The Mobile Health Blog

As many of you may know, September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Coincidentally, about two weeks ago I came across a recently published article that reviewed iOS and Android mobile apps developed specifically for the prevention of suicide.

We’re pretty excited about the fifth anniversary of one of T2’s flagship products, the website AfterDeployment (AD).

Well 30 minutes was my initial estimate. As an iOS app developer at T2, I reserve the right to refine that estimate as I continue writing and it becomes apparent that my estimate is diverging from reality. And I think that I speak for software developers everywhere when I say that developing estimates is the highlight of my job.

The other day I was sitting in my physician’s waiting room, when I noticed a young lady taking pictures of herself (“selfies"). My doctor’s waiting room is for the entire clinic, including the behavioral health services.

It’s been awhile since we’ve highlighted recent mobile health research, and 2013 looks like it’s turning out to be the year to research health-related mobile apps! In the last six months there has been a blossoming of peer-reviewed articles published on the benefits of mobile apps for improving health.
