Submit a request to the Office Freedom Of Information

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FOIA Request


Expedited Request



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Requesting Documents and Records

This office processes requests for records in the possession and control of the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General. If you are seeking records from or about one of the DoD components, one of the Combatant Commands, or the Military Services, you should contact them directly through one of the FOIA Requester Service Center links below:

Please be specific and clearly identify the records you desire. If possible, please identify the originator (e.g., OSD Health Affairs) of the document(s), as well as the date the record was created. For example, DoD IG Health Affairs Memo, Subject: Deployment Health Support, May 13, 2005.

If you are seeking a fee waiver, you should refer to link to 32 C.F.R. § 286.28(d)et seq for qualifying factors.

For older records, 25 years or older, please direct your request to the National Archives and Records Administration.

View the FOIA Exemptions list to learn about what types of records are not available through FOIA requests.

Read about the Privacy Act that protects your personal information.