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Defense Information School

The Defense Information School (DINFOS) is a United States Department of Defense school located at Fort George G. Meade, Md. The school trains more than 2,400 military, DoD civilian, international military, and interagency students a year across 32 basic, intermediate and advanced public affairs and visual information courses. Courses cover a variety of subject areas including public affairs, print journalism, photography, photojournalism, television and radio broadcasting, lithography, broadcast equipment maintenance, and various forms of multimedia. DINFOS maintains national accreditation through the Council on Occupational Education (COE). In addition, the American Council on Education (ACE) reviews DINFOS courses for college credit recommendations, assisting students with their civilian education goals and providing an external validation of the school’s rigorous training programs.


DoD Clients
Cathy Jewett

Mary O'Shea

International Office
Rivers Johnson Jr.

International Military Student Office

Mobile Training Teams (MTT)
Directorate of Training (DOT)
(301) 677-4603

General Contact

COL Martin Downie

Command Group

Public Affairs
Joseph Coslett

DINFOS maintains national accreditation through the Council on Occupational Education (COE). In addition, the American Council on Education (ACE) reviews DINFOS courses for college credit recommendations, assisting students with their civilian education goals and providing an external validation of the school’s rigorous training programs.

For the last 50 years, DINFOS has trained communicators across the Department of Defense to help their organizations achieve strategic and operational goals. In the coming years, DINFOS seeks to expand access to its training programs for interagency partners across the federal government.

Mission: Grow and sustain a corps of professional organizational communicators who fulfill the communication needs of the military Services, government leaders and audiences.

Vision: DINFOS is recognized as a premier learning institution vital to organizational communication success across the Department of Defense.