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CHIPS Articles: As Enterprise Operations Centers Roll Out, So Does the Joint Information Environment

As Enterprise Operations Centers Roll Out, So Does the Joint Information Environment
By Shawn Garrow, NAVIDFOR JIE Coordination Office Lead - May 5, 2015
The Joint Information Environment (JIE) continues to serve as the Department of Defense’s (DoD) principal initiative to increase mission effectiveness and streamline services to realize efficiencies within the information technology domain.

JIE is envisioned as a means to realign and modernize how DoD IT networks and systems are constructed, operated, and defended to provide a more flexible and secure data-centric environment enabling access to information at the point of need.

The Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) JIE Coordination Office, in liaison with Fleet Cyber Command (FLTCYBERCOM), is responsible for coordinating with Navy stakeholders to identify the manning, training, and equipping requirements in preparation for a Navy-wide JIE alignment.

The JIE Coordination Office works closely with FLTCYBERCOM, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), and the JIE operational sponsor and technical synchronization groups to shape and inform requirements, establish timelines, and minimize operational impact to the Fleet during transition.

A major component of the JIE command and control (C2) structure is the Enterprise Operations Center. An EOC is envisioned to be a regional or functional command-level operations center. It provides the facilities, equipment, communications, and information technology necessary to command, control, secure, operate, and defend the components of the DoD Information Network (DoDIN) assigned to a regional area of support (AOS).

Organizationally, EOCs fall under the Global Enterprise Operations Center (GEOC), which provides the capabilities necessary to operate and defend the DoDIN globally in concert with the regional EOCs and local operations at the base/post/camp/station (B/P/C/S) level. Fully operational EOCs will serve as the catalyst to eventually transition services closer to achieving the JIE target state of a unified network that operates under centralized management.

Darren Sawyer, Senior Advisor for Navy Intelligence Enterprise Information Technology for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Information Dominance (N2/N6), addressed the DON IT Conference, West Coast, in February regarding the Navy’s strategy for JIE.

“The EOC is one of the key components of the [JIE] Single Security Architecture along with the Joint Regional Security Stack (JRSS) [boundary protection capability] that must be achieved to enable USCYBERCOM to have greater visibility and C2 of the cyber domain,” he said.

All EOCs will be aligned to an AOS led by a military service or defense agency with joint representation. For example, the first EOC was established in Stuttgart, Germany, in support of the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) theaters of operation with an initial operating capability (IOC) declared on July 31, 2013. A second EOC was established on Ford Island, Hawaii, in support of U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) with an IOC declaration on Dec. 11, 2014. Both EOCs are managed and located within Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) facilities.

While additional EOCs must be established to reach the JIE target state, site designations and the number of EOCs required to properly manage and defend JIE enterprise networks and services within an AOS have not been fully vetted. The Navy is working, in conjunction with other services and agencies, to assess EOC designations and how they may impact Navy man, train, and equip (MT&E) and other operational responsibilities.

“The Navy must continue to work closely with JIE operational and technical leads to assess proposed solutions, address outstanding issues and determine how Navy global network operations and defense capabilities and responsibilities can best align with JIE EOCs to deliver enhanced C2 and mission effectiveness to the warfighter,” said Eric Markland, NAVIDFOR’s Director of Ashore Modernization.

For more information on EOCs or JIE in general, please visit the JIE Coordination Office Portal.

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