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CHIPS Articles: OPM Launches Verification Website, Updates FAQs Related to Data Breach

OPM Launches Verification Website, Updates FAQs Related to Data Breach
By CHIPS Magazine - October-December 2015
The Office of Personnel Management has launched a website for individuals who may be victims of OPM's massive data breach which was revealed earlier this year.

Individuals can now check whether their personal information was compromised while awaiting notification from OPM.

The OPM verification site: is hosted by the Department of Defense, and is intended as a self-help tool for federal employees, and security clearance applicants impacted by the cyber intrusion involving background investigation records.

The verification center will also assist individuals who received a letter notifying them that their data had been impacted by the cyber intrusion, but who have lost the PIN code included in that letter, and would like to have a copy of their letter resent. The PIN code is needed to register for services. Individuals are required to submit information into the form, including a Social Security number. They will then receive a response letter via the U.S. Postal Service in two to four weeks, according to a blog post by acting OPM director, Beth Cobert.

OPM is still mailing original notification letters to breach victims, and will continue to do so through mid-December. So far nearly 1.2 million individuals have enrolled in the credit monitoring and identity protection services that the Federal Government is offering for three years, free of charge, to those individuals whose data was taken, and to their minor dependent children, according to OPM.

"If you do not receive a letter by the middle of December, either the government could not identify a valid address for you after using both government and commercial data sources, or our records indicated that your Social Security Number was not compromised in the intrusion," Cobert wrote on the director's blog.

OPM has also recently updated the Frequently Asked Questions on its Cybersecurity Resource Center.

You can also access the online verification center through a link at OPM’s Cybersecurity Resource Center – Or, you may call 866-408-4555 Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., Eastern Time, to speak to an agent.

Cybersecurity Resource Center –
OPM Verification Site —

OPM works in several broad categories to recruit, retain and honor a world-class workforce for the American people. We manage Federal job announcement postings at, and set policy on governmentwide hiring procedures. We conduct background investigations for prospective employees and security clearances across government, with hundreds of thousands of cases each year. We uphold and defend the merit systems in Federal civil service, making sure that the Federal workforce uses fair practices in all aspects of personnel management. We manage pension benefits for retired Federal employees and their families. We also administer health and other insurance programs for Federal employees and retirees. We provide training and development programs and other management tools for Federal employees and agencies.
OPM works in several broad categories to recruit, retain and honor a world-class workforce for the American people. We manage Federal job announcement postings at, and set policy on governmentwide hiring procedures. We conduct background investigations for prospective employees and security clearances across government, with hundreds of thousands of cases each year. We uphold and defend the merit systems in Federal civil service, making sure that the Federal workforce uses fair practices in all aspects of personnel management. We manage pension benefits for retired Federal employees and their families. We also administer health and other insurance programs for Federal employees and retirees. We provide training and development programs and other management tools for Federal employees and agencies.
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