U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

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Advanced Research

University Engagement Program

MDA's Advanced Research program executes and provides technical oversight for Missile Defense Agency Science and Technology Advanced Research (MSTAR). MSTAR is a research effort of undergraduate and graduate research at domestic universities and universities within U.S. territories.

The research sought by the MDA is used to advance and solve complex technological problems, ultimately contributing to a more robust Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). Several BMDS research areas interest the MDA and may provide direction for MSTAR proposal submissions:

  • Radar Systems
  • Lasers and Electro-Optical Systems
  • Integrated Infra Red Sensor Systems
  • Computer Science, Signal and Data Processing
  • Mathematics, Probability and Decision Theory
  • Physics, Chemistry and Materials
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Battle Management/Command and Control
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Outreach
    (Proposals for this area must address development, implementation and execution of programs and activities in support of MDA's STEM Outreach.)

Universities interested in working with the MDA have several avenues for beginning a research partnership.

  • Missile Defense Agency Science and Technology Advanced Research (MSTAR)
    This broad agency announcement is open to all accredited domestic universities and colleges. This program funds relevant Advanced Technology research and demonstration work at qualified accredited domestic colleges, universities, or institutions of higher learning, and it supports training of future scientists and engineers in the field of missile defense.
  • Advanced Technology Innovation (ATI) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
    This broad agency announcement is open to any university, organization, or individual that does not receive the majority of its funding from the federal government. These efforts identify and develop innovative concepts, stimulate technology innovation, and exploit breakthroughs in science to offer robust technology improvements to all elements of the BMDS.

    Universities can use the ATI BAA to submit proposals for the Agency's International University-to-University research efforts. These efforts are cooperative technology development projects focused on fostering research between U.S. and foreign universities of allied nations, to explore cutting edge and possible breakthrough technologies for future enhancements to the BMDS.

Colleges and universities seeking additional funding and research opportunities may find additional information in MDA University Programs Playbook.