PDCs within their agency. The AFO is granted access by a Registration Official (RO) within the agency, unless TIBI access is requested. AFOs requesting access to TIBI must identify the PDCs they wish to access. The TIBI access and PDC assignment are granted by the LAFO within the user's agency. Before an AFO can request access to TIBI, a LAFO must be established for the AFO's agency. If a user already has the AFO role for access to DDOE and would now like to access TIBI, the TIBI access and PDC authorization can be requested through the Registration link in the Registration Center of the DISA Direct Home page. The AFO's authorized PDCs can also be modified through this link.
        • View a restricted set of PDCs within agency authorized by the AFO within the agency.
        • Has the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information) can view and send correspondence for own messages (disputes and pdc updates) within the Message system.
        • Can close messages
        • Can submit disputes
        • Can view all disputed items for authorized PDCs within agency on the dispute listing regardless of dispute author.
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can view Help/FAQ information
      c. Authorized Provisioning Official (APO) - Both the DDOE TR and TIBI applications use the APO role. The APO is a DISA representative who submits requests on behalf of customers in DDOE TR. The APO can view Telecommunication Inventory and Billing Information (TIBI) for all agencies. A DISA representative grants the APO role. The APO can view all PDCs for all the agencies. The default profile will contain all the PDCs that exist for all the agencies, which is about 37,500 PDCs. The APO does not have the authority to make updates to any of the authorized PDCs. The TIBI PDC Details page will be view only mode.
        • View PDCs within all agencies
        • Does not have the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information)
        • Can view and send correspondence for own messages (disputes only) within the Message system.
        • Can close messages
        • Can submit disputes.
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs for all agencies on the dispute listing - regardless of dispute author.
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can view Help/FAQ information
      d. Billing Team Member (BTM) - The BTM role is for TIBI users within the CFE organization of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). This role provides view capability for all Program Designator Codes (PDCs) in all agencies. The BTM is granted access by a DISA/CFE RO.
        • View all PDCs within all agencies
        • Should not submit disputes
        • Has the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information)
        • Can view and send correspondence for all messages within the Message system.
        • Can close messages - only if the author of the message
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs for all agencies on the dispute listing - regardless of dispute author.
        • Is not offered survey options
        • Can be assigned TIBI administration roles for specific access regarding surveys and Help/FAQ.
        • Can create Line of Business profiles
      Special Note: For those that are in the Contracting office, there is a role that is available in the TIBI registration process. This role is the Contracting Official (CO). The CO rules are explained below. If there is any confusion as to whether your role should be a BTM or CO, please discuss the issue with the Registration Official (RO) within your agency.
      The BTM role is reserved for those that are within the Chief Financial Executive organization within DISA. The CO role is for those individuals that are within the DISA agency but in the DISA/DITCO organization.
      e. Contracting Official (CO) - For those that are in the Contracting office, there is a role that is available in the TIBI registration process. This role is the Contracting Official (CO). The CO rules are explained below. If there is any confusion as to whether your role should be a BTM or CO, please discuss the issue with the Registration Official (RO) within your agency.
        • View all PDCs within all agencies
        • Does not have the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information)
        • Can view and send correspondence for own messages (disputes only) within the Message system.
        • Can close messages - only if author of the message
        • Can submit disputes
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs for all agencies on the dispute listing - regardless of dispute author.
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can view Help/FAQ information
      f. Lead Authorized Funding Official (LAFO) - The LAFO is responsible for approving or denying role requests submitted by AFOs requesting TIBI access. This role is the only role that approves or authorizes access to the Program Designator Codes (PDCs). The PDC access restriction is for the AFO within TIBI. The LAFO can only view the TIBI information that is within their agency. The LAFO can update any of the PDCs within their agency. The PDC updates are: POC and LOA data. The LAFO's access is granted by an RO within the user's agency. The LAFO has authority to submit Disputes to the Billing Team. The LAFO can view the disputes within the Messages system and is authorized to only view the items submitted by them. The Messages are linked directly to a userid. Another individual with a different userid cannot view the messages even within the same agency.
        • View all PDCs within own agencies
        • Can authorize access to PDCs (this is when approving the AFO role)
        • Has the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information) Can view and send correspondence for own messages (disputes and PDC updates only) within the Message system.
        • Can close messages
        • Can submit disputes
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs for within agency on the dispute listing regardless of dispute author.
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can view Help/FAQ information
      g. Line of Business (LOB) - The LOB role is for TIBI users within DISA/CFE. This role provides view and update capability for all PDCs. The BTM is granted access by a DISA/CFE RO.
        • View all PDCs within all agencies
        • Should not submit disputes
        • Has the authority to update PDCs (LOA information or POC information)
        • Can only view and send correspondence for own messages within the Message system.
        • Can close messages - only if the author of the message
        • Can view all disputed items for all PDCs for all agencies on the dispute listing - regardless of dispute author.
        • Offered survey options - ability to take surveys
        • Can create Line of Business profiles
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    DISA Direct - Queries
    1. General. The DISA Direct Queries tool allows authorized users to run standard and ad-hoc queries against the ordering database.
    2. To access the Queries tool you must have a valid DISA Direct Userid. See Create a Userid in DISA Direct and be registered for one of the following roles.
    • Registration Official (RO)
    • Subscription Official (SO)
    • Lead Authorized Funding Official (LAFO)
    • Routing List Official (RLO)
    • Authorized Query Official (AQO)
    3. To logon to the Queries tool go to the DISA Direct Home page. Click on the Queries hyperlink.

              DISA Direct Home Page
    4. Click on the Pending TRs in Routing Process hyperlink. This query provides a list of all pending Telecom Request (TRs) that have been submitted and re currently in the routing process.
    Note: The Pending TRs in Routing Process query is the only one available at this time.
    Additional standard queries and ad-hoc queries will be available in the near future. Suggestions for queries may be sent to DDCCB@DISA.MIL

              Queries Home Page
    5. Select the output criteria:
      a. Select the applicable output data attributes.
      b. Click on the Add to Output List button.
      c. To re-order the output list, select the data attribute name and select the Move Up or Move Down button.
      d. Once the output list is complete, click on the Run Query button.

              Pending TRs in Routing Process Query Page
    6. The query results page displays. Queries may be downloaded by selecting the applicable format: Excel, Comma Separated Values (CSV) or Extensible Markup Language (XML). CSV files are commonly used to transport large amounts of tabular data between either companies or applications that are not directly connected. The files are easily editable using common spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

              Pending TRs in Routing Query Results Page
      Note: Users are only able to obtain data from their agency only.
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    Page Last Updated: , disa.meade.ns.mbx.disa-direct@mail.mil

    All questions on DISA Direct/locked accounts call the DISN Customer Call Center (DCCC)

    1-844-DISA-HLP (347-2457), option 2 or DSN (312) 850-0032, option 2 and follow the automated menu for specific support services.
    Email contact: disa.dccc@mail.mil and disa.scott.conus.mbx.dccc@mail.smil.mil

    EMSS (Iridium) Unlocking Phone Only call EMSS Customer Care Center
    CONUS ONLY (877) 449-0600
    DSN (312) 282-1048
    Remote from a Working Handset 4411