Acceptable Use of DON IT Resources Detailed

Published, October 10, 2011

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer reiterated standing policy on what is considered acceptable use of DON IT resources for official and authorized unofficial purposes with the release of the Oct. 3 message, "Acceptable Use Policy for DON IT Resources."

Recent metrics from the Defense Information Systems Agency show that throughout the Department of the Navy people are using more websites that require increasing amounts of bandwidth than ever. Nearly half of the top 50 visited websites were found to be bandwidth intensive and likely not related to the Navy's mission.

This message reminds leaders and DON IT users alike of their usage responsibilities and that the combined effect of recreational internet surfing and non-mission related high bandwidth activities can impact network performance and impede critical business and mission needs.

When DON IT users fail to follow good practices, or leaders fail to consistently enforce them, DON's exposure to malicious intrusions increases, DON information is potentially exposed to adversaries, and costs increase through spillage of classified data and higher bandwidth requirements.

Commanders, commanding officers, civilian leaders and officers in charge control access to and set norms for the personal use of DON IT resources. This message urges leaders to engage their people and ensure resources are protected from threats and used in an acceptable manner. Reinforcing the policy detailed in this message may enhance productivity as well as network stability, speed and security.

The "Acceptable Use Policy for DON IT Resources" is applicable to all military, civilian and contract support personnel that have access to DON IT resources.

TAGS: Cybersecurity, NEN

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