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CHIPS Articles: Navy Information Dominance Forces Command Holds Cybersecurity Training Symposiums

Navy Information Dominance Forces Command Holds Cybersecurity Training Symposiums
By Cmdr. Matthew Klee, Navy Cyber Forces Public Affairs - November 10, 2014
Suffolk, Va. (NNS) -- Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) Command recently held two Cybersecurity Waterfront Training Symposiums on Oct. 28-29 in Norfolk, Virginia, and Nov. 4-5 in San Diego, California.

The purpose of the symposiums was to provide afloat and ashore leadership and cybersecurity workforce personnel from East and West Coast fleet concentration areas with a better understanding of cybersecurity initiatives that are currently underway to support fleet operations and to obtain fleet feedback on areas they need assistance.

The conferences were an opportunity to have frank conversations between fleet personnel, and the organizations that provide training and delivery of cybersecurity capability to the fleet. The feedback provided will be used by NAVIDFOR to target specific actions to improve cybersecurity fleet readiness working with other key stakeholders across the Navy.

Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, Commander, NAVIDFOR attended both training symposiums and provided the opening remarks. He stressed the importance of cybersecurity, and emphasized a culture change was necessary to achieve long-term successes.

NAVIDFOR plans to host additional cybersecurity symposiums at various locations in the future.

NAVIDFOR stood up on Oct. 1, 2014 as the Navy's only global readiness-focused Type Command (TYCOM) responsible for supporting Navy Information Dominance (ID) MT&E capabilities and defining ID requirements afloat and ashore.

NAVIDFOR consolidated and aligned missions, functions, and tasks (MFT) previously managed by separate ID commands, specifically, Navy Cyber Forces Command (NCF), Fleet Cyber Command (FCC), Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC), and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), to improve the generation and sustainment of ID Force readiness across the Navy.

For more information about NAVIDFOR, visit or on Facebook at For more news from Navy Cyber Forces, visit

SUFFOLK, Va. (November, 7, 2014) Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, Commander Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) Command provides opening remarks during a command sponsored Cybersecurity Waterfront Training Symposium held on Oct. 28-29 in Norfolk, Va. The purpose of the symposium was to provide afloat and ashore leadership and cybersecurity workforce personnel from East fleet concentration areas with a better understanding of cybersecurity initiatives that are currently underway to support fleet operations and to obtain fleet feedback on areas they need assistance. A similar symposium was held Nov. 4-5 in San Diego, Ca.  U.S. Navy photo by Robin Hicks.
SUFFOLK, Va. (November, 7, 2014) Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, Commander Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) Command provides opening remarks during a command sponsored Cybersecurity Waterfront Training Symposium held on Oct. 28-29 in Norfolk, Va. The purpose of the symposium was to provide afloat and ashore leadership and cybersecurity workforce personnel from East fleet concentration areas with a better understanding of cybersecurity initiatives that are currently underway to support fleet operations and to obtain fleet feedback on areas they need assistance. A similar symposium was held Nov. 4-5 in San Diego, Ca. U.S. Navy photo by Robin Hicks.
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