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CHIPS Articles: DISA and JFHQ-DODIN Celebrate 241st Army Birthday

DISA and JFHQ-DODIN Celebrate 241st Army Birthday
Always ready. Always leading. Army Strong
By DISA News - June 15, 2016
Members of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and Joint Force Headquarters – Department of Defense Information Networks (JFHQ-DODIN) workforce celebrated the Army’s 241st Birthday at their joint headquarters on Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, June 14.

The birthday celebration was hosted by DISA director and JFHQ-DODIN commander Army LTG Alan R. Lynn. Army BG Randy S. Taylor, director of architecture, operations, networks, and space for the Army Office of the Chief Information Officer/ G6, was the guest speaker.

The Continental Army was formed on June 14, 1775, when the First Continental Congress voted to raise ten companies of expert riflemen from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. The next day, George Washington was appointed as its commander in chief.

For 241 years since the establishment of the Continental Army, American soldiers have served in nearly 150 locations around the world.

“…We are the greatest military force in the world,” said Army Undersecretary Patrick Murphy via a pre-recorded message . “Remember the great folks that came before us and those who will follow.”

Throughout the celebration, speakers focused on the talented men and women who serve in the Army and the civilians who support them.

“Over the last 241 years, the Army has grown to become the most effective and powerful fighting force of all time,” said Taylor. “While our power may be - in part - due to our technological advantage, our greatest source of power is our people. American soldiers are our greatest and most valuable asset. Our effectiveness as the world’s greatest fighting force grows as we become more representative and reflective of the nation we defend.”

Taylor also stressed the importance of DISA’s role in providing the communication tools that will enable the Army’s success in future wars and conflicts.

Following Taylor’s remarks, Lynn and Taylor — assisted by the oldest and youngest soldiers present — cut an Army birthday cake with a ceremonial sword. CWO5 William Winkler, senior technical advisor to the director of DISA and the oldest soldier present, served a slice of cake to the youngest soldier present, SGT Maurice Edmonds, a systems control watch officer assigned to DISA’s Operations Center. The passing of the cake signified the passing of experience and knowledge, and emphasized the core belief that senior soldiers care for junior soldiers before they care for their own needs.

Following the cake cutting ceremony, current and former soldiers led all personnel in attendance in reciting the Soldier’s Creed and the Official Song of the United States Army.

“I’m personally glad to know that the Army — America’s Army, your Army — will be there to defend our nation; wherever and whenever called. Always ready. Always leading. Army Strong,” said Taylor.

An official logo of the U.S. Army’s 241st birthday
An official logo of the U.S. Army’s 241st birthday
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