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My Military Health Records

You should keep copies of your medical documentation, records and health care history information for your own reference.

  • If you get most care at military hospitals or clinics, you’ll have an electronic health record. 
  • Civilian providers may keep paper records or use a private electronic health record system.

View and Download Personal Health Information

You can view and download personal health information from your military health record if:

To see your personal health information:

Blue Button LogoLogin to the TOL Secure Web Portal
Click the “Blue Button”
View, save ("PDF" or "TXT") your personal health data 

Personal health information may include your lab results, allergy profile, medication profile, problem lists and office visit information. >>Learn More

DoD Blue Button >> More Videos
  • Watch this video to learn what the DoD Blue Button can do for you.

Share Your Medical Records 

Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) Health Initiative and eHealth ExchangeThe eHealth Exchange is a network of exchange partners who securely share clinical information across the United States.  Not all medical organizations participate in the eHealth Exchange.

The VLER Health Initiative is now available at several sites around the U.S. allowing some of the information in your military electronic health record to be securely shared between the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs and participating federal and civilian health care partners through the national eHealth Exchange.

Sharing your health information can save time and improve your care when you visit eHealth Exchange providers, including Veterans Affairs hospitals. >>Learn More

Last Updated 3/31/2016

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