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CHIPS Articles: October Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month
By Joseph F. Gradisher, Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (N2/N6) - October 8, 2015
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The cyber threat is real. No country, industry, community, or individual is immune to cyber risks, so the Navy is supporting a national cyber security awareness campaign during the month of October.

Both civilian and military computer systems are under constant attack from a variety of sources. Recognizing the importance of cybersecurity to the nation, President Barack Obama has designated October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month is designed to raise awareness about cybersecurity and increase the resiliency of the nation in the event of a cyber incident. Cybersecurity is one of the United States' most important national security priorities and every individual has a role to play. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is leading U.S. government efforts supported by the Navy for the 2015 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The Navy is focusing on what cybersecurity means to the Navy community, whether active or reserve, officer or enlisted or civilian government employee or contractor.

"If you log on to any Navy network, via desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc., you are in the cyber battlespace and directly vulnerable to attack," said Vice Adm. Ted N. Branch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (N2/N6) in a recent Navy Live blog (

During October, organizations across the Navy are scheduled to disseminate information through articles, videos, social media, and graphics to educate and inform Navy personnel and partners on this vital security issue.

Themes to be explored include:
- The Cyber Threat is Real
- Anatomy of an Attack
- What the Navy is Doing
- What All Hands Need to Do

Efforts to drive home the cybersecurity imperative within the Navy will continue beyond October, as the Navy builds on the momentum provided by National Cyber Security Awareness month, education efforts will continue throughout the next year and beyond.

"[Cyber security] is an All Hands responsibility and you must always be prepared to do your part to make the ship more secure," Branch said. "Cybersecurity demands constant vigilance. Every day the Navy is under attack. You are under attack. Think cybersecurity."

Additional information on National Cyber Security Awareness Month, including tips and resources for the use of local commands can be found at on a dedicated DHS webpage ( or on a Department of Defense page (

Check for Navy specific information on cybersecurity throughout the month of October.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month poster
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month poster
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