U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

U.S. Department of Defense - Missile Defense Agency

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Missile Defense Integration & Operations Center

IOC Fact Sheet

An image of the C2BMC control room.Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Missile Defense Agency’s Integration and Operations Center supports research and development, system-level tests and evaluation, as well as operational and training support to U.S. combatant commands. Additionally, Missile Defense Agency operations for missile defense capabilities have been executed at this facility since 1988.

Core Tools

Communications and Network Capabilities, Computing Capabilities, Engineering Services, Facilities and Security Services, Event Services, and Business Operations.

Missile Defense Organizations Represented at the Integration and Operations Center

  • Chief Information Office
  • Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications
  • Ground-based Midcourse and System Flight Test Control Center Facility
  • Ground Test
  • Space Center
  • Digital Modeling and Simulation
  • Enterprise Sensors Lab
  • Warfighter Support
  • Joint Early Warning Laboratory
  • Intelligence Support and Analysis
  • Joint Functional Component Command- Integrated Missile Defense
  • 100th Missile Defense Brigade

These organizations provide the Missile Defense Agency and the Department of Defense with enterprise-level technical integration and system-level operational integration products and services.


The Missile Defense Agency continues to utilize the capabilities at the Integration and Operations Center to:

  • Assist in integrating individual sensors and weapon systems through the development and implementation of Ballistic Missile Defense System Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications capabilities.
  • Provide Hardware-in-the-Loop test, execution and control for development of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.
  • Perform system tests, both flight and ground.
  • Develop models and simulations in support of both test and training.
  • Host and support classified and unclassified wargames on all scenario levels, including coalition and international.
  • Provide exercise support, system-level engineering support, and related analyses.

History and Facility

  • Originally the hub of the National Test Bed, it was a network of missile defense centers working on the complex issues of developing a Ballistic Missile Defense System.
  • A multi-configurable 676,000 sq. ft. facility, on Schriever Air Force Base, built to handle the dynamic needs of missile defense. Programs can be expanded or replaced depending upon the priorities established by MDA leadership. These changes can occur rapidly and at a low cost due to the architectural design of the building.
  • Connectivity and configuration management of communications and equipment can be easily monitored and revised due to the flexibility of the structure.