
DAU Fulfillment Program

The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) provides Defense Acquisition workforce members the opportunity to complete course prerequisite and program (acquisition career field certification) core and functional training requirements by exercising the Fulfillment Program.  This program permits the assessment of a workforce member's demonstrated competencies (capabilities acquired through previous training, education, and/or experience) against the learning outcomes/objectives of select DAU courses.  Per the DoD AT&L Workforce Career Management Desk Guide DoD agencies and components may approve a fulfillment request of a workforce member thereby certifying that the workforce member possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities that would otherwise have been gained by attending the DAU course. 

Fulfillment is only an option for Defense Acquisition workforce members.  Non Defense Acquisition workforce members, attempting to satisfy course prerequisites must complete the required DAU prerequisite course or an approved equivalent course.

Please Note:

  • The authority to approve a Defense Acquisition workforce member's fulfillment request has been delegated to the DoD agencies and components. Defense Acquisition Workforce members desiring to pursue this alternative method of completing acquisition career field training or DAU course prerequisite requirements must consult with their acquisition career management office for process and approval authority guidance.
  • All approved fulfillments must be documented on a DD Form 2518, Fulfillment of DoD Mandatory Training Requirements.   The approved DD form 2518 along with the supporting documentation must be maintained by the approving agency/component's for as long as the workforce member remains in the agency/components Defense Acquisition workforce and twelve months (12) thereafter.
  • It is the approving agency/component's responsibility to ensure approved fulfillments are documented in their employees' official records to include the Army Training Requirements Resource System (ATRRS).
  • Beginning 1 April 2008, approved fulfillments as well as equivalencies documented in the ATRRS will be reflected on student official DAU transcript records available through Student Services at DAU.

Component / Agency Guidance

Navy / Marine Corps
Air Force
4th Estate (DoD Agencies)

Fulfillment Guides

are available along with other student course materials on DAU Blackboard.  Click the icon then select the course.
student course materials
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