Guidance Updated for DAR Compliance Effort on Non-NMCI Networks

Published, July 11, 2008

An enterprise solution to encrypt DON data-at-rest (DAR) for non-Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) networks is anticipated to be available this fall from the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative/SmartBUY Enterprise Software Agreements.

The DoD ESI/SmartBUY vehicle will enable a best-value approach in selecting the DON Enterprise DAR solution. All non-NMCI networks are to comply with DTG 091256Z OCT 07: DON Encryption of Sensitive Unclassified Data at Rest Guidance, which states that a DAR encryption solution shall be applied to all DON mobile and removable media.

Also in accordance with the Naval message, the NMCI program office identified a DAR solution and began several pilots. Accordingly, NMCI users will be provided the DAR solution through the NMCI contract by Dec. 31.

If a command has a compelling need for a DAR solution before that time, the OPNAV N6 or HQMC C4 representative may present the business case to the DON Information Executive Committee before purchasing a non-NMCI DAR enterprise solution acquisition. If you have service-specific DAR questions, please coordinate through your chain of command to the OPNAV N6 or HQMC C4 DAR representative. For further assistance regarding DON policy or guidance, please contact Scott Thomas, the DON CIO’s DAR point of contact.

TAGS: Cybersecurity, DAR, Data Strategy, Privacy

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