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CHIPS Articles: Continuous Monitoring and Risk Scoring (CMRS) 2.0.4

Continuous Monitoring and Risk Scoring (CMRS) 2.0.4
DISA offers streaming event
By DISA News - August 19, 2015
Continuous Monitoring and Risk Scoring (CMRS) 2.0.4
Date: 31 August 2015
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 PM ET

Location: The streaming event can be viewed via NIPRNet at ingaug2015. Note: DISA Headquarters attendees may also come to conference room M3C31.

Target Audience: System Administrators, Patch Managers, Security Configuration Managers, Network Administrators, ISSOs, ISSMs, IAMs, DAAs, Cyber Defensive Component Personnel, DoD Component Cyber Defense Operators and Analysts, DoD Enterprise Cyber Defense Operators and Analysts, DoD Enterprise C&A and Security Compliance Oversight Personnel, Enterprise and Component System (Aka "Program Of Record") DAA and C&A Personnel, Formal Risk Acceptance Bodies - I.E. The DSAWG.

Description: This training is to familiarize the cyber workforce with the latest capabilities of the CMRS 2.0.4 release. Topics will include:

- IAVM Failure Details
- STIG Descriptive Text
- Device Tagging
- Manual Device Creation
- ARF and ASR Importing
- Selecting Affiliated Systems
- A CMRS Demo

Note: If you are unable to attend 31 August 2015, you may view the recorded session after 3:00 PM ET on 1 September 2015 at

This 508 noncompliant-recording can be viewed until the 508 compliant video becomes available on IASE in about 8 weeks.

More information regarding CMRS is available on the CMRS DEPS page at the following link (use email CAC certificate):

DEPS access troubleshooting:

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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