Instructions on Complying with President's Memorandum of May 14, 1998: "Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records"

OMB M-99-05 - Publish Date: 01/07/99

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This memorandum provides instructions to agencies on how to comply with the President's Memorandum of May 14, 1998, on "Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records." In his memo, the president directed Federal agencies to review their current information practices and ensure that they are being conducted in accordance with privacy law and policy. The president also directed the Office of Mangaement and Budget to issue instructions to the agencies on how to conduct this review.

Attachment A: Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records
Attachment B: Instructions for Complying with the President's Memorandum of May 14, 1998, "Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records"
Attachment C: Governmentwide Systems of Records

TAGS: IA, IDManagement, Privacy

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