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CHIPS Articles: PMW 240 Receives ASN(RDA) Award for Acquisition Excellence

PMW 240 Receives ASN(RDA) Award for Acquisition Excellence
By PMW 240 Public Affairs - November 19, 2015
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240) was honored, Nov. 17, at the Department of Navy Acquisition Excellence Awards, as part of a ceremony that took place at the Pentagon.

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development & Acquisition (ASN(RDA)) The Honorable Sean Stackley presented the program office with the Dr. Al Somoroff Acquisition Award, recognizing it for outstanding acquisition achievement in the accomplishment of its mission.

On hand to accept the award from the program were Program Manager Laura Knight, Deputy Program Manager Patrick Fitzgerald and Technical Director Ken Johnson, along with several other members of the PMW 240 leadership team.

"I was extremely happy to accept this award on behalf of all of our members of the PMW 240 program office," said Knight. "Having been selected to receive an award for acquisition excellence is a testament to all of the employees who exemplifies our core mission of enabling the Navy's business systems."

The PMW 240 team was recognized for embracing new technologies and information management, which is increasing the proficiency of Sailors and capability of the fleet. The team is fresh off of several highly successful deliveries to the fleet including the highly popular eDIVO mobile app, as well as a modernized recruiting system for the Navy. They are responsible for delivering the systems that implemented electronic leave, modernizing an eLearning platform that is one of the largest in the world, delivering the Navy's 3-1-1 global distance support capability, and running the largest portal in the Navy. In addition, the program exceeded their defense and Navy small business inclusion goals.

"This award is a great honor, recognizing the significant hard work and sustained excellent performance of PMW 240," said Fitzgerald. "We are continuously improving our processes, pioneering new approaches, [and] delivering exciting new technologies and capabilities to our Sailors and the Navy."

PMW 240 manages a complex portfolio of information technology systems to support Navy human resource management, criminal justice, fleet support, afloat business applications, Navy and Department of Defense portfolio management, Department of the Navy administration, and joint aviation aircraft scheduling. The Sea Warrior portfolio includes support or development of 30 systems, 30 initiatives, and 13 applications, and their systems are deployed on 169 ships and 70 submarines.

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WASHINGTON (Nov. 17, 2015) Members of the PMW 240 leadership team stand with Assistant Secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition Sean J. Stackley, second from left, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson, right, and Program Executive Officer for enterprise information systems Victor S. Gavin, left. The team was recognized with a Department of Navy Acquisition Excellence, Dr. Al Somoroff, award, for outstanding acquisition achievement in the accomplishment of its mission.  U.S. Navy photo by PMW 240 Public Affairs
WASHINGTON (Nov. 17, 2015) Members of the PMW 240 leadership team stand with Assistant Secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition Sean J. Stackley, second from left, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson, right, and Program Executive Officer for enterprise information systems Victor S. Gavin, left. The team was recognized with a Department of Navy Acquisition Excellence, Dr. Al Somoroff, award, for outstanding acquisition achievement in the accomplishment of its mission. U.S. Navy photo by PMW 240 Public Affairs
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