How to Prepare Your Disaster Kit

Contents of disaster kit including flashlight and first aid supplies

A disaster kit is your Murphy's Law repellant. The kit can be the thing that goes right if disaster strikes. A carefully assembled disaster kit can make life bearable when you need it and provide great peace of mind when you don't. Basic disaster kits don't require a lot of time, money or effort to put together, so prepare your family for disaster by following these five steps:

  • Involve everyone. Involving those who will be using the kit is essential to preparedness.
  • Create multiple kits. You never know where you will be during a crisis; have an emergency kit for your home, office, school and vehicle.
  • Include survival gear first. Put the comfort supplies second.
  • Store kit items properly. Maintain and replace food and medical items as they expire.
  • Make a family emergency plan. See the Publications section at for more info.

Military families are stationed all over the world and don't always have family nearby to help when disasters strike. There's no time like now to build your disaster kit. Include the following essential items in your kit:

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