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CHIPS Articles: National Counterintelligence and Security Center Partners with Office of Personnel Management to Assist Personnel Affected by Data Breaches

National Counterintelligence and Security Center Partners with Office of Personnel Management to Assist Personnel Affected by Data Breaches
By CHIPS Magazine - September 8, 2015
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center and Office of Personnel Management are urging those personnel impacted by the OPM data breaches to protect their personally identifiable information from exploitation.

The NCSC and OPM are promoting educational materials that explain how not to be lured into a trap by foreign intelligence services, as well as how to protect financial accounts and cybersecurity tips.

The NCSC cautions that personnel could be targeted because of the privileged information they possess or their involvement in activities of interest to foreign governments, criminals and extremists.

Foreign Intelligence Services or cybercriminals could use PII to exploit you, your coworkers, family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. They may be interested in the access that you can provide to: facilities, networks, personnel and sensitive information, such as intellectual property and controlled technologies.

These individuals may attempt your exploitation through spearphishing by enticing you into taking actions that could compromise computers or networks through emails or social media. Or, they could attempt to befriend you in venues of interest, such as professional conferences or social events, or by pretending to share your ideology or hobbies. Be cautious when traveling overseas. The NCSC advises to report any suspicious contacts to your security officer and follow their instructions.

Download the NCSC’s pamphlet “Your Personal Information: Protecting it from Exploitation

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National Counterintelligence and Security Center –

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