DoD Memo on PIV-I Credentials Released

Published, October 29, 2010

The Department of Defense Deputy Chief Information Officer recently published a memo for Department-wide distribution on DoD acceptance and use of qualified Personal Identity Verification-Interoperable (PIV-I) credentials for access to DoD logical and physical resources.

Qualified PIV-I credentials can provide a fraud-resistant, federally interoperable identity solution for populations of DoD mission partners and commercial vendors that interact with the Department of Defense on a recurring basis. Where appropriate, DoD relying parties (e.g., DoD installation commanders or information systems owners) should accept electronically validated PIV-I credentials for authentication and access to DoD physical or logical resources.

The memo, "Department of Defense Acceptance and Use of Personal Identity Verification-Interoperable (PIV-I) Credentials," identifies two exceptions for which PIV-I credentials are not authorized for authentication and access. The attachment to the memo outlines the process that should be used in qualifying PIV-I credentials for use in the Department of Defense.

This memo is endorsed by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the information within is intended to inform and guide the development of the use of PIV-I credentials for physical and logical access in the DON.

TAGS: Cybersecurity, IA, IDManagement, PKI

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