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CHIPS Articles: Marine Corps Systems Command combines innovation, interaction at Sea Air Space 2016

Marine Corps Systems Command combines innovation, interaction at Sea Air Space 2016
By MCSC Office of Public Affairs and Communication, Marine Corps Systems Command - May 13, 2016
MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Virginia -- Marine Corps Systems Command will bring some of its most innovative and interactive gear to this year’s Sea Air Space Exposition May 16-18 at the Gaylord Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.

During the three-day event, attendees can try on Marine Corps combat gear while using the improved Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer, and observe the new Augmented Immersive Team Trainer, an augmented reality trainer that brings the range to the Marines. They will also have an opportunity to virtually walk through an LPD-24 amphibious transport dock—a Navy ship used to transport Marines, their vehicles and equipment—using technology that will help the Navy better configure ships to accommodate Marine Corps gear.

“MCSC’s exhibit this year is more dynamic than ever before,” said Mark Richter, team lead for MCSC’s Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad team and the command’s action officer for the event. “Not only will attendees be able to experience Marines’ combat burden—the weight and bulk of the gear they wear and carry—but they’ll also see and try first-hand some of the most advanced technology we’re using to prepare our Marines for combat.”

As the systems command of the Marine Corps, MCSC equips Marine forces with ground weapon and information technology systems—including training systems—to accomplish their warfighting mission.

The ISMT is an interactive audio/video simulator used for small arms training in enhanced marksmanship, weapons employment and indirect fire designed to help Marines make quick, effective tactical decisions. At Sea Air Space, the Corps will showcase an upgraded ISMT, set to be fielded to Marines this summer that includes new weapons such as the M27 infantry assault rifle, M32 multiple grenade launcher and M72 light anti-tank weapon. The new ISMT employs high-fidelity graphics and simulation engines that provide the most realistic depiction of tactical shooting and known distance marksmanship.

“The improvements provide enhanced realism to marksmanship training for Marines,” said Col. Walt Yates, program manager for Training Systems at MCSC. “The latest version of ISMT includes improved ballistic models that realistically portray the trajectory of bullets, grenades, rockets, and mortar shells. For direct fire weapons, the new ISMT models the relationship between a moving target and the lead in the point of aim necessary to hit a moving target.”

Training Systems will also demonstrate the capabilities of the AITT, a Marine Corps training simulation that uses natural surroundings overlaid with augmented reality elements ranging from vehicles and aircraft to weapons and buildings. The technology transferred from the Office of Naval Research to the Marine Corps in October for further testing and development before it is fielded to Marines.

MCSC’s Modeling and Simulation Division will give Sea Air Space visitors a 3D tour of the inside of an LPD-24. Using virtual reality goggles, attendees will learn how the Navy and Marine Corps make design decisions to ensure Marine equipment can fit on Navy ships.

"These emerging technologies enable the engineers to conduct rapid, synthetic prototyping of critical designs that help inform acquisition decisions," said Luis Velazquez, deputy director of MCSC’s Modeling and Simulation Division. “The virtual 3D glasses will enable engineers to preview concept designs well before any physical prototypes are even built.”

MCSC Commander Brig. Gen. Joseph Shrader will participate in the “Equipping and Sustaining the Sea Services” panel May 18, to discuss Marine Corps ground weapon and information technology acquisition challenges, opportunities and priorities.

For more information about Sea Air Space 2016, including a full schedule of events, visit

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A Marine with Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, fires on virtual targets with an Mk-19 automatic grenade launcher during training at the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C., Aug. 5, 2015. The ISMT—used to train Marines on Mk 19s, M2 50-caliber machine guns, M240 medium machine guns and M16 service rifles—will be part of the Marine Corps Systems Command display at Sea Air Space May 16-18.  U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sullivan Laramie
A Marine with Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, fires on virtual targets with an Mk-19 automatic grenade launcher during training at the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C., Aug. 5, 2015. The ISMT—used to train Marines on Mk 19s, M2 50-caliber machine guns, M240 medium machine guns and M16 service rifles—will be part of the Marine Corps Systems Command display at Sea Air Space May 16-18. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sullivan Laramie
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