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DARPA Management, Administration and Security

DARPA Management, Administration and Security

Showing 44 results for Administration RSS
DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) has a proud history of making seminal investments in breakthrough technologies that ultimately became critical components in our electronics-filled world, from flash memory to radio frequency (RF) semiconductors to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). But DARPA does not develop technologies on its own. The Agency’s approach is to set extremely challenging goals and then offer innovators at universities and companies the support they need to pursue those remote but exciting frontiers.

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The primary goal of the Active Cooling Modules (ACM) program is the development and demonstration of ideas based on novel materials and structures that can provide tens of degrees of cooling for 100W devices in cm-scale cooling modules with coefficient of performance (COP) of 2 or better.
Director for Business and Finance
Mr. David Busigo is the Director for Business and Finance for the Adaptive Execution Office. He is responsible for financial oversight within the office and all business activities including financial analysis, budget planning and execution. He also monitors contractual and programmatic progress of AEO programs and participates in program transition strategy development and execution.
Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Arati Prabhakar, Ph.D., is director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Serving in this position since July 2012, she has focused the agency’s efforts on rethinking complex military systems in fundamental ways; harnessing the information explosion to address national security challenges; and planting new seeds of technological surprise in fields as diverse as mathematics, synthetic biology, and neurotechnology.